Charles Sanders Pierce
Most downloaded papers in Charles Sanders Pierce
The American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (b. 1839–d. 1914) has had a profound, expansive, and sometimes unrecognized impact on anthropological research and theory. Part of Peirce’s impact has been mediated through the work of... more
This article contains reserachers' resume of "Pragmatism of Education" based on our reading from many sources. Pierce, James, and Dewey's thought about pragmative education are described here.
There is a widespread idea that in grounded theory (GT) research, the researcher has to delay the literature review until the end of the analysis to avoid contamination – a dictum that might turn educational researchers away from GT.... more
CONTENIDO ARNOLD OOSTRA. La matemática intuicionista y sus conexiones con el pensamiento de Peirce FERNANDO ZALAMEA. Faneroscopia, filosofía natural y literatura. “La Esfinge” en Peirce, Emerson, Poe y Melville EUGENIO ANDRADE. Las... more
Ostensibly a monograph on the drawings of Josef Albers, the reader will find under the heading ‘excursus’ a series of investigations into the concept of constellation in the writings of Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno, the semiotics... more
The design and construction of architecture rarely go according to plan. Unexpected problems, mistranslations and accidental discoveries can permeate the architectural design process producing surprising results. The ancient Roman... more
Intro This is a condensed part of a much larger argument that comes from my forthcoming book which attempts to provide a multi-level conception of noise that brings out its full significance without hypostatizing or fetishizing it I... more
Robert Scholes is a respected literary critic and semiotician who, motivated by dissatisfaction with the reigning epistemological assumptions in the field of literary theory, has advocated revamping the discipline of English in... more
n ABSTRACT: This article proposes a revised definition of glossolalia based on the ritual value of incomprehensible speech, which allows for an approach to meaning emergence in non-human languages and the issue of extreme linguistic... more
Familiarity, so the saying goes, breeds contempt. But, why should familiarity breed such a negative thing as contempt, or other negative orientations? There is something paradoxical about this little folk saying. For, if one is genuinely... more
In “La méthode de dramatisation et la question ‘Qui?’” (2015), I started exploring how, in the philosophy of William James and Alfred N. Whitehead, theism has been praised for favouring a sense of active personality. In the context of... more
In this paper we outline the analytic limitations of action theories and interpretive schemes that conceive of beliefs as explicit mental representations linked to a desire-opportunity folk psychology. Drawing on pragmatism and practice... more
Tourists, Signs, and the City: The Semiotics of Culture in an Urban Landscape, by Michelle M. Metro-Roland Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2012. x+171pp., US $89.95 (hardback), ISBN: 978-0-7546-7809-0 The thesis of the book is that an idea of... more
Reconciling Justus Buchler's theory of natural complexes with the Peircean triadic categorial schema, a theory of semiotic radiance is articulated that elaborates the nature of identity with regard to informatic control over objects in a... more
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a tendência dos estudos que apresentam como referencial teórico e/ou de análise a Semiótica Peirceana na área do Ensino de Ciências. Para isto foi realizado um levantamento dos artigos publicados... more
" …Por otra parte, todos los partidarios de la ciencia están animados por la feliz esperanza de que basta con que aquella se prosiga lo suficiente para que dé una cierta solución a cada cuestión a la que la apliquen. Uno puede investigar... more
At the nexus between audio-visual production and theoretical research, this article is based on the experience of producing a documentary on the history of a cement plant in Colombia: "La Siberia". The tensions between the narratives... more
Semiótica, Teoria da Informação, Teologia e aspectos de reação corporais aplicados na leitura da Madona Willys (1480-1490), de Giovanni Bellini, vista no Museu de Arte de São Paulo - MASP.
Using a Peircean theory of meaning, agency may be theorized in terms of flexibility and accountability, on the one hand, and knowledge and power, on the other. In this theory, residential agency, which is closest to notions such as "... more
Semiotic resaerch on five photography made from Tina Modotti in the post-revolutionary Mexico of '20. Deeping on photography history and theory, and on the role of photography and art for the Revolution. “Sempre, quando le parole “arte”... more
Formal causality has, in large part, been eschewed by both the philosophic and scientific communities alike. David Hume in particular levied an assault against any form of causality other than material cause. But formal cause is as... more
Ces cinq pages, qui font une suite à la notice sur 'L'Arbitraire du signe', exposent d'abord la position d'un penseur antique, Sextus Empiricus, pour montrer par un court extrait « comment il s'y prend » pour traiter la question du signe... more
Breve exposição sobre os diferentes tipos de memória e sua importância na conceituação e operacionalização da semiótica enquanto instrumento científico e literário.
La obra del filósofo norteamericano John Dewey (1859-1952) es sistemática en la teoría y, en vida del propio Dewey, aspiraría a ser también sistemática en la práctica. En la práctica, un modo de tratar la profunda complejidad de la... more
Within Christian theology, the doctrine of the economic Trinity concerns the relation between the Triune God and living creatures like human beings. Roughly speaking, the orthodox view is that, though no Trinitarian person acts without... more
The opening chapter to 'Animal Neopragmatism: From Welfare to Rights' (Palgrave Macmillan 2019). I explain the theoretical and practical motivations for neopragmatism in animal ethics, and sketch the pragmatist critique of traditional... more
Pragmatism is the view that experience is the basis of our knowledge and that beliefs and theories prove themselves insofar at they work and make sense of the world, so our knowledge is ongoing and developing.
Much have been done in a long process of formulation of the modern thought towards what comes to be renown as Sign, from the first sight of a thing involved with a mystical meaning deriving from the deepest comprehension among the... more
“Peirce’s ideas about signs share a common conceptual space with Dignāga and other Indian logicians. Therefore, it seems reasonable to claim that the ancient and medieval Indian logicians who based their logic on the nature of signs... more
Аннотация: В статье осуществлен семиотический анализ процессов социального конструирования. В качестве концептуального инструментария, позволяющего раскрыть семиотические механизмы сборки субъекта, предлагается теория интерпретант Ч.С.... more
The advertising discourse has an impact on your interpretant that can overcome the simple barrier of an ad displayed on media. Some of that ads, especially television spots, transform their signs into universal symbologies, which now... more
Entre la suma de particularidades hacia un todo y un método que las diriga, el pragmatismo ha sido muy firme en proclamar que la inteligencia no es mas que un instrumento de utilidad y cual, mas allá de la lógica formal, existe unas... more
Before the total cutoff of a household for unpaid electrical bills, and in anticipation of the violence it might precipitate, national power utility inspectors in Dar es Salaam have recourse to a gradient of ‘soft’ disconnections designed... more
Duarte Amaral Netto (n.1976) é fotógrafo e professor. Como modo, compõe a sua experiencia pessoal em práticas da memória e metodologias para a construção sensível do sentido.
Drawing on the application of C. S. Peirce’s notion of indexicality, this paper argues that iterative imaging technologies modulate the manner in which moving images represent reality and determine how they are traced back to that... more
The goal of Giancarlo Zanet’s paper is to illustrate the historical and theoretical influence of Peirce and Lewis on Quine, particularly in terms of the pragmatist outlook imbued by the former two philosophers. Moreover, Zanet suggests... more