Forensic Psychology
Recent papers in Forensic Psychology
The focus of this book is ultimately to present a clear and succinct view of what psychological research has revealed about terrorists and terrorism. The results are often disturbing, sometimes surprising and frequently disheartening.... more
In recent past, there are a lot of research advancements in mobile forensics tools. This is so due to increase usage of mobile phones in storage of information, law enforcement, mobile online transactions, and also negatively by criminals... more
Psychology, like other mental health professions, has experienced difficulty addressing the issue of therapist-patient sexual intimacies vigorously, carefully, and effectively. Six fundamental challenges, based on frequently made... more
I discuss some observations in the forensic accounting-based fraud literature, and identify the recent advances and other important issues in the literature that are worth noting. The main message in this commentary article is that fraud... more
""""""Despite being one of the most common forensic mental health evaluations, no article has ever appeared in a peer-reviewed journal describing how to conduct US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) mental health compensation and... more
Research on resiliency and recovery in forensic psychiatric patients is still limited. Information pertaining to factors associated with successful community reintegration would contribute to a more comprehensive assessment of functioning... more
Curley, L. J., MacLean, R., & Murray, J. (2017). The relationship between the Big 5 personality traits and eyewitness recognition. Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis, 13(2), 57-72.
In recent past, there are a lot of research advancements in mobile forensics tools. This is so due to increase usage of mobile phones in storage of information, law enforcement, mobile online transactions, and also negatively by criminals... more
Is an offender with mental health problems fully responsible for their offences? Should certain criminal behaviors be treated with incarceration and rehabilitation—or counseling and psychotherapy? Mad or Bad? asks these questions, and... more
Purpose Individuals with diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) within criminal justice settings are a highly heterogeneous group. Although studies have examined differences between those with and without ASD in such settings, there... more
Communication of rights guidelines are a document jointly authored by a group of 21 linguists, lawyers, psychologists, and interpreters that outlines seven recommendations for how the right to silence (and other rights) can be better... more
Clinicians and legal practitioners have often assumed, uncritically, that sensational interests are predictive of sadistic personality disorder (SADPD). This association has never been empirically tested in a non-pathological sample.... more
The aim of the presented work was to analyze the role of the level of self-esteem and anxiety on the quality of witnesses' testimonies, as well as the role of psychology in assessing their credibility. High self-esteem does not... more
Shared decision-making and person centred care (PCC/SDM) are increasingly embraced framework conceptions on how to organise health care's interaction with patients. Although underlying ethical motivation may vary, PCC/SDM holds ideals of... more
Fingerprint analysis have been the gold standard for personal identification and a most reliable means of primary identification in Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) work. However, finger printing of the dead has always been primarily... more
The assessment and treatment of adults who set fires deliberately is underdeveloped relative to other areas of forensic-clinical psychology. From a scientist-practitioner perspective, all clinical assessment and treatment should be guided... more
An Insanity Defence precludes criminal liability, as the defendant was rendered incapable of understanding the consequences of the action. Due to the global relevance of the Indian Penal Code and the fact that "insanity is probably best... more
Psychoanalyse und die forensischen Psychologie beschäftigen sich beide mit dem Ergründen von verborgenen psychischen Tatsachen. Als Oberbegriff hat Boothe vorgeschlagen, diese unter „Latenz in Kommunikation und Beziehung“ zu erfassen.... more
Inevitably many terrorists and violent extremists end up in prison where they can pose formidable challenges. Such prisoners are unusual and distinctive. As a consequence, their management can pose exceptionally difficult problems in... more
Most terrorists ultimately end up in prison, yet remarkably little is known about what happens behind the prison walls and even less about when those individuals are eventually released back into society. This book provides readers with... more
Now a day's crimes against women are increasing day by day. Along with this, illicit relationships in family members are also increasing, mostly in rural population especially in joint families. Most of the times, the culprits are near... more
This book presents serial killers as having disorders of imagination, imagopathy, seen through deficiencies such as failure of empathy, rigid fantasies, and unresolved projections. This disorder is a form of failed alchemy. This study... more
Terrorism: Psychology and 2
As was written in the syllabus of Psychology 350 class, this course was planned to introduce a background of forensic psychology to undergraduate students interested in how psychological knowledge can be applied in criminal cases and... more
Secondary victimization occurs when victims of crime feel they have been subjected to inadequate, insensitive or inappropriate treatment, attitudes, behaviour, responses and/or practices by criminal justice and social agencies, which... more
The author examined the relation between anonymity and aggression in violent interpersonal assaults that occurred in Northern Ireland. Of the 500 violent attacks that the author studied, 206 were carried out by offenders who wore... more
Investigators are continually faced with the task of detecting deception. Assessment Criteria Indicative of Deception (ACID) is a system of interviewing and credibility assessment that maximizes verbal cues to detect deception, and... more
Background: Suicide is a multifaceted phenomenon with multiple underlying risk factors, including alcohol and/or abuse of other drugs and psychiatric illnesses. Toxicological analysis is of crucial importance even in hanging deaths where... more
In Taiwan, a systematic way and integrative system for interviewing child victims or witnesses has yet to be established. Child victims or witnesses still have to go through a long process when involved in the legal system. They are... more
Dieser Band stellt die gegenwärtige Entwicklung, Merkmale und Praxisbeispiele evidenzorientierter Kriminalprävention vor. Er umfasst die Beiträge von 76 renommierten Experten und vermittelt dadurch einen umfassenden Eindruck von der... more
This paper describes key policy and practice issues regarding a significant subgroup of people with intellectual disability-those with offending behaviour being treated in forensic hospitals. Approach: The reasons why psychiatrists... more
The Complex Trial Protocol (CTP) is a P300-based Concealed Information Test (CIT). The theoretical underpinnings of the CIT in the context of law enforcement usage are sound. The CTP is said to effectively discriminate individuals who... more
The psychologist and legal professional have an interest as important study of lie detection which revolves as one of the foremost areas of applied psychology. Indeed, in legal settings, police offices, and attorneys are among those make... more
This article is a response to the questions, "What is the purpose/mission of this association? What are some of the publications put out by this association?" and describes the minimum acceptable standards for psychological services for... more