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      Bucolic PoetryThe Reception of VergilCalpurnius SiculusNemesianus
In this paper, I analyze the way men and animals interact in the Ancient Greek and Roman Bucolic. First, I enter the bucolic matrix (generic concept and functionnement), I then explain how humanity, bestiality and divinity mingle and,... more
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      Bucolic PoetryTheocritus (Classics)LongusVirgil
a complessità dell'epistola 115 di Seneca risiede nella pluralità degli scorci tematici, che in ogni caso si riconducono a quell'"interrelazione stile-moralità" 1 , che era già stata argomento della precedente lettera, la 114. Lo sfarzo... more
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      SenecaPropertiusEmperor NeroOvid (Classics)
This paper recuperates an episode of the modern reception of the first eclogue of Calpurnius Siculus; the classical text has been used by the XVI century poet Antonfrancesco Grazzini, known as Lasca, as a model for the eclogue "Dimmi,... more
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      Francesco I de' MediciCosimo I de' MediciCalpurnius SiculusPoesia Pastorale
The nymphs are departed. sweet Thames, run softly, till i end my song. The river bears no empty bottles, sandwich papers, silk handkerchiefs, cardboard boxes, cigarette ends or other testimony of summer nights. The nymphs are departed.
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      Greek and Latin EpigramLatin poetryCarmina PriapeaRoman gardens
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      Latin LiteratureSocial MemoryLatin poetryVirgil
I contributi sono sottoposti, in forma anonima, all'esame di studiosi competenti per lo specifico settore.
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      Medieval Latin PoetryPastoral PoetryCalpurnius Siculus
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      History of Latin LanguageMedieval Latin LiteratureBucolic PoetryLatin Language and Literature
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    • Calpurnius Siculus
The allegorical conception of the bucolic genre that became general in Nero's time led to a simplification compared to Vergil's complex art of creating symbols. Calpurnius overcame the limits of a mere reproductive imitation exactly by... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureNeronian LiteratureRhetoric
Studi Umanistici Piceni XXVII (2007) 157–176.
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      PhilologyClassicsLatin LiteratureNeronian Literature
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      EcloguesTheocritus (Classics)Pastoral PoetryThe Reception of Vergil
„ut pictura poeta. Author images as literary, historical-biographical and medial concepts and their influence on the reading of ancient literature“ A conference at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, May 9-11. Organizers: Ursula Gärtner... more
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      ClassicsBiographyAuthorshipAncient Greek and Roman Art
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      Calpurnius SiculusGreek and Latin Pastoral poetry
This article presents through selected passages the role played in Imperial Poetry by the theme "venatio" within a panegyrical or satirical discourse. It will offer a brief definition as well as a summary of the historical development of... more
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      Latin LiteratureM. Valerius MartialisSenecaStatius (Classics)
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureNeronian LiteratureBucolic Poetry
in: A. Junghanß/ B. Kaiser/ D. Pausch (Hrsg.), Zeitmontagen. Formen und Funktionen gezielter Anachronismen, Stuttgart 2019 (Palingenesia 116) 41-57. Abstract: Die vorgestellten Überlegungen zielen darauf, das semantische Potential... more
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      Latin LiteratureSenecaLatin Literature (in Classics) - SenecaTime Perception
nicht nur textlicher Quellen, in den sehr detaillierten, philologisch präzisen, textnahen, ausgewogenen und von einem weiten Horizont zeugenden Einzelinterpretationen, und nicht zuletzt in der klar formulierten Grundthese, deren... more
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      Bucolic PoetryCalpurnius SiculusTheory of Literary Genres
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureNeronian LiteratureBucolic Poetry
Mindmáig nem jutott nyugvópontra a kutatás azon kérdésben, hogy milyen égitest tűnik föl Janus Pannonius De stella aestivo meridie visa című elégiájában. Bollók János az égitestet az 1462 nyarán Kínában megfi gyelt üstökössel... more
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      Renaissance HumanismMatthias CorvinusNeo-latin literatureClassical Reception Studies
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      ClassicsReception StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Fikció és propaganda az ókorban. Mayer Péter, Tar Ibolya szerk.  AAASzeged Suppl. XII. 2010. 161–176. ISBN 978-963-306-105-3
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
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      Textual CriticismCarmina PriapeaCalpurnius SiculusPhilological Methods
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      Latin LiteratureOvidThe Reception of VergilCalpurnius Siculus
Mindmáig nem jutott nyugvópontra a kutatás azon kérdésben, hogy milyen égitest tűnik föl Janus Pannonius De stella aestivo meridie visa című elégiájában. Bollók János az égitestet az 1462 nyarán Kínában megfigyelt üstökössel azonosította.... more
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      Renaissance HumanismMatthias CorvinusClassical Reception StudiesRoman Elegy
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman HistoryNeronian Literature
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      Latin LiteratureBucolic PoetryEcloguesBucolic Tradition
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureMetricsVergil
In this article, I set out to outline the different instances of focalisation in Calpurnius 7 and to contextualise their metapoetic implications for the corpus as an innovative actualisation of the bucolic "genre".
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      Bucolic PoetryEcphrasisCalpurnius SiculusNarratology , Focalization
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      Roman poetryOvidCalpurnius Siculus