Diachronic Syntax
Recent papers in Diachronic Syntax
Resumo: O objetivo principal do presente texto é propor uma análise para as construções ditransitivas do português brasileiro (PB), com verbos de transferência/movimento e verbos de criação, cujo objeto preposicionado é introduzido pelas... more
Recent work in grammaticalization has highlighted cases where former inflectional affixes have gained independence on an unexpected path towards clitic or full-word status. Such cases challenge the hypothesized unidirectionality of... more
New comparative data concerning the distribution of V1 and V3 orders in the Medieval Romance languages is presented in order to propose an analysis of the role these ‘deviant’ orders play in Verb Second (V2) grammars. It is proposed that... more
The paper surveys the state of research of Hebrew syntax from approximately the mid-20th century onward. It indicates the themes which have already received the attention of scholars to varying extents and points out areas of research... more
This work focuses on a particular diachronic transformation of a syntactic category, that is the propositional negation. I consider a time span ranging from archaic Latin to modern Italian, passing through the ancient forms of medieval... more
Hybrid nouns, nouns which induce different agreements according to the target, have been described in various languages. The new question is why they exist at all. There is clear evidence that hybrids vary considerably in the agreement... more
Dans cette étude, nous nous pencherons sur la recette de cuisine française du moyen âge. Notre corpus consiste en des recettes du 'Viandier' de Guillaume de Tirel, un manuscrit qui date de la fin du XIVe siècle. Premièrement, nous... more
The present paper provides a cognitive-grammaticalization analysis of the morpheme NA in Xhosa, discussing the categorial status of NA as a con-junctive coordinator (CC) and its range of polysemy and/or polyfunctionality. First, the study... more
Onde não chegaram os portugueses com as suas caravelas? Desde Ceuta, em Marrocos, conquistada em 1415, ao Japão, alcançado por acaso em 1542 (por três mercadores de peles, Francisco Zeimoto, António da Mota e António Peixoto, que faziam... more
This is an overview of the history of Sino-Tibetan clause patterns.
This article provides a syntactic reconstruction of the complementation strategies of the Proto-Indo-European language.
The current paper investigates the plausibility of the claim that the complementation patterns of an adjective can resemble that of a verb as well as its compliance with the rules of Present-Day English. The results of the research... more
This book examines second position effects in syntax, the V2 order in Germanic and second position cliticization in Slavic. These are unique syntactic mechanisms, which seem to be constrained only by the requirement that an element, a... more
Chapter 6 (by Santazilia) is a study of the Basque noun morphology, which sets out the noun paradigm of historical Basque and the structure of its NP, and then goes on to list the explanations proposed so far for every aspect concerning... more
An understudied morphosyntactic innovation, reanalysis of the Proto-Austronesian (PAn) stative intransitive prefix *ma- as a transitive affix, offers new insights into Austronesian higher-order subgrouping. While Malayo-Polynesian is... more
This article discusses two case studies of diachronic "voice flipping" in which the syntax of a participle appears to change from active or "subject-oriented" to passive (Ancient Greek-menos to Modern Greek-menos) and from... more
The paper aims to provide a comprehensive description of Hittite clause structure. The picture that emerges is quite different from both the view of Hittite clause architecture as codified in (Hoffner, Melchert 2008) and as documented in... more
This working paper provides a novel contribution to the old question of the origin of the Indo-European (IE) feminine gender. It is a concise outline of the hypothesis that it developed from optional "collective" group-classifying... more
This dissertation investigates the evidence for verb movement at the earliest stages of the Germanic languages. It is argued that already in the oldest documents of Germanic there are cases which must involve movement of the finite verb... more
The article aims to describe the interplay between the linguistic use and the literary/academic norm regarding the agreement of the subject when expressed by a quantitative binominal phrase, where the second nominal is a plural noun, and... more
Classical Armenian displays a curious type of subordinate clause formation characterized by the addition of a cliticized anaphoric pronoun to the end of the first constituent within the subordinate clause. Meillet (1897-1898) first... more
The book starts with an overview of the diachronic variation in domain of word order as witnessed by the passage from Old to Modern Romanian. The most spectacular changes - dealt with in the remainder of the book - took place in the... more
Lan honetan Erdi Aroko euskararen kanpoko eta barneko historia laburra aurkezten dugu. Kanpoko historiari dagokionez, orduan euskarak zukeen hedaduraz, elebitasun egoeraz eta bestelako gaiez dihardugu. Barne historiari dagokionez, Erdi... more
La envidiable posición geográfica de la Península Ibérica, al extremo más oriental del Mediterráneo y con dos mares, ha facilitado que durante siglos fuera un destino idóneo para asentamientos poblacionales e intercambios comerciales con... more
Chapter 5 of the thesis, in French. Tense and aspect. Basic aspect oppositions. Different kinds of resultative aspect forms. Aoristic shift. The IE perfect. Resultative periphrases and their grammaticalization. Expression of the agent.... more
In the present paper, we argue against the compound character of the subordinating element ca (…) să. After bringing both synchronic and diachronic evidence that să cannot be assigned conjunctional status, but rather can be viewed as an... more
The reader is presented here with a fundamentally new reconstruction of the system of the Proto-Indo-European verb inflection. It is argued that the parent language of all Indo-European languages exhibited direct vs. inverse vs.... more
This volume is about the morphosyntactic encoding of feelings and emotions in Latin. It offers a corpus-based investigation of the Latin data, benefiting from insights of the functional and typological approach to language. Chiara... more
This paper deals with the Church Slavonic translation of a medieval Latin compilation, Bruno’s commented Psalter (11th century), which was done in Novgorod, around the middle of the 16th century, by the well-known translator Dmitrij... more
This is an open access title distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, which permits any non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided no alterations are made and the original author(s) and... more
This dissertation investigates the nature of the Philippine-type voice system and two associated diachronic questions: (i) what is the nature of noun-verb (nominalizer-voice affix) homophony, a common trait of Philippine-type languages?,... more
This paper surveys diachronic development of ergative alignment from accusative systems in a variety of languages such as Indo-Iranian, Carib, Kartvelian, Australian, Inuit, and Austronesian. I also consider how different origins and... more
Macro-Jê is a major language family of Eastern South America. Historical-comparative studies of Macro-Jê are still incipient; in particular, there is no consensus regarding its exact composition in the scientific community. For this... more
La concordanza negativa è una strategia per esprimere la negazione di frase che si riscontra piuttosto frequentemente nelle lingue. Le dimensioni di variazione individuate dagli studi tipologici pongono interessanti interrogativi dal... more
This thesis investigates the properties of Ancient Greek (AG) infinitival clauses and their subjects and how they can be accounted for within a generative framework. AG infinitives appear in many syntactic environments and they also have... more
◮ v cause: causatives ◮ v become : anticausatives/inchoatives ◮ v be/state : states ◮ v do: unergatives
This work is an attempt to give a formal account of the syntax of the Latin nominal phrase within the Principles & Parameters framework and to detect, during the history of the language, some crucial stages bearing witness of a complex... more