Anti Social Behaviour
Recent papers in Anti Social Behaviour
Gated communities as club goods: segregation or social cohesion?
The residual nature of social housing leads some vulnerable people into the highly regulated world of tenancies and social housing powers that aims to ensure the good behaviour of all tenants. This books sets out to explore how social... more
The Melbourne metropolitan train network has experienced incidents of anti-social behaviour and crime across the network over recent years. Identification of this problem has lead to design research aimed at exploring ways to minimise... more
This report presents the findings of research on antisocial behaviour (henceforth ASB) in London. The research explored the impact of ASB on the lives of Londoners and examined how agencies are responding to problems of ASB across London.... more
Antisocial behaviour (ASB) has received increasing political and media attention. It is of great concern to the public. The police are under pressure to tackle it, in particular using antisocial behaviour orders (ASBOs). There is... more
Drug addiction, violence and anti-social behaviour are characteristics of street prostitution. An alternative approach to zero tolerance is establishing a managed zone where sex workers operate according to regulations and can access... more
Abstract: Measures introduced to tackle anti-social behaviour have been described as crime control through the coming together of social housing management and policing. This suggests that a new form of social control is coming into... more
Machiavellianism, Narcissism and Psychopathy are often referred to as the Ôdark triadÕ of personality. We examined the degree to which these constructs could be identified in 82 persons recruited from the general population, predicting... more
Legislation: Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (c.12) *P.L. 343 Since the mid-1990s antisocial behaviour (ASB)-and responses thereto-have played a prominent role in both political discourse and the criminal justice system.... more
Bullying in schools has been found to be widespread. The popular stereotype of a bully, supported by theories based on the social skills deficit model, is of a powerful but 'oafish' person with little understanding of others. In this... more
The aim of the present study was to examine to what degree different mechanisms of moral disengagement were related to age, gender, bullying, and defending among school children. Three hundred and seventy-two Swedish children ranging in... more
Background: Individuals with early warning signs of life-long psychopathy, callous-unemotional traits (CU) and high levels of antisocial behaviour (AB) can be identified in childhood. We report here the first twin study of high levels of... more
Shënim për lexuesin: Versioni në gjuhën angleze i kësaj analize mund të jetë më i ndryshëm dhe nuk është në dispozicion për publikun por vetëm për një " elitë " të caktuar. Në rast të mospërputhjes ndërmjet versioneve, mbizotëron ai në... more
This article concerns the extent to which corrupt behavior is dependent on the organizational power structure and the resources available for illegal exchange. This qualitative study is based on 42 in-depth interviews with organizational... more
This is essential material for anger management.
A problem-solving approach to anti-social behaviour (ASB) cases has recently been embedded into magistrates’ courts in England and Wales. This approach incorporates core components of the Anti-Social Behaviour Response Court (ASBRC) model... more
The background problem this research addresses is the weakness of single agency responses to youth behaviour. For example, a conventional response by various authorities (the public transport authority, security, police) to groups of... more
Recent reviews of moral development theory demonstrate that revisionist theoretical perspectives have cross cultural validity, but moral development in relation to people with intellectual disabilities (IDs) has not been considered within... more
This article theorizes the adoption of risk assessment practices to inform criminal justice responses to ‘vulnerable’ and repeat victims of anti-social behaviour. Evidence suggests that some police forces have become highly risk-averse... more
The adolescent antisocial phenomenon is an important matter for our society due to the increase in frequency and severity of deviant conducts during a developmental stage when individuals face multiple changes. Although most research... more
Selected biochemical evidence suggests a potential role for n-3 long-chain PUFA (n-3PUFA) in the regulation of mood and behaviour. The present paper reviews the relevant evidence, to date, from epidemiological studies, clinical studies... more
Antisocial personality disorder is the inability for an individual to maintain consistency and rational behavior. They have unconscious reasoning behind the manner in which they behave. On a cellular level they have biological reasons for... more
La teoría de personalidad de H. J. Eysenck (1964) respecto a la conducta antisocial predice que entre la población reclusa se hallaría una determinada combinación de las dimensiones básicas de persona - lidad, consistente en puntuaciones... more
In 2002, Rogaland College */an educational institution for the training of social educators, nurses and occupational therapists in Norway */started a postgraduate training programme entitled ''Training of Social Competence''. The main... more
How is it that we have concluded that certain traits in clinical psychopaths actually have a genetic source and not simply the product of environmental influence? One of the key factors is what we call "Exact Duplication" (E.D.). Now,... more
This paper offers unique insights into the distribution of damage to bus shelters, in a single case study area, Merseyside (UK). The geography of bus shelter damage is examined in relation to the criminogenic and socio-economic... more
Wat is leefbaarheid en welke instrumenten zijn er om de leefbaarheid te bevorderen
This paper sets out to critically explore the use of anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs) in relation to young people with learning disabilities. It brings together an emerging body of evidence, from a range of sources, which suggests... more
Abstract: In this paper we use a SEM analysis to test an explanatory model for antisocial behaviour in adolescence that includes dimensions that have a direct effect on antisocial behaviour (psychoticism and self-control), and dimensions... more
The Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) is one of the best known measures used to tackle anti-social behaviour. In keeping with the popular conception, the order is frequently used against young people. Of all ASBOs issued in England and... more
This study aims to provide a framework for assessing and modelling behavioural changes in a prison therapeutic community. A behavioural checklist able to monitor both positive and negative behaviours throughout the course of therapy,... more
This study explores the emotional problems affecting refugees in Kakuma refugee camp (northern Kenya). The freelisting technique was used to interview 52 community members and 32 "key informants". Freelisting was found to be useful in... more
This article discusses the definition of anti-social behaviour employed by section 1(1)(a) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 for the purposes of the Anti-Social Behaviour Order. It argues that, if the ASBO is to remain at the forefront... more
This article proposes a (re)consideration of antisocial behaviour control informed by an analysis of the seminal work of sociologists of 'reflexive modernity' . It is hoped that the arguments advanced within this article will prompt... more
Gated communities are normally presented in highly negative terms, based on the common assumption that they are a major factor in the intensification of social segregation. In contrast to received wisdom, this paper argues that the theory... more
[email protected]. 3 In Belgium, for example, incivilities are tackled with "municipal administrative sanctions" (gementelijke administratieve sancties); in Germany and Slovenia, they are mostly considered violations... more
I am thrilled to be supporting the needy, vulnerable or the disadvantage and because of this I have founded or established an organization that seeks to create suitable environment, restore hope and opportunities in them. I am raising... more