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El FBI ha publicado el informe sobre más de 5,4 millones de incidentes y 6,290,042 de ilícitos que se presentaron al Sistema de Informes Nacionales de Incidentes (NIBRS) del Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) en 2016, y por primera vez, desde... more
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      CriminologyAnimal StudiesGreen CriminologyCritical Criminology
Dossier de Presentación del Programa Viopet VioPet es un programa que acoge temporal o definitivamente a los animales domésticos de víctimas de la violencia familiar. Esta iniciativa surge desde GEVHA (Grupo para el Estudio de la... more
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      CriminologyAnimal ScienceDomestic ViolenceAnimal Studies
En los últimos tiempos se han realizado diversos estudios sobre la delincuencia medio ambiental desde ámbitos como la teoría del delito, la política criminal y la criminología dados los diversos atentados medio ambientales que ocurren a... more
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      Green CriminologyJusticiaAporophobia
This chapter utilizes a green criminological perspective to examine this key issue as it pertains to waste dumping in rural northwestern China. First, we offer a brief review of green criminology’s approach to waste crime and summarize... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceGreen CriminologyRural DevelopmentEnvironmental Policy and Governance
Public discourse on environmental responsibility and sustainability continues to pressure corporations, especially those that have been portrayed as key contributors of environmental harm. Greenwashing is a strategy that companies adopt... more
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    • Green Criminology
The Russian Federation is a source of wildlife and wildlife products that fuel the vast, and often overlooked, illegal wildlife trade that takes place around the globe. Out of the many illicit animal and plant trades, two of these black... more
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      CriminologyGreen CriminologyOrganized CrimeCase Study
The drive for harmonisation of environmental criminal standards at both the international and European level emerges from the increasing recognition of the scale and seriousness of environmental crime, the need to strengthen mechanisms... more
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      International LawGreen CriminologyEuropean Union LawInternational Environmental Law
In August 2006, toxic waste was dumped in 16 locations near Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The multinational company Trafigura, the p was found guilty for illegally exporting the waste out of Amsterdam, but never admitted any responsibility for... more
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      Green CriminologyCritical CriminologyCritical Discourse AnalysisCrimes of the Powerful
Contemporary wars have produced serious consequences in terms of environmental harms, from the defoliants of Vietnam through the burning oil wells of Kuwait to the use of depleted uranium started in the Gulf War. This contribution... more
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      SociologyCriminologyCriminal LawGreen Criminology
Short overview of the factors which led to the establishment of the new Green Criminology discipline(perspective).
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      Green CriminologyEnvironmental Ethics
Green criminology applies a broad green perspective to environmental harms, ecological justice, and the study of environmental laws and criminality. Within the green perspective, many NGOs argue for stronger wildlife laws and a more... more
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    • Green Criminology
Violencia contra los animales es una obra pionera, un tanto diferente y sin duda novedosa. La sociedad cada vez va siendo más sensible en lo que concierne a la violencia sobre los animales y la obra aquí presentada es un ejemplo de esta... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyHuman-Animal RelationsTerrorism
Written for my Masters at Middlesex Uni it shows how early I was thinking through issues of green criminology by analysing the environmental questions in Islington Crime Survey. And talking of 'green realism' hence: 'Past green campaigns... more
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      CriminologySocial Research Methods and MethodologyGreen CriminologyCrime Surveys
In spite of the regulation, financial assistance and securitisation of responses to rhino poaching, rhino deaths have escalated over the past decade. This article discusses why efforts to disrupt illegal flows of rhino horn have been... more
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      Green CriminologyOrganized CrimeGlobalisation and "global cultural flows"Wildlife Conservation
Generally, in the modern, western world, conceptualizations of the natural environment are associated with what nature can offer us—an anthropocentric perspective whereby humans treat nature and all its biotic components as 'natural... more
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    • Green Criminology
The term 'Green Criminology' was first introduced by Lynch in 1990 although the history of criminologists concerning themselves with specific environmental and animal related crimes goes back further than this For example Pecar (1981) put... more
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    • Green Criminology
O que fez com que hoje nós não tenhamos a correta noção de como lidar com o fenômeno “crime”? O que faz com que tenhamos hoje um quadro gravíssimo de insegurança pública, mesmo tendo nossos governos investido tantos recursos nessa área... more
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      CriminologyGreen CriminologyCritical CriminologyPeacemaking criminology
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      CriminologyGreen Criminology
L’opera offre, a studenti e studiosi, una serie di riflessioni che intendono ridare forza epistemologica a un approccio critico alla criminologia, oggi più che mai utile a leggere le linee di frattura del sociale. Gli autori mettono in... more
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      Critical TheoryPostcolonial StudiesState crimeGreen Criminology
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      EntrepreneurshipCriminal LawTerrorismInternational Criminal Law
The short answer: Green Criminology is the analysis of environmental harms from a criminological perspective, or the application of criminological thought to environmental issues. As with elsewhere in criminology, this means thinking... more
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      CriminologyGreen CriminologyCriminology/sociology of Deviance
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      SociologyCriminologyEnvironmental SociologyCultural Geography
Environmental victimisation, especially in remote indigenous communities, is a topic that has been neglected in both victimology and criminology for many years (Bisschop and Vande Walle 2013). This paper aims to explore two case studies... more
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      CriminologyGreen CriminologyRacism
"The question ‘Whose side are we on?’ (Becker, 1967) is arguably more fundamental and more nuanced for green criminology than elsewhere in the study of crime. More nuanced because green criminology focuses on environmental problems,... more
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      CriminologyGreen Criminology
This article explains why an understanding of deviant leisure is significant for criminology. Through reorienting our understanding of 'deviance' from a contravention of norms and values to encompassing engagement in behavior and actions... more
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      Green CriminologyCritical CriminologyCultural CriminologyLeisure
In this study, the question of whether or not the occurrence of the Fukushima nuclear disaster is ascribable to the accumulation of manufactured risk factors was addressed. In order to construct a plausible argument, this study considers... more
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      Green CriminologyRisk societyFukushima nuclear disasterNuclear Accidents
Corporate flower farms are based along the shores of Kenya’s Lake Naivasha, a Ramsar Convention protected wetland. Kenya suffers from high unemployment and relative poverty and prioritises economic development. Corporate flower farms are... more
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      Business EthicsCriminologyDevelopment StudiesGlobalization
This edited collection brings together internationally renowned scholars to explore green criminology through the interdisciplinary lenses of power, justice and harm. The chapters provide innovative case study analyses from North America,... more
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      Human rights and environmentGreen CriminologyEnvironmental Sustainability
This article analyzes the implications of the Anthropocene for the governance of security. Drawing on environmental law, green criminology, and international relations, the article examines the development of environmental security... more
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      International RelationsEnvironmental LawGreen CriminologyEnvironmental Policy and Governance
GREEN CRIMINOLOGY E VITTIMIZZAZIONE AMBIENTALE. VERSO NUOVE RIFLESSIVITÀ 1. Introduzione. -2. Lo stato dell'opera criminologica sull'ambiente. -3. Green criminology e criminologia critica. -4. Per una vittimologia ambientale. -5. Un... more
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      CriminologyVictimologyGreen CriminologyCritical Criminology
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      CriminologyVictimologyGreen CriminologyPolicing Studies
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      Criminal JusticeGreen CriminologyEmpirical Legal ResearchCriminal Policy
This study has assessed the array of harms ranging from animal welfare, environmental and public health implications induced by the intensive rearing of livestock. In light of this, the socioeconomic dynamics of contemporary society have... more
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      Green CriminologyCapitalismPublic HealthFarm Animal Welfare
L’indagine prende le mosse dal raddoppiamento dei termini di prescrizione disposto dall’art. 157, comma 6 del codice penale (come novellato dalla legge n. 68 del 2015) per i delitti contro l’ambiente collocati nel titolo VI bis. Di tale... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeGreen CriminologyDiritto Penale
Le fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun volume/fascicolo di periodico dietro pagamento alla SIAE del compenso previsto dall'art. 68, commi 4 e 5, della legge 22 aprile 1941, n. 633.
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      Green CriminologyDiritto PenaleDiritto Penale AmbientaleSanção premial
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      Green CriminologyCrime PreventionEnvironmental CriminologyEnvironmental harms
FOSSIL FUELS, Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal, Rome “Session on Human
Rights, Fracking and Climate Change” Advisory Opinion 12 April 2019, Global Biological Conservation Issues, GREEN CRIMINOLOGY
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      Green CriminologyCrime Of AggressionCrime of GenocideFracking and Water Contamination
Green Criminology
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      Green CriminologyCrime Of AggressionCrime of Genocide
Animal abuse, cruelty and neglect are often considered isolated incidents wholly separated from other forms of family violence. Today, professionals involved with victims of family violence are not surprised when they learn that... more
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      Domestic ViolenceAnimal StudiesGreen CriminologyAnimal Law
Continuing injustices and denial of rights of indigenous peoples are part of the long legacy of colonialism. Parallel processes of exploitation and injustice can be identified in relation to non-human species and/or aspects of the natural... more
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      CriminologyPolitical EconomyIndigenous StudiesPolitical Ecology
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      Political ScienceGreen CriminologyAnthropology of Development
Mass incarceration entrenches racial and class inequality and segregation. Before, during, and after low-income people of color enter prison, they experience a range of barriers and biases that make it difficult to break out of the prison... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCriminologyEnvironmental Sociology
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      CriminologyCriminal LawCorporate Social ResponsibilityGreen Criminology
Come inserirsi nel mondo del lavoro dopo l’università? È una domanda che tutti i laureati si pongono. Questa guida fornisce preziosi suggerimenti, a chi ha deciso di specializzarsi in Criminologia, in merito alle possibilità esistenti... more
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      CriminologyVictimologyGreen CriminologyCriminal Psychology
The social sciences have, historically, sought to understand the world of human society as separate from that of nature. As environmental problems become increasingly prevalent in scientific, popular and political discourse, however, this... more
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      Green CriminologyEcologyEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental Crime
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      Green CriminologyCriminal Justice and Security
As wildlife trafficking or the illegal wildlife trade has taken a more prominent place on the global agenda, discussions are taking place as to how wildlife trafficking happens. An increased understanding has revealed that corruption is a... more
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      Green CriminologyCorruptionReptilesIvory