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      EducationHistory of EducationFederalismPresbyterianism
How might a more robust understanding of what makes "church" open us up to the new forms of church best suited for what God is doing amid our changing American context?
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyPresbyterianismEcclesiologyHospitality
Short paper exploring how baptism fits within an ecclesiology of the church as gospel along with the plausibility factors that have given rise to celebrations of individual life-transformation choices (i.e. "Believer's Baptism").
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      PresbyterianismSacramentologyBaptismReformed theology
A resource book I edited and contributed to for the denomination ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians.
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      PresbyterianismSacramentologyBaptismReformed theology
This article is a contribution to a festschrift in honor of Rev. Chris Ferguson's leadership of the World Communion of Reformed Churches. It engages the Accra Confession and suggests that the next step for bringing the Confession to bear... more
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      ReligionTheologyEconomic JusticeConstructive Theology
교회의 역사에서 노회는 개별 지역교회들이 혼자서 해결하기 힘든 문제들에 대하여 공교회적으로 대처하기 위해 발생하였다. 초대교회 역사에서 볼 때에 초기 형태의 노회는 개별 지역교회들에서 공통적으로 발생할 수 있는 교리와 권징 및 예배에 대한 다양한 질문들을 성경적으로 해결해 주는 역할을 하였다. 노회는 종교개혁기와 그 이후 시기에 매우 성경적으로 발전하였다. 이 시대에 노회들은 이단이나 부정확한 교리들을 경계하고, 목회자들을... more
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      PresbyterianismChurch polityPresbyterian Church History
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      PresbyterianismEldersChurch GovernmentSHEPHERDING
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      Race and EthnicityPresbyterianismChurch HistoryAmerican Religious History
A teaching paper used with Christian Adults. It can be broken down into three lesson for an Adult Christian Education setting.
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      Free Will, Moral ResponsibilityCalvinismAnthropology of ChristianityTheological Anthropology
The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (pct) is the Protestant denomination with the longest tradition in the country. The central theological position of the church began to change in the late 1960s, and over the following decade the church... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistory of ChristianityHuman Rights
Controversy often followed the itinerant ministry of the transatlantic revivalist George Whitefield. Whether it involved his dispute with Wesleyan Methodists over predestination, or his challenges to what he termed “unconverted... more
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      Historical TheologyPresbyterianismEcclesiologyEvangelicalism
James Ussher was one of the most important theologians of the seventeenth-century Reformed tradition. This article provides a brief outline of his life and work, a survey of the secondary literature about Ussher, and some reflections on... more
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      Early Modern HistoryPresbyterianismAnglicanism (Anglicanism)Reformed theology
In this paper, I argue that central to the early Presbyterian Missions to Korea (until 1910) was a high doctrine of Scripture. The stuanch biblicism of these missionaries and the church they founded was one of the defining... more
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      Korean StudiesSouth KoreaPresbyterianismNorth Korea
Our attempt to redefine and go beyond egalitarianism vs. complementarianism, as well as spelling out the denominational positions of ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians.
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      TheologyReformed Theology and EthicsPresbyterianismBiblical Theology
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      ReligionChristianityTheologyLiturgical Studies
The error of the Nicolaitans was to teach that the priests were given secret and special knowledge not available to the people, and thus were also given the rights and privileges to administer the sacraments and operate in the Gifts of... more
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      Baptist TheologyPresbyterianismPentecostalismCatholicism
A denominational publication I edited and contributed to.
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This open-access book adopts a geopolitical perspective to analyse the rise of cryptocurrencies. Perspectives examined include Judeo-Christian perspectives, gambling, usury and the Book of Revelation. Analysis also explores the notion of... more
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      ChristianityChristian EducationHistory of ChristianityEarly Christianity
Questões para treinamento e autoexame de presbíteros e diáconos.
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      PresbyterianismEclesiologíaIgreja Presbiteriana Do BrasilPresbiterianismo
Credo, August 2012
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      PresbyterianismPrinceton Theological SeminaryB.B. Warfield
O Catecismo acerca do Governo e Disciplina da Igreja Presbiteriana é um documento que reflete a preocupação de instruir os nossos oficiais. O texto é uma afirmação simples e coerente defesa do sistema de governo presbiteriano. A estrutura... more
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      PresbyterianismScottish PresbyterianismReformed Presbyterian ChurchPresbyterian Church History
Short paper investigating some of the contextual influences that led to the institution of the Lord's Supper and its symbolic meaning.
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      Sociology of ReligionSystematic TheologyCalvinismPresbyterianism
The Scottish Presbyterian theologian David Dickson (c.1583-1663) contributed very much to the development of the doctrine of the covenant of redemption (i.e., the pactum salutis). Although his doctrine stood in the early stages of its... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryHistorical TheologyReformation History
This essay argues that Bunyan, especially through the narratives of his encounters in Restoration courts and imprisonment within a church-state system, provided a concrete, tangible model for political resistance that inspired American... more
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      Religion and PoliticsLaw and ReligionFirst Amendment Law (USA)Thomas Jefferson
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesNationalismPresbyterianismDebate over Same-Sex Marriage
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      Canadian HistoryPresbyterianismChurch HistoryPresbyterian Church History
This paper argues that proper historical method for tracing theological development looks at what sources we can prove an author used and demonstrates how that authors changed from those previous sources. This essay examines the history... more
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      Historical TheologyPresbyterianismCovenant TheologyAnglicanism (Anglicanism)
Modernity stared back at J. Gresham Machen with indifference and continued its ceaseless roar. Machen listened to New York City's cacophony and contemplated the "gigantic, bizarre, and magnificently ugly" spectacle below, as he leaned... more
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      Religion and PoliticsAmerican ReligionReformed EpistemologyPresbyterianism
Pascal Denault
The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist
Birmingham, Alabama USA, Solid Ground Christian Books, 2013, 167.
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      PresbyterianismCovenant TheologyChurch HistoryBaptist History
This working paper provides a comprehensive bibliography of historical and ethnographic literature on Christianity in Nigeria, and a brief discussion of some of the gaps that need to be filled in that literature.
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      ReligionChristianityAfrican StudiesHistory of Religion
Este é um pequeno manual instruindo da natureza e qualificação dos oficiais da igreja. Ele é útil para o treinamento de oficiais, bem como instrução da igreja quanto à sua escolha.
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This book examines John Calvin’s sense of vocation. 1) It begins with an analysis of thinking on prophecy in early, medieval, and Reformation theology. 2) It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryEuropean History
for students who study Greek
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The following handout tracks SOME key developments in the LGBTQ+ inclusion movements in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and within U.S. society in general. The purpose of the handout was to provide a broad scope and sequence of the movement... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheologyPresbyterianismChurch History
The paper provides an analysis of the doctrine of redemption in the Presbyterian Church of Australia's Declaratory Statement. It shows how the doctrine of redemption in the Declaratory Statement relates to that doctrine in the Westminster... more
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      PresbyterianismEvangelicalismReformed theologyThe Atonement
In 1810, after a period religious excitement in Kentucky, the Cumberland Presbytery split from the Presbyterian Church because of doctrinal differences.
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      ReligionHistory of ReligionSlaveryHistory of Slavery
My reading of Knox's life disagrees with that of most of his other biographers since M'Crie. It is on the whole supported, however, by the eighteenth century estimate represented by David Hume and Burns. If I show bias it is not, at any... more
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      Scottish LiteraturePsychologyPhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
That the Bible requires elders to have believing children and that many elders have one or more unbelieving children are facts known to everyone. In our experience, however, these facts are seldom the subject of careful reflection in our... more
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      TheologyPresbyterianismApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersChurch Leadership
The Reformed tradition has long understood the second commandment to forbid making any image (physical or mental) of any person of the Godhead. Many today, however, are taking exception to the Reformed confessional documents regarding the... more
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      Historical TheologySystematic TheologyReformed Theology and EthicsPresbyterianism
Irish Historical Studies (May 2016)
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      ReligionHistoryPresbyterianismIrish History
The goal of this paper is to lay out the biblical vision for the basic elements of the Church’s government at the level of the particular church, and to argue that the Church’s gospel-centered mission is best served by teams of Shepherds... more
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      PresbyterianismEcclesiologyEldersChurch polity
VINTO, COCHABAMBA SEPTIEMBRE 2011 INTRODUCCIÓN Iglesias liberales, mientras que otras son conservadoras; algunas permisivas, otras legalistas; algunas formales, otras extasiadas. La pluralidad religiosa trae desafíos para el evangelismo.... more
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      PresbyterianismWesleyan Methodist Missionary SocietyMethodismWesleyan Theology
This thesis examines developments within the ministry of the Congregational churches of the northwest of England in the period 1689-1829, with a number of aims in mind. In focusing on the role of Scottish-born and Scottish-trained... more
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      PresbyterianismUnitarianismCongregationalismProtestant Dissent
This study examines the historical context, spiritual development, and theological arguments of four Protestant critics of Second Great Awakening revivalism who published critiques from the mid-1830s to the late-1840s: Calvin Colton, John... more
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      RomanticismHistorical TheologyReligion in AmericaEarly American Republic
There is a tradition in historiography of the Reformed tradition claiming that James Ussher's works were important sources used at the Westminster Assembly. This essay seeks to substantiate that tradition by examining contextual factors... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistorical TheologyReformed Theology and EthicsPresbyterianism
La Confesionalidad Reformada invita hacia la práctica ordinaria de la Cena del Señor. La Confesión de Fe de Westminster considera que la Santa Cena es un elemento ordinario y regular de lo que debería ser la adoración congregacional a... more
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      LiturgyPresbyterianismReformed theologyLiturgia
Róbert Péter (ed), British Freemasonry, 1717-1813. Vol. 4. Debates (New York: Routledge, 2016) volume 1: Institutions (C. Révauger) volume 2: Rituals I – English, Irish and Scottish Craft Rituals (J. A. M. Snoek) volume 3: Rituals II –... more
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      Gender StudiesTheologyWomen's HistoryBritish History