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For honey bees in the desert southwest, urban environments may provide abundant cavities and a more spatially and temporally continuous supply of nectar, pollen and water than would be available in surrounding natural desert areas. The... more
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      EngineeringSpatial AnalysisPublic HealthSpatio Temporal Analysis
As the number of references to landscape increases in the Brussels-Capital Region, the article analyses its place and meaning within the Regional Development Plans (1995-2018). The article intends to show that landscape may be considered... more
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      Political SociologyUrban PlanningLandscapeUrban Landscape
Abstract:  This paper presents an argument for considering issues of class in analyses of communicative planning projects. In these projects, class interests tend to be obscured by the contemporary preoccupation with the class-ambiguous... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyEconomic Geography
Il castello nasce, storicamente, come entità di natura urbanistica ancora prima che architettonica. La sua relazione con la struttura fisica e l’immagine della città si afferma al momento dell’edificazione e si conferma nei secoli... more
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      Urban RegenerationUrban LandscapeItalyHistoric Urban Landscape
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureLandscape UrbanismUrban LandscapeLandscape Planning
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      EngineeringUrban PlanningUrban LandscapeEnvironmental Sciences
Chiang Mai is one of the most severe smog areas in Thailand. It was the world's ranked No.1 city with the worst air quality. Has detected the PM2.5 dust concentration higher than 500 micrograms per cubic meter. Which is the value than the... more
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      Pattern RecognitionModeling and SimulationUrban LandscapeEnvironmental Hazards and Disasters
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) can be considered the joint product of water engineering and urban planning and design since these systems must comply with hydraulic, hydrologic, and social-ecological functions. To enhance this joint... more
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      Environmental ScienceWaterUrban PlanningUrban Landscape
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      Landscape ArchitectureInfrastructure PlanningInfrastructures (Architecture)Urban Landscape
Urbanization generates human-made habitats with novel resources. Such change is not homegeneous, and includes different urban land uses characterized by specific habitat traits. In this study we explored the ecophysiologial response of an... more
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      EngineeringStressEcologyUrban Ecology
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      German LiteratureUrban LandscapeLetteratura TedescaGünter Grass
What I’m interested in stressing here, is that the unique amount, beauty and fame of Italian landscapes and vedute painted between the 17th and 18th Century – images that we all know since they are widely exhibited all over the globe (who... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureCultural HeritageUrban Planning
In this paper, we examined twelve riparian forests along urban-rural gradients in Austin, TX (USA), on the relationship among watershed urbanization and the invasion of alien woody species. We assessed the degree of biological invasion by... more
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      EngineeringHydrologyInvasive SpeciesUrbanization
Este capítulo trata de la ciudad informal, de los asentamientos informales, o, si lo prefieren, de la ciudad oculta en sentido metafórico en tanto que construcción social del paisaje. Específicamente, analiza algunas situaciones dentro... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSystems ThinkingUrban PlanningEnvironmental Sustainability
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      Urban LandscapeUrban Design
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      Cold WarUrban LandscapeGDR HistoryCold War history
Os viadutos constituem um dos equipamentos contemporâneos mais representativos da profunda alteração que os transportes motorizados impuseram ao cenário citadino, traduzindo uma ideia de mobilidade urbana que, independentemente das... more
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      Public ArtUrban LandscapeArt in public spacePaisagem Urbana
As urbanized areas expand and develop throughout the world, the importance of understanding their effects on wildlife increases. Living in cities may be stressful for animals but may also provide benefits at the same time, and the sum of... more
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      EngineeringUrban LandscapeSeasonalityEnvironmental Sciences
Development threats to beautiful and productive agricultural areas occur throughout the world. This case study of one such productive valley reveals its agricultural uniqueness to Mexico and the pressures for its industrialization.... more
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      EngineeringCartographyLandscape ArchitectureEnvironmental Management
Marche Region, as other Italian regions, is reviewing its Landscape Plan. In this article I will argue that the most important expected outcome of the review process is the construction of active policies for landscape meant as actions... more
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      Urban PlanningLandscape UrbanismUrban And Regional PlanningLandscape
Paper about some results of the research about the integrated policy for urban development “Die Soziale Stadt - Gebiete mit besonderem Entwicklungsbedarf” in Germany and the city of Berlin, as case study. The research is part of the... more
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      Urban managementSustainable UrbanismUrban StudiesUrbanism
Polazeći od klimatskih promena kao ključnog izazova regeneracije i savremenog razvoja grada, ovo istraživanje posebnu pažnju posvećuje odnosu korisnika i mesta, te za cilj ima formiranje strategije koja je antropocentrična, jer za osnov... more
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      ArchitectureUrban LandscapeAbandoned BuildingsBelgrade
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      Architectural EngineeringReligionHistoryAncient History
Green spaces play a crucial role in supporting urban ecological and social systems, a fact recognised in public policy commitments in both the UK and Europe. The amount of provision, the distribution of green space and the ease of access... more
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      EngineeringSocial GroupsUrban LandscapeEnvironmental Sciences
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Planners, architects, landscape designers, geographers and the like have assigned the term terrain vague to describe those muddled landscapes lying in between use, and between nature and civilization. In a much-cited essay on such spaces... more
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      PhotographyRural LandscapeUrban LandscapeNorthern England
Recorded urban landscape for centuries has been an important part of material culture, shaping the identity of the city. Images are of great importance due to the recording of urban space, re-defining the space in culture, creating the... more
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      Urban LandscapeUrban WaterfrontsPhotography as Historical SourceWaterfront City
Numerous fast-growing coastal cities in the Global South are exposed to coastal, fluvial and pluvial floods, as a consequence of decades-long rapid urbanisation and weak enforcement of planning regulations. Integrating Blue–Green... more
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      WaterFlood Risk ManagementGreen InfrastructureIndonesia
Information on urban tree growth, mortality and in-growth is currently being used to estimate urban forest structure changes and ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration. This study reports on tree diameter growth and mortality in... more
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      EngineeringCarbon SequestrationUrban LandscapeTree Mortality
Information on urban tree growth, mortality and in-growth is currently being used to estimate urban forest structure changes and ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration. This study reports on tree diameter growth and mortality in... more
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      EngineeringCarbon SequestrationUrban LandscapeTree Mortality
In the field of pedestrian-orientation, the notion of shared space has been proposed as a human-centered approach to the designing of contemporary urban streets with the aim of integration of vehicles and people. The woonerf phenomenon,... more
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      Urban LandscapeWoonerfShared Space
Over two hundred years, increasing urban growth and an influx of migrants transformed Tehran from a 7.5 square kilometer city of 15,000 inhabitants into a mega-city of ten million sprawling over 600 square kilometers. Having subsumed... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureUrban Landscape
A functional network of green space is important for the maintenance of the ecological dimension of a sustainable urban landscape. We used avian ecological diversity as a proxy for evaluating the functionality of different types of urban... more
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      EngineeringUrban PlanningBiologyEcology
Izmir province has experienced a tremendous increase in population such as other metropolitan cities of Turkey due to migration issues in last 30 years. Land use and land cover (LULC) of Izmir was affected from this unplanned population... more
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      Remote sensing and GISUrban LandscapePopulation Studies
El paradigma occidental de simplificación y parcialización del conocimiento formulado por Descartes, postuló el pensamiento disyuntor como método en la investigación científica. No sería hasta el siglo XX cuando éste, comenzaría a revelar... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
Our team was asked by the Chattanooga Downtown Planning and Design Studio to study how the downtown plan could be environmentally sound. We were charged with articulating the issues, framing the problems, looking for larger integrative... more
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      Green InfrastructureUrban PlanningSustainable UrbanismSustainable Urban Environments
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      EngineeringUrban LandscapeEnvironmental SciencesUrban Landscape and Planning
INTRODUCTION From thousands of years, Istanbul witnessed many historical eras, formed very important cultural heritages and sheltered valuable landscapes. Capital of three empires, from Roman to Byzantine, Ottoman to Republic of Turkey,... more
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      Disaster StudiesUrbanizationUrban LandscapeIstanbul
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      PhotographyUrban PlanningCultural LandscapesLandscape History
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      ArchaeologyArchaeological GISUrban archaeologyUrban Landscape
We notice how the particular identities of the architectural tradition of our villages, towns and regions are suffering a historically unprecedented transformation, leading in some cases to its almost entire disappearance. In order to... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureContemporary Vernacular ArchitectureUrban LandscapeTraditional Architecture
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryCritical TheoryCritical Theory
Dark Sides of the City-Editorial And work of every description ceased, and all the trades were abandoned by the artisans, and all other work as well, such as each had in hand. Indeed, in a city which was simply abounding in all good... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArchaeological ScienceEconomic Growth
With rapid global urban growth, the proximity between urban and protected areas will increase. We identify four categories of nations, based on the proportion of people in urban areas, the amount of protected area, and the 1995 and... more
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      EngineeringConservation BiologyWest AfricaSustainable Urban Environments
B 454 G5 opy 1)OWN THE GARDEN PATH (3y Dorothy Qiles SB 454-.G 5 Down the Qarden Path PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS for FLOWER and VEGETABLE GARDENING is one of a series of service books issued by McCalL'S for its readers. The purpose of the... more
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      Landscape EcologyLandscape ArchaeologyAustralian history (Australia)Landscape
Recent practice of staged photography in China renders views of urban landscapes as active elements in performative actions directed for the camera. These cityscapes, featured in photographs produced by artists such as Li Wei, Cao Fei,... more
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      PhotographyPerformanceUrban LandscapeChinese Photography
The urban landscape is an objective-subjective nature that plays a significant role in the perception of collective spaces by the audience. This is possible only by s timulating the perceptual potentials of users and inducing behavioral... more
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      PerceptionUrban LandscapeUrban SpacePublic Urban Square
ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the integrated structural approach of the International Building Exhibition Emscher Park with a closer inspection on the concept of "interconnected park system" in the regeneration process... more
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      Urban LandscapeArchitecture and Urban Planning
Leggere Roma Correu è una sorpresa e un regalo, consente di riprendere il filo di una corrispondenza interrotta, riappacifica e istiga a recuperare e reinventare il nostro ruolo di attori su quel grande teatro che è il paesaggio. La... more
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      ArchitecturePhotographyUrban LandscapeUrban Design
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      Environmental JusticeEnvironmental SustainabilityUrban LandscapeUrban Political Ecology