Language Studies
Recent papers in Language Studies
The answer is as close as breath. Tell me or die. One by one. Tell me and die. One by one. I eat ignorance. One, two, four, three, two, three, one, four . . . (A cry. The Sphinx’s? Oedipus’? A singular, piercing cry of woe becomes a muted... more
Aim and Objectives/Purpose/Research Questions: The main goal of this study was to examine noun–adjective gender agreement in Russian by comparing bilingual children with diverse L2 backgrounds (English, Finnish, German, and Hebrew) with... more
Learning a new sound system poses challenges of a social, psychological, and cognitive nature, but the…
This paper examines simultaneous interpreting (SI) from the viewpoint of procedural competence, whose evolution may be followed and monitored through the changes intervening within implicit and explicit tasks performed. As a goal-oriented... more
Abstract: The study compares the effectiveness of Focus on Form (FonF) and Focus on FormS (FonFs) approaches in learning new L2 words by 158 high-school learners of English as L2. In phase 1 of the study, the FonF group read a text... more
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Note : les règles d'écriture des références bibliographiques peuvent varier... more
We all know our schools; we grew up in their classrooms and, to a large extent, are a product of them. Nevertheless, once that stage of our education is over, we are not allowed to relive it, slipping through the doorway to sit down at a... more
«petit à petit») respectent la contrainte sur les sommets vides mais ne sont pas analysables via som_plus.. . (au moins dans la formulation actuelle de cette contrainte).
Ingo Plag The Oxford reference guide to English morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. 704. ISBN 978-0-19-957926-6. Ingo Plag The Oxford reference guide to English morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp.... more
Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley ... ABSTRACT Our use of language embodies attitudes as well as referential meanings. 'Woman's language' has as foundation the attitude that women are marginal to... more
There has been a remarkable growth of interest in the theory and practice of autonomy in language teaching and learning in recent years. Focusing on work published since the turn of the 20th century, this review examines major trends in... more
Subtitling of televised foreign‐language material not only changes language; it also switches from the spoken to the written mode, and it presents itself ‘in real time’, as a dynamic text type. Hence, due to the complex, ‘diagonal’ nature... more
The year 2020 marked the 25th year since Bonny Norton published her influential TESOL Quarterly article, ‘Social identity, investment, and language learning’ (Norton Peirce, 1995) and the fifth year since we, Darvin and Norton (2015),... more
The globalized new economy is bound up with transformations of language and identity in many dierent ways (cf., e.g. Bauman 1997;). These include emerging tensions between State-based and corporate identities and language practices,... more
Researchers have reported an evolution or change in progress in the Cajun identity, though their intuitions have not been confirmed empirically. The traditional membership borders of what a community consists of no longer apply in the... more
Analysis of evaluative comments on research designs by doctoral students can be used to devise a list of the skills in which the students need training. In a study covering some ten years of the doctoral program in Translation and... more
This paper analyzes the LL in the city of Bautzen / Budyšin in Germany, a town which is frequently considered the “capital” of the Slavonic minority of the Sorbs. It focuses on the societal role of Sorbian in relation to practices and... more
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This article reviews corpus-based Chinese studies, both applied and theoretical, from the 1920s to the present. It will be shown that, while corpus-based Chinese studies have been gaining momentum for only the last couple of decades, the... more
All social life is based on people's ability to recognize what others are doing. Recently, the mechanisms underlying this human ability have become the focus of a growing multidisciplinary interest. This article contributes to this... more
ABSTRACTL'objectif de cet article est d’établir que dans l'un de ses emplois, traditionnellement qualifié de ‘régional’, le passé surcomposé est une forme verbale qui grammaticalise la valeur habituellement appelée ‘parfait... more
In this paper several passages ofOvid's Medicaminajacieijemineae are critically analysed.-Medic. 51 s.: Die age, eum teneros somnus dimiserit artus, candida qua possint ora nitere modo. 51 die age (Sic age N) MABCP¡RL"M"OU Lenz, Kenney... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Description: Jordan wrote four chapters and collaborated on a fifth: History (3-34), Authorship (70-91), Genre (92-116), Film Studies and Film Theory (170-93) and Stars (collab: 117-33), as well as the Conclusion, Glossary of Film Terms,... more
he culture children learn as they grow up is, in fact, "ways of taking meaning" from the environment around them. The means of making sense from books and relating their contents to knowledge about the real world is but one "way of... more
The article analyzes the phenomenon of tourism within the current globalizing and postmodern contexts. It is based on the cultural relationship between Chan Kom, a Maya community in the Yucatán Peninsula, and Cancún, the international... more
La thèse soutenue dans cet article est qu'il est possible de mettre en place un apprentissage de la production écrite assisté par ordinateur fondé prioritairement sur l'activité scripturale des apprenants et non sur la transmission de... more
Digital translation history is defined here as a methodological approach that uses digital technologies to produce, enhance or disseminate research on translation history. This can help translation historians pose fresh questions and... more
phone number: +32 16765528 (d) Offprints to lead author (e) Short title: Analogy, frequency and sound change 1 Analogy, frequency and sound change Analogy, frequency and sound change. The case of Dutch devoicing.
446 BESPRECHUNGEN ANDREAS NIEVERGELT: Die Glossierung der Handschrift Clm 18547b. Ein Beitrag zur Funktionalität der mittelalterlichen Griffelglossierung, Heidelberg: Winter 2007, 968 S., 34 Abb. (Germanistische Bibliothek 28) Andreas... more