Recent papers in CPTED
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is an approach to understanding crime which focuses on the built environment and geography instead of simply a potential offender’s behavior or socio-economic characteristics. The... more
History and contents of 'Defensible Space' theory is unveiled, sources and preconditions of Newman's research are regarded, criticism is explained.
Since 2009, the Ministry of Social Welfare and Labor (MoSWL) commenced on social reforms to improve the system of social welfare payments with the aim making it more inclusive of vulnerable populations. Population and housing census of... more
Fear of crime varies considerably depending on its attitude towards environmental conditions. Sense of community and CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design) are believed to have an influence on fear of crime. This paper... more
—Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) is one of way to prevent crime from happen by manipulating the built environment of urban area that will effect on how the criminal act. The research aims to investigate the level of... more
In the view of Deleuzian IR scholars, societal steering evolved from analogue disciplining of static enclosures into network-centric, privatised, digital and global control. This article re-engages the control thesis from a decidedly... more
The purpose of this paper is to critically review the papers published in the area of infrastructure design, environmental design, construction of houses, and crime and built environment. The paper aims to critically evaluate the... more
Este texto forma parte de una compilación sobre criminología ambiental coordinada por Rafael Hernández para la editorial Delta.
The observation approach is often used as a measument tool for examining the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) elements in residential areas. However, the evaluation based on observations are seen to be inadequate.... more
Οι μέθοδοι και οι πρακτικές που χρησιμοποιούνται κατά την εφαρμογή του CPTED ποικίλουν ανάλογα με το είδος και το βαθμό πρόληψης ,που απαιτείται από το εκάστοτε περιβάλλον να τεθούν σε εφαρμογή. Σε γενικές γραμμές λειτουργούν ταυτόχρονα... more
e la criminalità". Tra le sue pubblicazioni: "Il fiume carsico della Camorra nella società campana: dagli spagnoli all'età della globalizzazione", in «Rivista italiana di Conflittologia» N. 4, Edizioni Labrys, 2008; "Criminalità... more
W artykule skoncentrowano się na problematyce kształtowania bezpiecznych przestrzeni, przedstawiając to zagadnienie z perspektywy realizacji założeń human security, czyli bezpieczeństwa jednostki ludzkiej, inaczej ludzkiego bądź... more
In gauging the Crime Prevention through Environmental Design elements in residential areas, the observation approach often used as a measurement method. However, these evaluations merely based on observations are seen to be inadequate.... more
In designing, the built environment crime prevention has become a major international concern in recent decades. A transferable framework to give practitioners and researchers guidance and clarity is essential for effective cross... more
Problemem, podjętym w artykule jest kwestia aspektów społecznych i przestrzennych oraz ich wpływ na bezpieczeństwo przestrzeni wielkomiejskich. Zagadnienie badano, posługując się przykładem problemów wielkiego amerykańskiego miasta,... more
In the beginning of the 1990s, a new trend appeared within the field of criminology, allocating a new place to the spatial study of crime. This trend considers crime as the encounter of delinquents, victims or potential targets in a... more
Crime prevention in the design of an urban setting displays unambiguous links with behavioural geography, the urban setting and development of sustainable communities, being a strategy that has been extant for over 40 years. This paper... more
The purpose of this paper is to critically review the papers published in the area of infrastructure design, environmental design, construction of houses, and crime and built environment. The paper aims to critically evaluate the... more
Livable city is referred to as the quality of living in an area that contributes towards a safe, healthy and enjoyable place. The Safe City and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) programs were implemented to address... more
The objective of this study was to identify early lessons emerging from the Targeted Policing Initiative projects. It finds that the process of setting up and implementing crime reduction projects is not easy. Much effort and planning is... more
Policy makers and practitioners across Europe recognise the value of considering crime prevention within urban design, planning and development. However, standard principles and practices do not transfer easily across different contexts.... more
Urban infill includes a potential to change the track of development of existing, distressed neighborhoods. The investments to a neighborhood as a whole can at best contribute to an increase in residential satisfaction, including... more
To determine the spatial-environmental characteristics of the districts which reported the largest number of homicides in Bogotá during the second semester of 2011, we undertook a descriptive-observational study within the framework of... more
In gauging Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, observation is often used by researchers in evaluating CPTED elements in residential areas. However, the evaluation on attitude, reaction, belief, responsibility and perception of... more
Today, with the increasing trend of urbanization, city expansion followed by social troubles has led to an emphasis on issues such as citizens' security in urban space with respect to urban planning and design. To this end, the... more
Haywood, John, Paula Kautt and Andrew Whitaker (2009) “The Effects of ‘Alley-gating’ in an English Town” The European Journal of Criminology 6(4) 361-381 Terraced housing is particularly vulnerable to burglary where the offender gains... more
e la criminalità". Tra le sue pubblicazioni: "Il fiume carsico della Camorra nella società campana: dagli spagnoli all'età della globalizzazione", in «Rivista italiana di Conflittologia» N. 4, Edizioni Labrys, 2008; "Criminalità... more
"متاسفانه اغلب بافتهاي تاریخی کشور ایران از شرایط نامناسب کالبدي، اجتماعی و کالبدي-اجتماعی رنج میبرند. این عوامل منجر به کاهش حس تعلق ساکنین متمول و با انگیزه بافت شده و بدنبال آن مهاجرت و حتی طرد کردن بافت توسط آن ها و جایگزین شدن... more
Recenzja: Zapobieganie przestępczości przez kształtowanie przestrzeni. Teoria -badaniapraktyka, red. Janina Czapska, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2012, ss. 305. recenzja opublikowana w: "Wiedza Obronna" 2013, nr 1, s.... more
Urban infill includes a potential to change the track of development of existing, distressed neighborhoods. The investments to a neighborhood as a whole can at best contribute to an increase in residential satisfaction, including... more
Research shows that the proper design and effective use of CPTED principles can lead to reduced opportunities for crime and an equally reduced sense of fear that these acts inspire. The goal of CPTED is a reduction of opportunities for... more
e la criminalità". Tra le sue pubblicazioni: "Il fiume carsico della Camorra nella società campana: dagli spagnoli all'età della globalizzazione", in «Rivista italiana di Conflittologia» N. 4, Edizioni Labrys, 2008; "Criminalità... more
Today, with the increasing trend of urbanization, city expansion followed by social troubles has led to an emphasis on issues such as citizens' security in urban space with respect to urban planning and design. To this end, the... more
Karol Dąbrowski, Sprawność, legalność działania administracji i rozrost państwa, [w:] Sprawność a legalność działania administracji publicznej w sferze ochrony porządku i bezpieczeństwa publicznego, red. Piotr Stanisz, Małgorzata Czuryk,... more
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is an approach to understanding crime which focuses on the built environment and geography instead of simply a potential offender’s behavior or socio-economic characteristics. The... more
Urban infill includes a potential to change the track of development of existing, distressed neighborhoods. The investments to a neighborhood as a whole can at best contribute to an increase in residential satisfaction, including... more
Il tema dell’insicurezza sociale è di scottante attualità. L'attuale società è definita da diversi studiosi non a caso come società del rischio evidenziando in tal modo una delle più importanti caratteristiche del contesto sociale e cioè... more
Following the recent death of political scientist James Q. Wilson, this piece seeks to explain why his “broken windows” theory has assumed almost talismanic status among many policymakers. Politicians have embraced Wilson’s ideas,... more
Urban infill includes a potential to change the track of development of existing, distressed neighborhoods. The investments to a neighborhood as a whole can at best contribute to an increase in residential satisfaction, including... more
Urban infill includes a potential to change the track of development of existing, distressed neighborhoods. The investments to a neighborhood as a whole can at best contribute to an increase in residential satisfaction, including... more