Papers by Marie-Claude Tremblay

Studies in Continuing Education, 2016
The health promotion laboratory (HPL – Canada) is a public health professional development progra... more The health promotion laboratory (HPL – Canada) is a public health professional development program building on a collaborative learning approach in order to support long-term practice change in local health services teams. This study aims to analyse the collaborative learning processes of two teams involved in the program during the first year of implementation. Based on a multiple case study design involving observations, interviews, and documentary sources, the study: (1) describes the learning process by which each team built a common understanding of the problem at hand and developed an intervention to address it; (2) identifies factors that facilitated or hindered these processes; and (3) proposes a cross-case explanation of the collaborative learning process in the HPL. The results demonstrate that the two teams learned by expanding their repertoire of actions, albeit experiencing different processes. Results point to the central role of shared mental models and key influencing factors, such as commitment and participation (team cohesion), team climate (psychological safety), and leadership style. Unlike previous studies on team learning that concentrated on existing teams in organisations, the current research studied purposely created teams working at transforming their practices and showed that they can successfully learn if specific conditions are achieved.

American Journal of Community Psychology, 2017
A long‐standing challenge in community‐based participatory research (CBPR) has been to anchor pra... more A long‐standing challenge in community‐based participatory research (CBPR) has been to anchor practice and evaluation in a relevant and comprehensive theoretical framework of community change. This study describes the development of a multidimensional conceptual framework that builds on social movement theories to identify key components of CBPR processes. Framework synthesis was used as a general literature search and analysis strategy. An initial conceptual framework was developed from the theoretical literature on social movement. A literature search performed to identify illustrative CBPR projects yielded 635 potentially relevant documents, from which eight projects (corresponding to 58 publications) were retained after record and full‐text screening. Framework synthesis was used to code and organize data from these projects, ultimately providing a refined framework. The final conceptual framework maps key concepts of CBPR mobilization processes, such as the pivotal role of the partnership; resources and opportunities as necessary components feeding the partnership's development; the importance of framing processes; and a tight alignment between the cause (partnership's goal), the collective action strategy, and the system changes targeted. The revised framework provides a context‐specific model to generate a new, innovative understanding of CBPR mobilization processes, drawing on existing theoretical foundations.

Health Promotion International, 2019
There is increasing recognition that culturally-based diabetes prevention programs can facilitate... more There is increasing recognition that culturally-based diabetes prevention programs can facilitate the adoption and maintenance of healthy behaviours in the communities in which they are implemented. The Kahnawake School Diabetes Prevention Project (KSDPP) is a health promotion, community-based participatory research project aiming to reduce the incidence of Type 2 diabetes in the community of Kahnawake (Mohawk territory, Canada), with a large range of interventions integrating a Haudenosaunee perspective of health. Building on a qualitative, naturalistic and interpretative inquiry, this study aimed to assess the outcomes of a suite of culturally-based interventions on participants’ life and experience of health. Data were collected through semi-structured qualitative interviews of 1 key informant and 17 adult, female Kahnawake community members who participated in KSDPP’s suite of interventions from 2007 to 2010. Grounded theory was chosen as an analytical strategy. A theoretical framework that covered the experiences of all study participants was developed from the grounded theory analysis. KSDPP’s suite of interventions provided opportunities for participants to experience five different change processes: (i) Learning traditional cooking and healthy eating; (ii) Learning physical activity; (iii) Learning mind focusing and breathing techniques; (iv) Learning cultural traditions and spirituality; (v) Socializing and interacting with other participants during activities. These processes improved participants’ health in four aspects: mental, physical, spiritual and social. Results of this study show how culturally-based health promotion can bring about healthy changes addressing the mental, physical, spiritual and social dimensions of a holistic concept of health, relevant to the Indigenous perspective of well-being.

Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2018
La recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations (RISP) est un champ de recherche émergean... more La recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations (RISP) est un champ de recherche émergeant et distinct, qui appelle à la rencontre des milieux scientifiques et de pratique de santé publique. Or, la formation académique traditionnelle universitaire, qui repose sur des ancrages disciplinaires spécifiques, est insuffisante pour outiller adéquatement les nouveaux chercheurs en RISP. Dans ce commentaire, nous soutenons l’idée que la RISP nécessite la mise en œuvre d’un éventail de compétences et de connaissances distinctes, qui sont plus aisément acquises et développées à travers une formation complémentaire et appliquée. En nous appuyant sur notre expérience comme boursiers du Programme stratégique de formation 4P, nous avons identifié les éléments qui ont contribué à préparer notre carrière de futurs et nouveaux chercheurs en RISP. Nous croyons que les programmes de formation complémentaires et appliqués, tels que le Programme 4P, représentent une stratégie prometteuse pour former et soutenir la relève en RISP dans son rôle d’amélioration de la santé des populations.
BMC Public Health, 2018
Background: A longstanding challenge of community-based participatory research (CBPR) has been to... more Background: A longstanding challenge of community-based participatory research (CBPR) has been to anchor evaluation and practice in a relevant theoretical framework of community change, which articulates specific and concrete evaluative benchmarks. Social movement theories provide a broad range of theoretical tools to understand and facilitate social change processes, such as those involved in CBPR. Social movement theories have the potential to provide a coherent representation of how mobilization and collective action is gradually developed and leads to systemic change in the context of CBPR. The current study builds on a social movement perspective to assess the processes and intermediate outcomes of a longstanding health promotion CBPR project with an Indigenous community, the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project (KDSPP).
Medical Teacher, 2018
Consideration of sex and gender in research and clinical practice is necessary to redress health ... more Consideration of sex and gender in research and clinical practice is necessary to redress health inequities and reduce knowledge gaps. As all health professionals must maintain and update their skills throughout their career, developing innovative continuing professional education programs that integrate sex and gender issues holds great promise for reducing these gaps. This article proposes new approaches to partnership, team development, pedagogical theory, content development, evaluation and data management that will advance the integration of sex and gender in continuing professional development (CPD). Our perspectives build on an intersectoral and interprofessional research team that includes several perspectives, including those of CPD, health systems, knowledge translation and sex and gender.

Éthique publique, 2018
La recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations (RISP) est un champ particulier de la rec... more La recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations (RISP) est un champ particulier de la recherche en santé. Elle vise à produire des connaissances qui contribuent à améliorer durablement la santé à l’échelle des populations en favorisant l’implantation de solutions intersectorielles adaptées aux réalités sociales. Malgré les enjeux éthiques que suscite nécessairement son calendrier social, l’éthique de la RISP est encore très peu formalisée, ce qui pourrait avoir pour effet de limiter sa portée sur l’équité en santé. La présente contribution vise à mettre en lumière certains de ces enjeux et appelle les chercheurs du domaine à développer une culture de l’éthique en RISP. Trois avenues de réflexion complémentaires sont proposées : élaborer une conception éthique propre à ce champ, promouvoir un espace de réflexion critique qui facilite la décision éthique en RISP, et développer la compétence éthique en RISP pour laquelle un ensemble préliminaire d’éléments est avancé.

BMJ Open, 2019
Objectives To identify patient decision aids’ features to limit their complexity for ol... more Abstract
Objectives To identify patient decision aids’ features to limit their complexity for older adults with dementia and their family caregivers.
Design Mixed method, multiple case study within a user-centred design (UCD) approach.
Setting Community-based healthcare in the province of Quebec in Canada.
Participants 23 older persons (aged 65+ years) with dementia and their 27 family caregivers.
Results During three UCD evaluation-modification rounds, participants identified strengths and weaknesses of the patient decision aids’ content and visual design that influenced their complexity. Weaknesses of content included a lack of understanding of the decision aids’ purpose and target audience, missing information, irrelevant content and issues with terminology and sentence structure. Weaknesses of visual design included critics about the decision aids’ general layout (density, length, navigation) and their lack of pictures. In response, the design team implemented a series of practical features and design strategies, comprising: a clear expression of the patient decision aids' purpose through simple text, picture and personal stories; systematic and frequent use of pictograms illustrating key points and helping structure patient decision aids' general layout; a glossary; removal of scientific references from the main document; personal stories to clarify more difficult concepts; a contact section to facilitate implementation of the selected option; GRADE ratings to convey the quality of the evidence; a values clarification exercise formatted as a checklist and presented at the beginning of the document to streamline navigation; involvement of a panel of patient/caregiver partners to guide expression of patient priorities; editing of the text to a sixth grade reading level; UCD process to optimise comprehensiveness and relevance of content and training of patients/caregivers in shared decision-making.
Conclusions The revised template for patient decision aids is designed to meet the needs of adults living with dementia and their caregivers better, which may translate into fewer evaluation-modification rounds.

JMIR Protocols, 2019
Immigrants to Canada belonging to ethnocultural minority groups are at increased risk... more BACKGROUND:
Immigrants to Canada belonging to ethnocultural minority groups are at increased risk of developing diabetes and complications, including diabetic retinopathy, and they are also less likely to be screened and treated. Improved attendance to retinopathy screening (eye tests) has the potential to reduce permanent complications, including blindness.
This study aims to identify the barriers and enablers of attending diabetic retinopathy screening among ethnocultural minority immigrants living with diabetes in Quebec and Ontario, Canada, to inform the development of a behavior change intervention to improve diabetic retinopathy screening attendance.
The research question draws on the needs of patients and clinicians. Using an integrated knowledge translation approach, the research team includes clinicians, researchers, and patient partners who will contribute throughout the study to developing and reviewing materials and procedures, helping to recruit participants, and disseminating findings. Using a convenience snowball strategy, we will recruit participants from three target groups: South Asian and Chinese people, and French-speaking people of African descent. To better facilitate reaching these groups and support participant recruitment, we will partner with community organizations and clinics serving our target populations in Ontario and Quebec. Data will be collected using semistructured interviews, using topic guides developed in English and translated into French, Mandarin, Hindi, and Urdu, and conducted in those languages. Data collection and analysis will be structured according to the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF), which synthesizes predominant theories of behavior change into 14 domains covering key modifiable factors that may operate as barriers or enablers to attending eye screening. We will use directed content analysis to code barriers and enablers to TDF domains, then thematic analysis to define key themes within domains.
This study was approved for funding in December 2017, and the research ethics board approved the conduct of the study as of January 13, 2018. Data collection then began in April 2018. As of August 28, 2018, we have recruited 22 participants, and analysis is ongoing, with results expected to be published in 2020.
Findings from this study will inform the codevelopment of theory-informed, culturally- and linguistically-tailored interventions to support patients in attending retinopathy screening.

Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 2019
Our aim in this study was to identify interventions that improve cultural saf... more Abstract
Our aim in this study was to identify interventions that improve cultural safety for Indigenous people living with diabetes in the health-care setting, and their potential impact on patients and health-care professionals.
Using a systematic approach, we conducted a rapid review of quantitative, qualitative and mixed studies between January 2000 and February 2018 in MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science, ERIC, CINAHL and PsycINFO. Two reviewers independently identified, selected and reviewed studies relating to cultural safety in diabetes care for Indigenous populations in Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United States.
Of the 406 studies identified, we retained 7 articles (2 strong quality, 5 moderate quality) for analysis. The included studies evaluated 3 main types of strategies to improve cultural safety: educating health professionals, fostering culturally safe practices by modifying clinical environments and integrating Indigenous health professionals in the workforce. Studies showed that culturally safe interventions had positive effects on clinical outcomes for patients, increased patient satisfaction and health professional confidence in providing care as well as patient access to health care.
Although based on a small number of studies, this review establishes moderate evidence that interventions to improve cultural safety can have positive effects on treatment of diabetes in Indigenous populations. Further research with stronger study designs should be conducted to further validate our conclusions.
Health Promotion International, 2019

Health Promotion Practice, 2020
Reflexivity has emerged as a key concept in the field of health promotion (HP). Yet it remains un... more Reflexivity has emerged as a key concept in the field of health promotion (HP). Yet it remains unclear how diverse forms of reflexivity are specifically relevant to HP concerns, and how these "reflexivities" are interconnected. We argue that frameworks are needed to support more systematic integration of reflexivity in HP training and practice. In this article, we propose a typology of reflexivity in HP to facilitate the understanding of reflexivity in professional training. Drawing from key theories and models of reflexivity, this typology proposes three reflexive positions (ideal-types) with specific purposes for HP: reflexivity in, on, and underlying action. This article illustrates our typology's ideal-types with vignettes collected from HP actors working with reflexivity in North America and Europe. We suggest that our typology constitutes a conceptual device to organize and discuss a variety of experiences of engaging with reflexivity for HP. We propose the typology may support integrating reflexiv-ity as a key feature in training a future cadre of health promoters and as a means for building a responsible HP practice.

Health Promotion International
To explore an example of a reflexive intervention with health professionals working in tobacco co... more To explore an example of a reflexive intervention with health professionals working in tobacco control (TC). This study reports the perceived intervention effects regarding: (i) participants' understanding of reflexivity and personal learning and (ii) conditions needed in order to integrate reflexivity into professional and organizational practices. This is a qualitative study using an interpretative evaluation framework to assess the perceived effects of a reflexive intervention in Montréal, Québec. Semi-structured qualitative interviews (n = 8) gathered data. Data analysis began deductively, guided by the broad categories found in research questions. Sub-categories to populate these broad categories captured the inhibitors and facilitators through an inductive thematic analysis. Our study reveals that, following the intervention, most participants had a generally good understanding of reflexivity and described concrete learning in association with the intervention. Main facilitators and inhibitors to conducting a reflexive workshop pertained to the organizational context as well as to the professional and individual characteristics of the participants. Some participants implemented sustainable changes as a result of the intervention, such as creating a tool, reviewing work plans and developing new mechanisms to integrate the voice of their clientele in the planning process. The need and interest for dialogue among health professionals about how TC intervention activities may inadvertently contribute to social inequalities in smoking is apparent. While there appears to be potential for reflexive practice, the integration of reflexivity into practice is reliant upon the organizational context (financial and time constraints, culture, support, and climate) and the reflexivity concept itself (intangibility, complexity and fuzziness).

Professional development is a key component of effective public health infra... more Abstract
Professional development is a key component of effective public health infrastructures. To be successful, professional development programs in public health and health promotion must adapt to practitioners’ complex real-world practice settings while preserving the core components of those programs’ models and theoretical bases. An appropriate balance must be struck between implementation fidelity, defined as respecting the core nature of the program that underlies its effects, and adaptability to context to maximize benefit in specific situations. This article presents a professional development pilot program, the Health Promotion Laboratory (HPL), and analyzes how it was adapted to three different settings while preserving its core components. An exploratory analysis was also conducted to identify team and contextual factors that might have been at play in the emergence of implementation profiles in each site.
This paper describes the program, its core components and adaptive features, along with three implementation experiences in local public health teams in Quebec, Canada. For each setting, documentary sources were analyzed to trace the implementation of activities, including temporal patterns throughout the project for each program component. Information about teams and their contexts/settings was obtained through documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews with HPL participants, colleagues and managers from each organization.
While each team developed a unique pattern of implementing the activities, all the program’s core components were implemented. Differences of implementation were observed in terms of numbers and percentages of activities related to different components of the program as well as in the patterns of activities across time. It is plausible that organizational characteristics influencing, for example, work schedule flexibility or learning culture might have played a role in the HPL implementation process.
This paper shows how a professional development program model can be adapted to different contexts while preserving its core components. Capturing the heterogeneity of the intervention’s exposure, as was done here, will make possible in-depth impact analyses involving, for example, the testing of program–context interactions to identify program outcomes predictors. Such work is essential to advance knowledge on the action mechanisms of professional development programs.

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have been steadily increasing in popular... more Abstract
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have been steadily increasing in popularity since their introduction to US markets in 2007. Debates surrounding the proper regulatory mechanisms needed to mitigate potential harms associated with their use have focused on youth access, their potential for nicotine addiction, and the renormalization of a smoking culture. The objective of this study was to describe the enacted and planned regulations addressing this novel public health concern in the US.
We searched LexisNexis Academic under Federal Regulations and Registers, as well as State Administrative Codes and Registers. This same database was also used to find information about planned regulations in secondary sources. The search was restricted to US documents produced between January 1 st , 2004, and July 14 th , 2014.
We found two planned regulations at the federal level, and 74 enacted and planned regulations in 44 states. We identified six state-based regulation types, including i) access, ii) usage, iii) marketing and advertisement, iv) packaging, v) taxation, and vi) licensure. These were further classified into 10 restriction subtypes: sales, sale to minors, use in indoor public places, use in limited venues, use by minors, licensure, marketing and advertising, packaging, and taxation. Most enacted restrictions aimed primarily to limit youth access, while few regulations enforced comprehensive restrictions on product use and availability.
Current regulations targeting e-cigarettes in the US are varied in nature and scope. There is greater consensus surrounding youth protection (access by minors and/or use by minors, and/or use in limited venues), with little consensus on multi-level regulations, including comprehensive use bans in public spaces.
Keywords: E-cigarette regulation; Public health policy; United States

Canadian Journal of Public Health, Jun 2014
In 2009, a group of researchers who gathered in the context of the Population Health Intervention... more In 2009, a group of researchers who gathered in the context of the Population Health Intervention Research Initiative for Canada (PHIRIC) agreed upon the need to define a specific set of competencies for population health intervention research (PHIR). Following this event, a consultative process allowed the definition of six domains of core competencies in PHIR, which were released for the first time last summer. In this comment, we would like to respond to this set of competencies and, more specifically, to the “reflective researcher” domain of the competencies. We believe that propositions in this domain are rooted in a narrow and oversimplified definition of reflexivity. Furthermore, we are concerned that disseminating such propositions is not only misleading but could also encourage a false practice of reflexivity, impeding the evolution of the PHIR field and its capacity to improve population health. In order to illustrate our point, we build on commonly accepted definitions of reflexivity to critically examine the initial propositions of the group and suggest new ones. As researchers in the population health intervention field, we believe that a more accurate definition of what is a reflective researcher is crucial in order to foster the continuous development of the field and its capacity to improve population health.

Healthcare policy = Politiques de santé, 2014
Communities of practice (CoPs) are among the professional development strategies most widely used... more Communities of practice (CoPs) are among the professional development strategies most widely used in such fields as management and education. Though the approach has elicited keen interest, knowledge pertaining to its conceptual underpinnings is still limited, thus hindering proper assessment of CoPs' effects and the processes generating the latter. To address this shortcoming, this paper presents a conceptual model that was developed to evaluate an initiative based on a CoP strategy: Health Promotion Laboratories are a professional development intervention that was implemented in local public health organizations in Montreal (Quebec, Canada). The model is based on latest theories on work-group effectiveness and organizational learning and can be usefully adopted by evaluators who are increasingly called upon to illuminate decision-making about CoPs. Ultimately, validation of this conceptual model will help advance knowledge and practice pertaining to CoPs as well as professional and organizational development strategies in public health.

American Journal of Evaluation, Oct 2013
Developmental evaluation (DE), essentially conceptualized by Patton over the past 30 years, is a ... more Developmental evaluation (DE), essentially conceptualized by Patton over the past 30 years, is a promising evaluative approach intended to support social innovation and the deployment of complex interventions. Its use is often justified by the complex nature of the interventions being evaluated and the need to produce useful results in real time. Despite its potential advantages, DE appears not to have been very widely used in research. The authors of this article decided to use this emergent approach in two evaluative research projects in health promotion. This article, coming out of their experiences, aims to assess the appropriateness of DE in research and describes issues related to its use. First, DE is presented, along with the potential advantages of its use in research. This is followed by a discussion of tensions related its application encountered in two studies carried out by the authors. The key issues are related to the links between academic and evaluative objectives, the dual role of researcher and consultant, and the temporality of the process. Finally, weighing the advantages of DE against its challenges, the authors conclude with a diagnosis regarding the application of this approach in research.
L’évaluation développementale (ED), une approche conçue par Patton pour soutenir le déploiement d... more L’évaluation développementale (ED), une approche conçue par Patton pour soutenir le déploiement des innovations demeure peu expérimentée en recherche. Cet article présente une expérience d’application de l’ED dans le cadre d’une recherche sur l'implantation d’un Projet « Hôpital promoteur de santé » (HPS) dans un centre hospitalier universitaire. L’auteure met en évidence la double exigence de recherche et d’utilisation inhérente à l’ED lorsque conçue dans une perspective de recherche. Ensuite, les défis rencontrés par la chercheure sont analysés. Enfin, nous concluons que l’ED peut être envisagée en recherche à condition qu’une analyse préalable du contexte de l’évaluation soit conduite afin d’anticiper les difficultés liées à l’intégration des exigences de recherche et d’utilisation"

Health promotion international, 2013
In recent decades, reflexivity has received much attention in the professional education and trai... more In recent decades, reflexivity has received much attention in the professional education and training literature, especially in the public health and health promotion fields. Despite general agreement on the importance of reflexivity, there appears to be no consensus on how to assess reflexivity or to conceptualize the different forms developed among professionals and participants of training programs. This paper presents an analysis of the reflexivity outcomes of the Health Promotion Laboratory, an innovative professional development program aimed at supporting practice changes among health professionals by fostering competency development and reflexivity. More specifically, this paper explores the difference between two levels of reflexivity (formative and critical) and highlights some implications of each for practice. Data were collected through qualitative interviews with participants from two intervention sites. Results showed that involvement in the Health Promotion Laboratory prompted many participants to modify their vision of their practice and professional role, indicating an impact on reflexivity. In many cases, new understandings seem to have played a formative function in enabling participants to improve their practice and their role as health promoters. The reflective process also served a critical function culminating in a social and moral understanding of the impacts on society of the professionals' practices and roles. This type of outcome is greatly desired in health promotion, given the social justice and equity concerns of this field of practice. By redefining the theoretical concept of reflexivity on two levels and discussing their impacts on practice, this study supports the usefulness of both levels of reflexivity.
Papers by Marie-Claude Tremblay
Objectives To identify patient decision aids’ features to limit their complexity for older adults with dementia and their family caregivers.
Design Mixed method, multiple case study within a user-centred design (UCD) approach.
Setting Community-based healthcare in the province of Quebec in Canada.
Participants 23 older persons (aged 65+ years) with dementia and their 27 family caregivers.
Results During three UCD evaluation-modification rounds, participants identified strengths and weaknesses of the patient decision aids’ content and visual design that influenced their complexity. Weaknesses of content included a lack of understanding of the decision aids’ purpose and target audience, missing information, irrelevant content and issues with terminology and sentence structure. Weaknesses of visual design included critics about the decision aids’ general layout (density, length, navigation) and their lack of pictures. In response, the design team implemented a series of practical features and design strategies, comprising: a clear expression of the patient decision aids' purpose through simple text, picture and personal stories; systematic and frequent use of pictograms illustrating key points and helping structure patient decision aids' general layout; a glossary; removal of scientific references from the main document; personal stories to clarify more difficult concepts; a contact section to facilitate implementation of the selected option; GRADE ratings to convey the quality of the evidence; a values clarification exercise formatted as a checklist and presented at the beginning of the document to streamline navigation; involvement of a panel of patient/caregiver partners to guide expression of patient priorities; editing of the text to a sixth grade reading level; UCD process to optimise comprehensiveness and relevance of content and training of patients/caregivers in shared decision-making.
Conclusions The revised template for patient decision aids is designed to meet the needs of adults living with dementia and their caregivers better, which may translate into fewer evaluation-modification rounds.
Immigrants to Canada belonging to ethnocultural minority groups are at increased risk of developing diabetes and complications, including diabetic retinopathy, and they are also less likely to be screened and treated. Improved attendance to retinopathy screening (eye tests) has the potential to reduce permanent complications, including blindness.
This study aims to identify the barriers and enablers of attending diabetic retinopathy screening among ethnocultural minority immigrants living with diabetes in Quebec and Ontario, Canada, to inform the development of a behavior change intervention to improve diabetic retinopathy screening attendance.
The research question draws on the needs of patients and clinicians. Using an integrated knowledge translation approach, the research team includes clinicians, researchers, and patient partners who will contribute throughout the study to developing and reviewing materials and procedures, helping to recruit participants, and disseminating findings. Using a convenience snowball strategy, we will recruit participants from three target groups: South Asian and Chinese people, and French-speaking people of African descent. To better facilitate reaching these groups and support participant recruitment, we will partner with community organizations and clinics serving our target populations in Ontario and Quebec. Data will be collected using semistructured interviews, using topic guides developed in English and translated into French, Mandarin, Hindi, and Urdu, and conducted in those languages. Data collection and analysis will be structured according to the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF), which synthesizes predominant theories of behavior change into 14 domains covering key modifiable factors that may operate as barriers or enablers to attending eye screening. We will use directed content analysis to code barriers and enablers to TDF domains, then thematic analysis to define key themes within domains.
This study was approved for funding in December 2017, and the research ethics board approved the conduct of the study as of January 13, 2018. Data collection then began in April 2018. As of August 28, 2018, we have recruited 22 participants, and analysis is ongoing, with results expected to be published in 2020.
Findings from this study will inform the codevelopment of theory-informed, culturally- and linguistically-tailored interventions to support patients in attending retinopathy screening.
Our aim in this study was to identify interventions that improve cultural safety for Indigenous people living with diabetes in the health-care setting, and their potential impact on patients and health-care professionals.
Using a systematic approach, we conducted a rapid review of quantitative, qualitative and mixed studies between January 2000 and February 2018 in MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science, ERIC, CINAHL and PsycINFO. Two reviewers independently identified, selected and reviewed studies relating to cultural safety in diabetes care for Indigenous populations in Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United States.
Of the 406 studies identified, we retained 7 articles (2 strong quality, 5 moderate quality) for analysis. The included studies evaluated 3 main types of strategies to improve cultural safety: educating health professionals, fostering culturally safe practices by modifying clinical environments and integrating Indigenous health professionals in the workforce. Studies showed that culturally safe interventions had positive effects on clinical outcomes for patients, increased patient satisfaction and health professional confidence in providing care as well as patient access to health care.
Although based on a small number of studies, this review establishes moderate evidence that interventions to improve cultural safety can have positive effects on treatment of diabetes in Indigenous populations. Further research with stronger study designs should be conducted to further validate our conclusions.
Professional development is a key component of effective public health infrastructures. To be successful, professional development programs in public health and health promotion must adapt to practitioners’ complex real-world practice settings while preserving the core components of those programs’ models and theoretical bases. An appropriate balance must be struck between implementation fidelity, defined as respecting the core nature of the program that underlies its effects, and adaptability to context to maximize benefit in specific situations. This article presents a professional development pilot program, the Health Promotion Laboratory (HPL), and analyzes how it was adapted to three different settings while preserving its core components. An exploratory analysis was also conducted to identify team and contextual factors that might have been at play in the emergence of implementation profiles in each site.
This paper describes the program, its core components and adaptive features, along with three implementation experiences in local public health teams in Quebec, Canada. For each setting, documentary sources were analyzed to trace the implementation of activities, including temporal patterns throughout the project for each program component. Information about teams and their contexts/settings was obtained through documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews with HPL participants, colleagues and managers from each organization.
While each team developed a unique pattern of implementing the activities, all the program’s core components were implemented. Differences of implementation were observed in terms of numbers and percentages of activities related to different components of the program as well as in the patterns of activities across time. It is plausible that organizational characteristics influencing, for example, work schedule flexibility or learning culture might have played a role in the HPL implementation process.
This paper shows how a professional development program model can be adapted to different contexts while preserving its core components. Capturing the heterogeneity of the intervention’s exposure, as was done here, will make possible in-depth impact analyses involving, for example, the testing of program–context interactions to identify program outcomes predictors. Such work is essential to advance knowledge on the action mechanisms of professional development programs.
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have been steadily increasing in popularity since their introduction to US markets in 2007. Debates surrounding the proper regulatory mechanisms needed to mitigate potential harms associated with their use have focused on youth access, their potential for nicotine addiction, and the renormalization of a smoking culture. The objective of this study was to describe the enacted and planned regulations addressing this novel public health concern in the US.
We searched LexisNexis Academic under Federal Regulations and Registers, as well as State Administrative Codes and Registers. This same database was also used to find information about planned regulations in secondary sources. The search was restricted to US documents produced between January 1 st , 2004, and July 14 th , 2014.
We found two planned regulations at the federal level, and 74 enacted and planned regulations in 44 states. We identified six state-based regulation types, including i) access, ii) usage, iii) marketing and advertisement, iv) packaging, v) taxation, and vi) licensure. These were further classified into 10 restriction subtypes: sales, sale to minors, use in indoor public places, use in limited venues, use by minors, licensure, marketing and advertising, packaging, and taxation. Most enacted restrictions aimed primarily to limit youth access, while few regulations enforced comprehensive restrictions on product use and availability.
Current regulations targeting e-cigarettes in the US are varied in nature and scope. There is greater consensus surrounding youth protection (access by minors and/or use by minors, and/or use in limited venues), with little consensus on multi-level regulations, including comprehensive use bans in public spaces.
Keywords: E-cigarette regulation; Public health policy; United States
Objectives To identify patient decision aids’ features to limit their complexity for older adults with dementia and their family caregivers.
Design Mixed method, multiple case study within a user-centred design (UCD) approach.
Setting Community-based healthcare in the province of Quebec in Canada.
Participants 23 older persons (aged 65+ years) with dementia and their 27 family caregivers.
Results During three UCD evaluation-modification rounds, participants identified strengths and weaknesses of the patient decision aids’ content and visual design that influenced their complexity. Weaknesses of content included a lack of understanding of the decision aids’ purpose and target audience, missing information, irrelevant content and issues with terminology and sentence structure. Weaknesses of visual design included critics about the decision aids’ general layout (density, length, navigation) and their lack of pictures. In response, the design team implemented a series of practical features and design strategies, comprising: a clear expression of the patient decision aids' purpose through simple text, picture and personal stories; systematic and frequent use of pictograms illustrating key points and helping structure patient decision aids' general layout; a glossary; removal of scientific references from the main document; personal stories to clarify more difficult concepts; a contact section to facilitate implementation of the selected option; GRADE ratings to convey the quality of the evidence; a values clarification exercise formatted as a checklist and presented at the beginning of the document to streamline navigation; involvement of a panel of patient/caregiver partners to guide expression of patient priorities; editing of the text to a sixth grade reading level; UCD process to optimise comprehensiveness and relevance of content and training of patients/caregivers in shared decision-making.
Conclusions The revised template for patient decision aids is designed to meet the needs of adults living with dementia and their caregivers better, which may translate into fewer evaluation-modification rounds.
Immigrants to Canada belonging to ethnocultural minority groups are at increased risk of developing diabetes and complications, including diabetic retinopathy, and they are also less likely to be screened and treated. Improved attendance to retinopathy screening (eye tests) has the potential to reduce permanent complications, including blindness.
This study aims to identify the barriers and enablers of attending diabetic retinopathy screening among ethnocultural minority immigrants living with diabetes in Quebec and Ontario, Canada, to inform the development of a behavior change intervention to improve diabetic retinopathy screening attendance.
The research question draws on the needs of patients and clinicians. Using an integrated knowledge translation approach, the research team includes clinicians, researchers, and patient partners who will contribute throughout the study to developing and reviewing materials and procedures, helping to recruit participants, and disseminating findings. Using a convenience snowball strategy, we will recruit participants from three target groups: South Asian and Chinese people, and French-speaking people of African descent. To better facilitate reaching these groups and support participant recruitment, we will partner with community organizations and clinics serving our target populations in Ontario and Quebec. Data will be collected using semistructured interviews, using topic guides developed in English and translated into French, Mandarin, Hindi, and Urdu, and conducted in those languages. Data collection and analysis will be structured according to the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF), which synthesizes predominant theories of behavior change into 14 domains covering key modifiable factors that may operate as barriers or enablers to attending eye screening. We will use directed content analysis to code barriers and enablers to TDF domains, then thematic analysis to define key themes within domains.
This study was approved for funding in December 2017, and the research ethics board approved the conduct of the study as of January 13, 2018. Data collection then began in April 2018. As of August 28, 2018, we have recruited 22 participants, and analysis is ongoing, with results expected to be published in 2020.
Findings from this study will inform the codevelopment of theory-informed, culturally- and linguistically-tailored interventions to support patients in attending retinopathy screening.
Our aim in this study was to identify interventions that improve cultural safety for Indigenous people living with diabetes in the health-care setting, and their potential impact on patients and health-care professionals.
Using a systematic approach, we conducted a rapid review of quantitative, qualitative and mixed studies between January 2000 and February 2018 in MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science, ERIC, CINAHL and PsycINFO. Two reviewers independently identified, selected and reviewed studies relating to cultural safety in diabetes care for Indigenous populations in Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United States.
Of the 406 studies identified, we retained 7 articles (2 strong quality, 5 moderate quality) for analysis. The included studies evaluated 3 main types of strategies to improve cultural safety: educating health professionals, fostering culturally safe practices by modifying clinical environments and integrating Indigenous health professionals in the workforce. Studies showed that culturally safe interventions had positive effects on clinical outcomes for patients, increased patient satisfaction and health professional confidence in providing care as well as patient access to health care.
Although based on a small number of studies, this review establishes moderate evidence that interventions to improve cultural safety can have positive effects on treatment of diabetes in Indigenous populations. Further research with stronger study designs should be conducted to further validate our conclusions.
Professional development is a key component of effective public health infrastructures. To be successful, professional development programs in public health and health promotion must adapt to practitioners’ complex real-world practice settings while preserving the core components of those programs’ models and theoretical bases. An appropriate balance must be struck between implementation fidelity, defined as respecting the core nature of the program that underlies its effects, and adaptability to context to maximize benefit in specific situations. This article presents a professional development pilot program, the Health Promotion Laboratory (HPL), and analyzes how it was adapted to three different settings while preserving its core components. An exploratory analysis was also conducted to identify team and contextual factors that might have been at play in the emergence of implementation profiles in each site.
This paper describes the program, its core components and adaptive features, along with three implementation experiences in local public health teams in Quebec, Canada. For each setting, documentary sources were analyzed to trace the implementation of activities, including temporal patterns throughout the project for each program component. Information about teams and their contexts/settings was obtained through documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews with HPL participants, colleagues and managers from each organization.
While each team developed a unique pattern of implementing the activities, all the program’s core components were implemented. Differences of implementation were observed in terms of numbers and percentages of activities related to different components of the program as well as in the patterns of activities across time. It is plausible that organizational characteristics influencing, for example, work schedule flexibility or learning culture might have played a role in the HPL implementation process.
This paper shows how a professional development program model can be adapted to different contexts while preserving its core components. Capturing the heterogeneity of the intervention’s exposure, as was done here, will make possible in-depth impact analyses involving, for example, the testing of program–context interactions to identify program outcomes predictors. Such work is essential to advance knowledge on the action mechanisms of professional development programs.
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have been steadily increasing in popularity since their introduction to US markets in 2007. Debates surrounding the proper regulatory mechanisms needed to mitigate potential harms associated with their use have focused on youth access, their potential for nicotine addiction, and the renormalization of a smoking culture. The objective of this study was to describe the enacted and planned regulations addressing this novel public health concern in the US.
We searched LexisNexis Academic under Federal Regulations and Registers, as well as State Administrative Codes and Registers. This same database was also used to find information about planned regulations in secondary sources. The search was restricted to US documents produced between January 1 st , 2004, and July 14 th , 2014.
We found two planned regulations at the federal level, and 74 enacted and planned regulations in 44 states. We identified six state-based regulation types, including i) access, ii) usage, iii) marketing and advertisement, iv) packaging, v) taxation, and vi) licensure. These were further classified into 10 restriction subtypes: sales, sale to minors, use in indoor public places, use in limited venues, use by minors, licensure, marketing and advertising, packaging, and taxation. Most enacted restrictions aimed primarily to limit youth access, while few regulations enforced comprehensive restrictions on product use and availability.
Current regulations targeting e-cigarettes in the US are varied in nature and scope. There is greater consensus surrounding youth protection (access by minors and/or use by minors, and/or use in limited venues), with little consensus on multi-level regulations, including comprehensive use bans in public spaces.
Keywords: E-cigarette regulation; Public health policy; United States