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During the last two decades, studies on fragmentary Latin poetry have been fostered by the collections of Courtney, Hollis and Blänsdorf, but there is still room for further improvement in editing and discussing these texts. This paper... more
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      Latin poetryFragmentary Latin Poetry
proprietà artistica e letteraria riservata per tutti i paesi È vietata la traduzione, la memorizzazione elettronica, la riproduzione totale e parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo, compresa la fotocopia, anche ad uso interno o didattico :... more
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      Latin LiteratureHoraceLatin Language and LiteratureArchaic Latin Poetry
I argue that the phrase 'haud mollia iussa' at Geo. 3.41 is taken from Gallus' treatment of the Atalanta and Milanion myth, chosen to introduce the subject matter of Georgics 3 - viz. 'Amor'.
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      Latin LiteratureGeorgicsVirgilCornelius Gallus
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      EnniusTextual criticism (Classics)Roman SatireFabula Praetexta
In his Historiae adversus paganos Orosius records the episode of the Vestal Minucia who was buried alive in 337 B.C. after committing incestum (hist. 3, 9, 5). In ms. Sangallensis 621 of Orosius the St. Gall monk Ekkehart IV (XI sec.)... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureLatin EpicEnnius
storia e letteratura r a c c o l t a d i s t u d i e t e s t i roma 2012 edizioni di storia e letteratura le strade della filologia per scevola mariotti a cura di leopoldo gamberale, mario de nonno, carlo di giovine, marina passalacqua
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      Latin LiteratureTextual CriticismSenecaCicero
In margine alla terza edizione dei Fragmenta poetarum Latinorum * 1. A 13 anni dal rifacimento del Morel 1 , curato dall'ultimo Büchner 2 , Jürgen Blänsdorf 3 , che già ne aveva corretto le bozze dopo la morte del maestro, offre agli... more
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      Classical philologyFragmentary Latin Poetry
I. A caccia di parole. A proposito di Enn. trag. fr. CXVI, 245 Joc. II. Egisto sulla scena romana. Alcuni spunti di riflessione.
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureLatin Language and LiteratureClassical philology
The high number of poetic citations contained in the surviving books of Varro’s "De lingua Latina" are relevant not only as mostly unique attestations of latin arcaic poetry, but also for the special place they hold within Varro’s... more
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      Latin LiteratureArchaic Latin PoetryEnniusPlautus
In memoriam for the great Latinist Alfonso Traina
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      Latin LiteratureLiterary StylisticsRoman poetryHistory of Classical Scholarship
Septimius Serenus’ invocation to Ianus (fr. 23 Bl.) draws inspiration from the episode of Ianus at the beginning of Ovid’s Fasti, but is written in a rare meter of Callimachean origin. In this way Serenus ‘miniaturizes’ both the... more
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      MetricsOvid (Classics)Latin poetryFragmentary Latin Poetry
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      ClassicsLatin LiteraturePapyrologyRoman poetry
Catullus 64 revises traditional mythological chronology by making the Argo the first ship; this “correction” strongly influenced subsequent Latin poetry. Varro of Atax, a young contemporary of Catullus, alludes to this temporal... more
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      Latin LiteratureTranslation StudiesCatullusLatin poetry
BAND 171 2009 DR. RUDOLF HABELT GMBH . BONN 45 PER LA DATAZIONE DEI VERSI DI GALLO DA QASR IBRIM Scopo del presente studio è quello di tentare una ricostruzione e una sintesi delle ipotesi che, nel corso di 30
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman poetryLatin Language and Literature
1 Sulle citazioni poetiche in Cicerone e in particolare nelle Tusculanae disputationes, vd. Degl'Innocenti Pierini 2008a con la bibliografia ivi citata.
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      Latin LiteratureCiceroLatin Language and LiteratureClassical philology
Estremo erede, in ordine cronologico, della tradizione antica sul dubius sermo, che risale in ultima analisi a Plinio il Vecchio, il trattato anonimo De nominibus dubiis (VII/VIII sec. d. C., probabilmente composto in Gallia) è costituito... more
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      History of LinguisticsPhilologyClassicsLatin Literature
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureMediterranean StudiesRoman poetry
In Virgil’s Eclogues the Muses Pierides are always represented as authors of the poems, like in the Gallus papyrus from Qaṣr Ibrîm. Their presence in passages allusive to the verses of the papyrus and the employ of the epithet by Prop. 2,... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureAugustan PoetryPapyrology
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureTheatre StudiesClassical philology
Il presente volume è stato sottoposto a procedimento di peer review.
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureLiterary MetaphorFragmentary Latin Poetry
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureTranslation StudiesSeneca
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureLatin Language and LiteratureClassical philology
In this essay I go back on the question concerning the authorship of the fragments of the Annales quoted by Macrobius (Sat. 6, 1, 31; 6, 1, 32; 6, 1, 33; 6, 1, 34; 6, 1, 44; 6, 3, 5; 6, 4, 10) under the name of Furius. I then bring new... more
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      Latin LiteratureLatin Language and LiteratureLatin LanguageLatin poetry
The paper aims at debating some questions raised by vv. 6-9 ofthe Gallus papyrus from Qasr Ibrirn. Among them, the restoration ofthe text (plakato iudice te seems better at v. 9), the date (45-44 b. C. appears more likely) and the... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman poetryLatin Language and Literature
By comparing the adverbial expression paulo post in Cinna fr. 6,2 Bl.2 with some details of Ovid’s account of Myrrha’s story in Metamorphoses, it is possible to state the position of the distich within the lost epyllion. In fr. 13 Bl.2 it... more
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      CatullusLatin poetryNeoteric PoetryFragmentary Latin Poetry
E' al Tereus di Sofocle che dobbiamo con ogni probabilità la notevole fortuna nell'ambito tragico dell'efferato mito che segna le sorti di Tereo, Procne, Filomela e del piccolo Iti 1 : un mito connotato fin dal suo apparire sulla scena... more
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      Latin LiteratureLatin Language and LiteratureClassical philologyFragmentary dramas
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      Latin LiteratureLatin poetryFragmentary Latin Poetry
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureTheatre StudiesTheatre History
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureClassical philologyRoman Tragedy
I look at two examples (Ciris 244, 259; and Ciris 242-3) in the Ciris where it can be established, in my view, that the Ciris-poet has closely adapted the diction of Cinna's Smyrna. In the latter case, I attempt to rebut the accepted view... more
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      Latin LiteratureOvidCatullusOvid Metamorphoses
I argue that Myrrha famously blushed in Cinna's Smyrna, this being an important source for Lavinia's blush in Aeneid 12.
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    • Fragmentary Latin Poetry
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      Latin LiteratureRoman ComedyLatin Literature (in Classics) - SenecaFragmentary dramas
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      Latin LiteratureLatin poetryFragmentary Latin Poetry
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureTheatre StudiesSeneca
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      Latin LiteratureRoman DramaRoman TragedyFragmentary dramas
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoryTiberius (Emperor)Fragmentary Latin Poetry
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman ComedyClassical philology
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureMediterranean StudiesRoman poetry
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      Latin LiteratureCiceroLatin Language and LiteratureClassical philology
In the Tusculanae, we observe the intentional presence of poetic quotations, theatrical in particular: in the present paper, this element is connected with the therapeutic function that poetry performs in the context of a dialogical... more
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      Latin LiteratureCiceroLatin Language and LiteratureClassical philology
The article deals with problems connected with the interpretation of fragments transmitted as quotations. An introduction about the types of context and the levels of contextualization specified in communication theory is followed by an... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureLiterary TheoryContext
'matutinum', as an adverb, should be retained in Cinna Fr. 6 against the emendation 'matutinus'. Cinna refers to Cicero's Aratea, with Cinna's 'matutinum' being an improved translation of Aratus' ὀρθρινὸν (as compared to Cicero's... more
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      AratusNeoteric PoetryCicero's ArateaFragmentary Latin Poetry
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureClassical philologyLatin poetry
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      SenecaEnniusOvid (Classics)Latin poetry
Nel XIX libro delle Origines, parlando dello ‘strophium’, Isidoro cita un frustulo di esametro che attribuisce a Cinna. Gli studiosi lo hanno però generalmente assegnato a Catullo perché suona quasi identico a 64, 65. Si può pensare... more
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      CatullusLatin poetryFragmentary Latin Poetry
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureTheatre StudiesClassical philology
Abstract: The purpose of this article is twofold. First, on the basis of a re-examination of the sources and with new arguments, it discusses the meaning of a verse-fragment quoted anonymously by Servius ad Aen. 4.638 (Enn. Ann. Dub. Fr.... more
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      EnniusSebastiano TimpanaroFragmentary Latin PoetryServius Maurus Honoratus
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      Latin LiteratureEtymologyRoman ComedyFragmentary dramas
Research Workshop “Editing Ancient Latin Grammarians: Textual and Linguistic Challenges”, Trinity College Dublin, Department of Classics, 11th May
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      History of LinguisticsClassicsTextual ScholarshipTextual Criticism