CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design)
Recent papers in CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design)
Edited book:
Farrell, G. and K. Pease (eds). 2001. Repeat Victimization. Monsey, New York: Criminal Justice Press. (ISBN: 1881798267).
Farrell, G. and K. Pease (eds). 2001. Repeat Victimization. Monsey, New York: Criminal Justice Press. (ISBN: 1881798267).
O livro resgata a presença da Igreja na região, desde os primeiros contatos com os indígenas que lá viviam passando pela criação e instalação da Prelazia chegando aos dias atuais. A figura proeminente desta história é a do... more
La prevenzione del crimine attraverso il design ambientale (CPTED, acronimo di Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) è una teoria multidisciplinare che, in nuce, sostiene che la corretta pianificazione e l’uso effettivo di un... more
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) was created with general crime control objectives in mind. In a post-9/11 terrorism prevention environment, CPTED offers important infrastructure protection benefits.
The first publically accessible deliverable the UAL team has led on for Graffolution. Others will be available in due course. This report (D2.1) builds the starting point and foundation of Graffolution's research activities. It delivers... more
This study attempts to explain the correlation between Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) model and perceived safety among user in Kalibata City apartment and also measuring CPTED principles that have been implemented... more
Newman's approach for applying defensible-space principles to neighborhood design
Crime and Fear in Public Places consists of an important tool to advance the international urban safety agenda as it provides readers with a view on the debate over safety and public places, taking a multidisciplinary approach that takes... more
Literature review suggests that livable city is related to the quality of life where Bin JI (2006) defined livability as the quality of life that had been experienced by the residents within a city or region. A majority of the major towns... more
According to urban experts Crime and fear of crime have long been recognized as a major challenge to sustainable cities. It also has a significant impact on quality of life. In Malaysia the crime index has risen significantly over the... more
Insecurity has always been one of the main issues plaguing the harmonious co-existence of man in every civilization. Ethno-religious crisis and sectarian violence have been at the bane of insecurity in Nigeria. In recent times, the... more
The global security guard industry has experienced tremendous growth in the past five decades and there is every indication it will continue. Many government and private sector bodies have created mandatory and recommended training... more
People across the world face growing insecurity, violent conflict spreading and intensifying and the natural systems on which human life depends on, is in jeopardy. Also, today the security condition of student hostel has become one of... more
In the new era of technological advancement, crime prevention has become one of the major concerns of criminological jurisprudence. The concept of environmental criminology and its basic jurisprudential aspect can help to reduce crime and... more
In the view of Deleuzian IR scholars, societal steering evolved from analogue disciplining of static enclosures into network-centric, privatised, digital and global control. This article re-engages the control thesis from a decidedly... more
One practical, yet less touted, approach to school safety is the use of security provisions that conform with the principles of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED). Beyond preventing crime, the approach offers the... more
The aim of this chapter is to discuss the evidence in the international literature of the effects of urban design features on safety. More specifically, this research examines the relationship between features such as lighting and CCTV to... more
elevator buildings and defensible space; Newman's Newark, NJ, housing proposal, providing dwellings for elderly and families with children.
Following incidents of school violence, common discourse often neglects the role of practical approaches, such as CPTED, to safeguard campuses. This study utilized a content analysis of U.S. Clery Act Safety Reports from a national,... more
Due to the significant impact of criminality on the quality of life in a particular territory, criminality is attracting more and more attention from local authorities which are trying to reduce it. In this respect, the concept of CPTED... more
Celem badawczym niniejszej pracy jest znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie o to, czy w ramach projektów rewitalizacyjnych realizowanych w miastach Wielkiej Brytanii (jako przykładach miast europejskich) wykorzystano główne postulaty i ujęcia... more
After the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre, landscape architects in North America have been called on to design public landscapes that are not only more secure but also aes- thetically pleasing. In this article, the author explores... more
Through history, cities have always been associated with crime. Whether the reason was set to be social, economic, or even physical, the safety of these cities is not marked by the absence of danger, but also the absence of fear. Security... more
Problemem, podjętym w artykule jest kwestia aspektów społecznych i przestrzennych oraz ich wpływ na bezpieczeństwo przestrzeni wielkomiejskich. Zagadnienie badano, posługując się przykładem problemów wielkiego amerykańskiego miasta,... more
Arquitectura y participación llama la atención hacia el habitante de la ciudad, ese actor anónimo que vive cotidianamente las consecuencias de las grandes decisiones que atañen a su ciudad y a sus edificios, y a las que ha sido ajeno.... more
Podejmowane w ramach rewitalizacji przedsięwzięcia infrastrukturalne związane z przebudową, remontami, modernizacją czy adaptacją wiekowych budowli, mają na celu przeciwdziałanie negatywnym zjawiskom o charakterze społeczno-przestrzennym.... more
It is a fundamental need for humans to feel safe in their environments. Safety is an extremely broad term that is applicable to every aspect of our lives: where we go, what we do, what we eat, who we talk to, etc. In the context of... more
The issue of criminality and its intra-urban differentiation and perception is one of the most socially significant problems in human geography. The study presents the theoretical framework of the CPTED (Crime Prevention Through... more
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between environmental facilities as risk factors and crime. Police data of crimes against property and violent criminal offences registered in 2018 in the city of Niš, Serbia, were... more
To determine the spatial-environmental characteristics of the districts which reported the largest number of homicides in Bogotá during the second semester of 2011, we undertook a descriptive-observational study within the framework of... more
Until recently, Crime Prevention has not been taught to New Recruits to the Police Service in England and Wales. With the development of the Police Education Qualifications Framework and National Policing Curriculum, crime prevention will... more
Four major house types and how their defensible-space aspects are different:
3. Medium high-rise (7 stories maximum).
4. Tall high-rise.
3. Medium high-rise (7 stories maximum).
4. Tall high-rise.
Before the development of the Police Education Qualifications Framework (PEQF), and the commensurate National Police Curriculum (NPC), the topic of Crime Prevention was not one that was taught to new police recruits in England and Wales.... more
How does architecture operate as a security technology? This contribution sets out how reflexive security research and urban studies approach built environments as political inclusion and exclusion instruments. It first presents how this... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Kajian ini cuba memahami sejauh mana perbezaan yang wujud antara wacana antarabangsa dan tempatan dalam menilai bandar selamat Kuala Lumpur (KL), dan apa aspek yang boleh dipelajari daripada wacana kedua-dua pihak. Bab ini mengguna pakai... more
On the basis of the received empirical and statistic information the question of crime in Lviv administrative districts is researched. The relationships between the real state and the security feeling of Lviv residents are defined. In the... more
A look at the use of Community Identity in combination of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design concepts to create safer neighborhoods.
Research shows that the proper design and effective use of CPTED principles can lead to reduced opportunities for crime and an equally reduced sense of fear that these acts inspire. The goal of CPTED is a reduction of opportunities for... more
La Région bruxelloise vient de se doter d’un guide à l’usage des urbanistes pour sécuriser les espaces publics, l’occasion pour nous de revenir sur l’art de policer la ville par la ville elle-même. Exploration d’une légende urbaine.
This study investigates the cinematic representation of city crime transactions in Chicago in the 1980s. The narrative nature of cinema provides an imaginative context for interpreting the physical and nonphysical dimensions of urban... more
A grande quantidade de estudos sobre a relação entre os fatores espaciais e a ocorrência de crimes resultou em um quadro de fragmentação que dificulta uma visão integrada de quais são esses fatores e de quão robusta são as evidências... more
Authors محمد مفید رغد ; 1 عاشور سمیر شیماء 2 1 الهندسة قسم الهندسة کلیة المعماریة-القاهرة القاهرة، جامعة-مصر 2 والتکنولوجیا الهندسة کلیة البیئی والتصمیم المعماریة الهندسة قسم-القاهرة... more