Greek and Latin Pastoral poetry
Recent papers in Greek and Latin Pastoral poetry
This study, illustrating the use in both ancient and modern poetry of a pastoral landscape to symbolize the poet’s ‘place’ of inspiration and creation, marked a radical departure from traditional approaches to Virgilian pastoral. The... more
An episode from Ovid's Metamorphoses viewed as metaliterary appropriation of the genre of pastoral poetry
Il presente volume non ha fini di lucro, ma ha come scopo la divulgazione di ricerche scientifiche prodotte in ambito accademico. Le immagini contenute in questo numero, corredate dei nomi degli autori e delle fonti da cui sono tratte,... more
This is the text of a paper I delivered at the 2013 APA (now Society for Classical Studies) Annual Meeting. It examines satirical representations of poetic patronage in Juvenal Satire 7 and in Spenser's pastoral poetry. It won't be... more
The allegorical conception of the bucolic genre that became general in Nero's time led to a simplification compared to Vergil's complex art of creating symbols. Calpurnius overcame the limits of a mere reproductive imitation exactly by... more
(UNCORRECTED PREPRINT) In the early modern age, pastoral poetry became a current genre of the praise of rulers, kings and emperors. In spite of its overwhelming richness and contemporaneous importance, this branch of the bucolic genre... more
Responding to new anecdotage on eclogue three, 1 the present account starts with the eclogue's chronotopology including location by old beeches [1.a], taken to imply an economic system of production and exchange [1.b], that animates drama... more
In recent years, the study of Ovid's poetry has begun to benefit from a renewed interest in pastoral poetry. Studies such as those of Barchiesi (2006) and Fabre-Serris (2003) have suggested other ways of interpreting instances of pastoral... more
IVjLodern critics often credit Theocritus with inventing a new poetic genre.1 Still, Theocritean bucolic poetry, while clearly the beginning of something new and enduring, is as much the result of a reformulation and modification of... more
In Eclogue 3, Vergil flags the rough verses of his quarreling shepherds as alterna, evoking similar songs in aetiologies of early drama in the Georgics, in Livy, and in Horace. These later treatments often set early Italian practices... more
Tradução de Bíon, fragmento IX.
In questo intervento intendo indagare il ruolo dell’osservatore nel determinare il significato delle opere figurative di tema pastorale prodotte in Veneto nei primi decenni del Cinquecento, in particolare concentrando l’attenzione su i... more
Paper presented at the X Seminário do Núcleo de Estudos Clássicos e Medievais - Faculdade de Letras - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Includes a translation of Nemesian's Ecl. 3.
Στην περιοχή του Αγίου Αθανασίου Γαλαξειδίου, εγγύτατα στην περιοχή της Ακρόπολης των Προϊστορικών χρόνων και νοτιοδυτικά του οικισμού των Πέντε Ορίων, εντοπίζονται ο πύργος και οι ημιϋπαίθριοι –κάποτε- χώροι σταυλισμού μιας... more
Mantuan (1447-1516) published eclogue book Adulescentia (1498) that crossed Alps & occupied schools for more than a century: essay traces him from famous school in Gonzaga court at Mantua to his fame as 'Christian Maro' & citation by... more
Abstract Nella produzione bucolica di Teocrito l’equilibrio tra idealizzazione e realismo nella rappresentazione della vita dei pastori è ottenuto con una sapiente alternanza tra momenti di delicata poesia e scene di volgare crudezza o di... more
This thesis is an original philological study in the field of literature, in which the author, using two fields of science, i.e. the humanities and the natural sciences, tries to find the answer, what species of plants are hidden under... more
Fikció és propaganda az ókorban. Mayer Péter, Tar Ibolya szerk. AAASzeged Suppl. XII. 2010. 161–176. ISBN 978-963-306-105-3
In Echoing Hylas, Mark Heerink argues that the story of Hylas—a famous episode of the Argonauts’ voyage—was used by poets throughout classical antiquity to reflect symbolically on the position of their poetry in the literary tradition.... more
'The Shepherds Jubileee' was a poem published in 1701 by Dublin actress Dorothy Smith to welcome the new viceroy to Ireland and to petition him for patronage of the theatre in Smock Alley. The poem alludes in detail to Virgil's Eclogues.... more
How did Spenser in The Shepheardes Calender read Virgil's Eclogues, in which (Latin) editions, to what ends and effects? This study, a Chapter in the book referenced below, attempts to answer those questions by an analysis and... more
Anyte, Anth. Pal. 9.745 Θάεο τὸν Βρομίου κεραὸν τράγον, ὡς ἀγερώχως ὄμμα κατὰ λασιᾶν γαῦρον ἔχει γενύων κυδιόων, ὅτι οἱ θάμ' ἐν οὔρεσιν ἀμφὶ παρῇδα βόστρυχον εἰς ῥοδέαν Ναῒς ἔδεκτο χέρα.
Au cours des années 1640, Claude Lorrain réalisa deux très larges paysages pour le cardinal Camillo Pamphilj, neveu du pape Innocent X : Vue de Delphes avec une procession (1646) et Paysage avec figures dansantes (1648) (aussi appelé Le... more