Recent papers in Criminality
O objetivo geral do Diagnóstico da Violência e Criminalidade do Município de Itabuna é aprofundar a análise dos principais problemas de violência e criminalidade, bem como a percepção da população sobre os mesmos, buscando identificar... more
espanolDesde la Antiguedad la pena de muerte es aplicada como castigo analogo a la accion cometida contra la vida y los credos religiosos. La religion habia asimilado esta sancion como una forma de salvaguardar a los no pecadores, de... more
Contemporary social scientists have detailed how the practice of systematically criminalizing black people has become administratively inseparable from the justification and management of the U.S. policing and penitentiary system. I argue... more
Vicende del territorio alle porte di Padova intorno ad una fortificazione del secolo XII tra storie di "fattori avogadri" e banditi.
This volume is the editorial product of the project “Gentrification and Crime. New Configurations and Challenges for the City” started by a public conference held on May 6, 2019 at the Municipal Historical Archive of Palermo. This event... more
In this thesis we present and discuss the term deepfake, its emergence and influence, in the context of modern society, media, technology and criminality. It is new, therefore the influences and interpretations have not been discussed at... more
This dissertation examines how sex crime and serial killing became a legitimate subject of aesthetic representation and mass consumption in the nineteenth century. It also probes into the ethical implications of deriving pleasure from... more
It’s a matter of fact that nowadays criminal associations are evolving. Many of them have been undergoing a slow and peculiar process through which their illegal criminal activities have been transformed into legal, taxed and official... more
Zbrodnie popełnione w 1945 r. przez funkcjonariuszy PUBP w Kępnie Dla mieszkańców Kępna, miasta leżącego na południowym skraju Wielkopolski, okupacja hitlerowska zakończyła się ostatecznie 22 stycznia 1945 r., gdy wkroczyły do niego... more
O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar como se dão as representações identitárias de três mulheres que estiveram em conflito com a lei durante a adolescência, problematizando o que dizem de si e considerando o imaginário de... more
This piece on the tragic fate of Raden Tumenggung Soemodilogo (circa 1790-1825), Bupati of Menoreh-Parakan in Southern Kedu, looks at the world of social bandits and criminality in pre-Java War south-central Java and the involvement of... more
The image of criminality in a community has not only a present but it also has a past, a history and that history continued down to the present. My student Santanu, and I began from the ‘ethnographic present’ among the Lodhas, like field... more
Esta pesquisa busca discutir as relações entre embriaguez e criminalidade na cidade de Curitiba, no período compreendido entre os anos de 1890 e 1920. Para tanto, utiliza como fonte principal os procedimentos policiais e judiciais onde... more
Every single person has a deep dark side which he either acknowledges it or not. The starting point of the idea of criminality and murder is the time when the individual realizes his deep pleasures which don't belong to the society's... more
Tutisee ja vapisee kuin Anderssonin automopiili (Tampere vuonna 1906).
A análise econômica do comportamento criminoso passou a ser feita fundamentada em um rigoroso modelo teórico matematicamente estruturado a partir do artigo Crime and punishment: An economic approach de Gary Becker (1968). Não obstante,... more
Pod opieką merytoryczną -ppłk. dr. Marka BODZIANEGO PRZESTĘPCZOŚĆ WŚRÓD CUDZOZIEMCÓW W POLSCE Abstrakt: Lata 90., to okres masowych migracji w Europie Wschodniej, spowodowanych bezrobociem i ubóstwem, które zapoczątkowane zostało upadkiem... more
Expert paper with Franz Lang
In the context of Japanese colonialism, this article examines the discourse of colonial criminality that came to epistemologically position the Korean colonial subject as criminal and therefore necessitating domination, surveillance and... more
Dans une page très suggestive de Gomorra, Roberto Saviano raconte comment, au cours de ces dernières années, les tueurs des organisations criminelles napolitaines ont pris l'habitude de faire feu avec le pistolet tourné à l'horizontale,... more
In this paper we will tell the story of "The Poisoning of the Late Levi Smelser." Through detailed examination of both the media reports and official documents, the ensuing narrative portrays how race and gender influence the criminal... more
Dopo anni di intensa attività, un anziano professore inglese di Scienza politica va in pensione, costringendo il suo assistente al precariato. Appena prima di partire per l'Inghilterra, il maestro decide di lasciare al suo discepolo un... more
È ormai prassi corrente etichettare molte vicende di cronaca nera con il nome del luogo in cui sono accadute: fatto emblematico di quella stupita incredulità che nasce dalla scoperta che il male alligna anche nei piccoli centri. Dire "il... more
Review of Calcutta Nights by Hemendra Kumar Roy, Translated into English by Rajat Chaudhuri
“Riccardo Nicolosi and Anne Hartmann, eds. Born to be Criminal: The Discourse on Criminality and the Practice of Punishment in Late Imperial Russia and Early Soviet Union. Interdisciplinary Approaches.” Slavic and East European Journal,... more
Slaves wrongdoers in Roman Egypt
Abstract: Violence and justice has been present during the history at most of societies. During the Middle Age exists different behaviours that alter the order and social peace, and to face up to it, the municipal government were... more
Právněhistorické studie [Legal History Studies] 47/2, 2017, s. 18-32. This paper focuses on the practice of the Appellate court and it's changes regarding Constitutio criminalis Josephina, the penal code of emperor Josef I. This law... more
This article aims to present the main challenges related to violence and crime in South America and to analyze how the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) has responded. A content analysis of the official documents and minutes of... more
The issue of criminality and its intra-urban differentiation and perception is one of the most socially significant problems in human geography. The study presents the theoretical framework of the CPTED (Crime Prevention Through... more
The declaration of Amnesty to the Niger Delta Militants by the Federal Government of Nigeria was acknowledged as the needed roadmap to the Niger Delta crisis. It was expected to draw out the militants from the creeks for skill acquisition... more
O recente aumento da violência no estado do Rio de Janeiro é um problema enfrentado diariamente por seus moradores. Um dos mais importantes programas de segurança pública realizado no Brasil, as Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP),... more