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The opposition between the naked and the clothed body is one of the most productive elements of cultural history and is often associated with the dichotomy between nature and culture. According to tradition, nudity stimulates the... more
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      PsychoanalysisGerman LiteratureAnthropology of the BodyCultural Theory
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Kinyras: The Divine Lyre is also available online through the CHS website: The web version, however, does not have page numbers, so that internal... more
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      PhilologyReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionSumerian Religion
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      Latin LiteraturePoeticsOvid (Classics)Reception of Ovid
Review of the Ovidian book by Laurel Fulkerson.
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      ClassicsOvid (Classics)Latin poetry
For Scylla buffs, from the archive: a paragraph-long 1984 note scanned from Liverpool Classical Monthly 9(1984) 79. LCM was the much-loved stencil-sheet journal founded and edited by John Pinsent which anticipated the features of blog... more
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      Ovid (Classics)Latin poetryOvid's Fasti
Handout accompanying the CAMWS presentation "Internal Consistency in Ancient Poetry: The Singular World of Ovid's Single Heroides"
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      HeroidesOvid (Classics)Imaginary Worlds Capítulo publicado en: Florio, Rubén (dir.) Varia et diversa: Sus contactos con la Historia, Mar del Plata, UNMPdP / UNL, 2018, pp. 157-206. // The main purpose of this research is... more
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      Late AntiquityLatin EpicOvid (Classics)Ausonius
Script and handout of my talk on reflections of motives between prooemium, catalogue and coda of Ovids Ibis (in German).
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      Comparative LiteratureClassicsLatin LiteratureLiterary Theory
Depuis quelques années on enregistre un regain d’intérêt de la critique pour l’Ovide moralisé, poème anonyme du début du XIVe siècle, qui représente la première traduction intégrale en vers français des Métamorphoses d’Ovide, dans... more
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      Romance philologyTextual CriticismOvid (Classics)Ovid Metamorphoses
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      Ovid (Classics)Ovid Metamorphoses
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    • Ovid (Classics)
Parution du dernier numéro de la Revue Vita Latina
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      ClassicsApuleiusOvid (Classics)Lettres Classiques
La digressione su Io: domande retoriche 1. Ipermestra chiude la sua digressione sulla storia di Io (Her. 14,85-100):
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      OvidHeroidesOvid (Classics)Ovid, Heroides
Resumen: A propósito de la celebración del bimilenario de la muerte de Ovidio, acaecida el 17 d.C., me propongo analizar el exilio del poeta como un fenómeno histórico con resonancias literarias y culturales. A partir de las formas de... more
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      Imperial RomeExile LiteratureOvid (Classics)Ancient Rome
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      ClassicsOvid (Classics)Ovid MetamorphosesAugustan literature
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      Latin LiteratureOvidOvid (Classics)Latin poetry
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      ShakespeareOvid (Classics)A Midsummer Night's DreamOvidio
One of a few pdfs from my backlist which I'm adding to my academia page, given constrained access to libraries, in case anyone needs a moment of OVID in a time of COVID. (I'm assuming the goodwill of rights holders in these unusual... more
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    • Ovid (Classics)
Classical Quarterly 71.1 (2021): 259-75. This article examines the Roman tradition that Numa once negotiated with Jupiter about human sacrifice. Complete versions of the myth survive in Ovid, Plutarch and Arnobius (citing Valerius... more
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureRoman ReligionAncient Mediterranean Religions
It has been argued that there were groups of artists called poetae Vergiliani and poetae Ovidiani. While this may be the case, re-examination of commonly adduced epigraphic evidence shows that these inscriptions cannot be used to support... more
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      Latin LiteratureLatin EpigraphyOvid (Classics)Virgil
verse translation of Ovid, Amores 2.17
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      ClassicsTranslation of PoetryRoman poetryOvid
Publiusz Owidiusz Nazon (43 p.n.e. – 17 n.e.) został w roku 8 n.e. wygnany z Rzymu do Tomis (dziś Konstanca w Rumunii) na rozkaz cesarza Augusta. Przyczyny wygnania nie są jasne, sam poeta wskazywał jedynie na tajemnicze carmen et error.... more
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      OvidTristiaRoman ElegyBlack Sea region
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistoryCultural Studies
This chapter examines the story of Salmacis and Hermaphroditus from book 4 of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, whose two bodies are merged into one. A series of connections are drawn between Hermaphroditus and the representation of the primordial... more
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      ClassicsPlatoPre-Socratic (Pre-Platonic) PhilosophyAncient Greek Philosophy
METAMORFOSIS de Publi Ovidi Nasó.
Exordi, selecció i traducció de Xavier Mata Oroval.
Il·lustracions d’Aitana Carrasco.
Sembra Llibres, València 2020, pp. 264, ISBN: 978-84-16698-38-7
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      Ovid (Classics)Classical Tradition in Art and LiteratureThe Pygmalion mythOvidius
The first part of this paper argues that Orpheus' telling of Hyacinth's story in Ov. Met. 10, 162-219 is a reworking of his own personal grief for Eurydice, narrated by Ovid shortly before. The second part analyses the extant Hellenistic... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureOvidLatin Language and Literature
Chapter on the reception of Ovid's love poetry (Amores, Ars amatoria, Remedia amoris) from Roman antiquity to modernity with text interpretations of Martial, Carmina Burana, Petrarca and Goethe.
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      ArtJohann Wolfgang von GoetheOvidOvid (Classics)
En el siguiente trabajo se analizarán distintos fragmentos de la obra de Ovidio donde el autor reelabora el tópico non omnis moriar, probablemente relacionado con la Oda 30,3 de la obra Odas (Horacio). Se intentará observar qué tipo de... more
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      Ovid (Classics)Ovid MetamorphosesLiteratura RomanaAugusto
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      MourningSenecaCiceroLatin Literature (in Classics) - Seneca
Der Artikel stellt eine Unterrichtsreihe zum Ariadne-Mythos bei Ovid für den Lateinunterricht in der gymnasialen Oberstufe vor. Beigefügt sind ein Tafelbild sowie Kopiervorlagen mit den für den Unterricht aufbereiteten Textstellen,... more
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      Latin LiteratureOvidOvid (Classics)Latin poetry
What does it mean to have a feminine voice in a literary world dominated by male authors? What would it mean for the contemporary reader of ancient and medieval texts to be responsive to the distinctiveness of the feminine voice? This... more
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      Gender and SexualityIntertextualityRereading and IntertextualityFeminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
Ovid's story on King Midas and the Golden Touch is presented in the Latin original with an interlinear translation and a running commentary, which may serve as a teacher's guide for a Latin translation class.
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureOvidMetamorphoses
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryAugustan PoetryLexicography
Ce document constitue une avant-publication, dans le cadre de l'édition à venir des fragments poétiques du IIIe s. de n. è.
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      Hellenistic LiteratureOvidOrphic poemsGreek Myth
Returning to the work begun in Amy Richlin's seminal essay on the unsettling topic of sexual violence in Ovid's work, "Reading Ovid's Rapes," this paper takes another look at the rich interpretive problems posed by the incessantly... more
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      Ancient HistoryIntellectual HistoryClassicsLatin Literature
Ovid's writing is infused with the re-telling of known myths and the portrayal of heroes and heroines, whose figurae held a central role in Greek and Roman literature. This article argues in favour of reading Ariadne's story at Ars am.... more
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      Ovid (Classics)Ovid, Ars amatoria
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      OvidIbisOvid (Classics)Ovidius
Dieu est né en exil, Fayard, Paris, 1960. Traducere de Ileana Cantuniari. Prefață de Daniel Rops „Il romanzo è una riscrittura delle opere che il poeta romano Ovidio compose durante il suo esilio a Tomi (nell'attuale Romania), le... more
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      ExileNeopythagoreanismExile LiteratureOvid (Classics)
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      Ovid (Classics)WordplayOvid MetamorphosesAcrostics
In Constructing Authors and Readers in the  Appendices Vergiliana, Tibulliana, and Ovidiana, ed. by T. E. Franklinos and L. Fulkerson. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2020), pp. 212-222.
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      Latin Didactic PoetryOvid (Classics)
Οι Ηρωίδες του Οβιδίου είναι μία συλλογή από ποιητικές επιστολές που συνθέτουν διάσημες ηρωίδες του μύθου, οι οποίες έχουν εγκαταλειφθεί, προδοθεί ή απορριφθεί από τους πολύ διασημότερους ήρωες-εραστές τους 1 . Στις επιστολές που... more
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      Ovid (Classics)Latin Elegiac PoetryOvid, Heroides
Atalanta o dell'ambiguità di 'genere' (met. 8,322-323)
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      OvidOvid (Classics)Latin poetryVarro
Based on the experience of telling mythological stories from Metamphorphoses by Ovid, this study investigates transformational and referential aspects that are present in the act of storytelling. Furthermore, we examine... more
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      MythologyLatin LiteratureOvid (Classics)Ovid Metamorphoses
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    • Ovid (Classics)
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      Augustan PoetryIntertextualityPropertiusTibullus
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      Comparative LiteratureMythologyRenaissance StudiesShakespeare
Augustus’ success in implementing monarchical rule at Rome is often attributed to innovations in the symbolic language of power, from the star marking Julius Caesar’s deification to buildings like the Palatine complex and Forum Augustum... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLatin LiteratureRoman HistoryIconography
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      OvidHeroidesDouble HeroidesOvid (Classics)
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      Latin LiteratureOvidOvid (Classics)Latin poetry
The author is trying to retrace the structural pattern responsible for the coherence of Jan Kochanowski's "Elegiarum libri quattuor", a collection of 46 Latin elegies by Polish most prominent Renaissance poet. In order to achieve this he... more
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      LucretiusOvid (Classics)Neolatin LiteratureThe Polish Renaissance