Objective Genitive
Recent papers in Objective Genitive
The Apostle Paul provided Titus and Timothy with a list of qualifications each prospective elder and deacon must possess before he could be considered for his respective office. The second requirement was that he be a “μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἀνήρ”... more
In 1891 Johannes Haussleiter was the first biblical scholar to defend the subjective genitive translation of pistis christou and then it was almost half a century until only a few scholars addressed the issue again. Then in 1983 Richard... more
"Justiça de Deus mediante a fé em Jesus Cristo para todos os que creem". Romanos 3.22 É bem provável que o nosso leitor já tenha lido, estudado e quem sabe ensinado o texto de Romanos 3.22. Esse texto é bem conhecido entre os cristãos... more
This article mainly explores the usage of two attributive possessive constructions that are traditionally labeled the “Direct Genitive” and “Indirect Genitive” (in both cases, the notion “genitive” refers not to a morphological case but... more
This thesis examines the distinction between syntactic case and semantic case, part of a broader distinction between lexical and functional elements. Several tests, involving predication, nominalization, and iteration are proposed for... more
This paper investigates the phenomenon of the substitution of the accusative case marking of the direct object of a transitive infinitive (or, rarely, participle) by the genitive when the non-finite clause is embedded under a negated... more
В статье описываются синтаксис и семантика беспредложного генитива в конструкциях с количественным значением в южнорусском говоре. Анализ основывается на материале корпуса расшифрованных текстов. Рассматриваются количественные... more
Вариативное управление двумя объектными падежами - аккузативом и генитивом было свойственно многим русским глаголам на протяжении XI-XVII вв. В статье на материале современных архангельских говоров рассматриваются примеры генитива при... more
Firstly, this study considers critically the classical method of explaining genitives. Three shortcomings of this method are identified: the arbitrary classification of genitives, the non-verifiability of the definitions of genitives and... more