Calpurnius Siculus
Recent papers in Calpurnius Siculus
Although the ancient pastoral setting is often considered harmonious, this view can be challenged by examining poems in which trees are used by shepherds for writing (Verg. ecl. 5, Calp. ecl. 1 and 3). Usually seen as metapoetic elements,... more
Post-Virgilian pastoral poetry abounds with phenomena that can be described as imitative series and clusters, as becomes evident if we only glance at the first poems of Virgil's most immediate extant successor in the genre of pastoral,... more
Cover design by Maryna Wiśniewska This book has been reviewed for publication by Mikołaj Szymański and Ewa Wipszycka Computer design and DTP by Tomasz Derda Editing and proofreading by Tomasz Derda, Jennifer Hilder, and Jan Kwapisz © for... more
Lo studio della ricezione delle Bucoliche di Virgilio deve tenere conto di dinamiche complesse, determinate dall'eterogeneità che caratterizza il genere pastorale fin dalle sue origini. Questo intervento elabora una lettura della quarta... more
This thesis is concerned with the study of metrical, rhythmic and discursive aspects of the Bucolics of the Roman poet Calpurnius Siculus and their poetic translation. The object of study is a book containing seven Latin poems of inexact... more
Moura, A. R. de. Poesia bucólica: Virgílio, Calpúrnio Sículo, Nemesiano. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, 2022 (Coleção Bibliotheca Latina), ISBN 978-85-268-1557-5. "Poesia bucólica" discute as bases desse subgênero literário na... more
The leitmotif of this volume is the concept of “author images”, which is used in modern literary studies to describe processes of production and reading of literary works and is here applied for the first time to the study of ancient... more
This article argues that Virgil introduced sexual overtones, an urbane motif par excellence, in Bucolica 2 and 3 – the oldest of his bucolic poems to forestall criticism from his intended audience: the Poetae Novi and their aficionados,... more
Mindmáig nem jutott nyugvópontra a kutatás azon kérdésben, hogy milyen égitest tűnik föl Janus Pannonius De stella aestivo meridie visa című elégiájában. Bollók János az égitestet az 1462 nyarán Kínában megfigyelt üstökössel azonosította.... more
In a song exchange in his second Eclogue, Calpurnius presents the canales through which water is piped to a garden as equivalent to a pastoral singer's pipe, anticipating his innovative use of canales to denote musical pipes at Ecl.... more
In this paper, I analyze the way men and animals interact in the Ancient Greek and Roman Bucolic. First, I enter the bucolic matrix (generic concept and functionnement), I then explain how humanity, bestiality and divinity mingle and,... more
I contributi sono sottoposti, in forma anonima, all'esame di studiosi competenti per lo specifico settore.
Mindmáig nem jutott nyugvópontra a kutatás azon kérdésben, hogy milyen égitest tűnik föl Janus Pannonius De stella aestivo meridie visa című elégiájában. Bollók János az égitestet az 1462 nyarán Kínában megfi gyelt üstökössel... more
A note of warning to the casual reader: this material is definitely not for everyone. The CP (Priapic Poems) provide interesting insights into Roman notions of gender (esp. masculinity), honor, human sexuality, and other topics. They also... more
This article presents through selected passages the role played in Imperial Poetry by the theme "venatio" within a panegyrical or satirical discourse. It will offer a brief definition as well as a summary of the historical development of... more
nicht nur textlicher Quellen, in den sehr detaillierten, philologisch präzisen, textnahen, ausgewogenen und von einem weiten Horizont zeugenden Einzelinterpretationen, und nicht zuletzt in der klar formulierten Grundthese, deren... more
in: A. Junghanß/ B. Kaiser/ D. Pausch (Hrsg.), Zeitmontagen. Formen und Funktionen gezielter Anachronismen, Stuttgart 2019 (Palingenesia 116) 41-57. Abstract: Die vorgestellten Überlegungen zielen darauf, das semantische Potential... more
„ut pictura poeta. Author images as literary, historical-biographical and medial concepts and their influence on the reading of ancient literature“ A conference at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, May 9-11. Organizers: Ursula Gärtner... more
In der literarischen Diskussion nach ihrem Tod erscheinen Nero und Domitian als größenwahnsinnige Tyrannen, in der Panegyrik zu ihren Lebzeiten werden sie überschwänglich gepriesen. Angesichts dieser Diskrepanz hat man in den... more
This research aims to present how one of the most known satirical writers in Brazilian history, Gregório de Matos Guerra, approached satire in his very unusual way. The paper names some of his poems in order to represent how he created... more
This paper argues that all the eclogues present the same idealized landscape, and that, since this is called Arcadia in Eclogue 10, it is so in all of them. This was the traditional view, set out by Snell and others, and more recently... more
The paper offers a detailed examination of the nature and function of catalogues in the Corpus Priapeorum. It is specifically concerned with six catalogues that compare Priapus with various Olympian gods (CP 9, 20, 36, 39, 53, 75), and... more
a complessità dell'epistola 115 di Seneca risiede nella pluralità degli scorci tematici, che in ogni caso si riconducono a quell'"interrelazione stile-moralità" 1 , che era già stata argomento della precedente lettera, la 114. Lo sfarzo... more
This paper recuperates an episode of the modern reception of the first eclogue of Calpurnius Siculus; the classical text has been used by the XVI century poet Antonfrancesco Grazzini, known as Lasca, as a model for the eclogue "Dimmi,... more
Log of corrections, suggestions, and additions to “Towards a Minor Roman Poetry”
Fikció és propaganda az ókorban. Mayer Péter, Tar Ibolya szerk. AAASzeged Suppl. XII. 2010. 161–176. ISBN 978-963-306-105-3
Studi Umanistici Piceni XXVII (2007) 157–176.
The nymphs are departed. sweet Thames, run softly, till i end my song. The river bears no empty bottles, sandwich papers, silk handkerchiefs, cardboard boxes, cigarette ends or other testimony of summer nights. The nymphs are departed.
The allegorical conception of the bucolic genre that became general in Nero's time led to a simplification compared to Vergil's complex art of creating symbols. Calpurnius overcame the limits of a mere reproductive imitation exactly by... more