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In this book various topics and ideas that surround the story of the Library of Alexandria are covered, including before the burning of the library, after, and information on the literature of the Roman Principate. While also tackling... more
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      MythsLibrary of AlexandriaAncient Libraries
Paleolitik devirle birlikte ortaya çıkan insan, hemcinsleri ile önce bazı sesler çıkararak iletişim kurmayı deneyerek konuşma özelliği geliştirmiş, daha sonra bazı işaretler ve sembolleri bir takım nesneler üzerine yazarak edindiği... more
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      ArchaeologyBooks and Libraries in the Ancient WorldArkeolojiAlexandria, Ancient Library
I argue that the Serapeum Library in Alexandria is not Ptolemaic, but rather Severan. A few textual problems have caused us to mistake the date of the foundation by about 400 years.
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      ClassicsHistory of the BookBooks and Libraries in the Ancient WorldEpiphanius of Salamis
A study of the archaeology of the so-called Nippur Library including the publication of a manuscript written by H.V. Geere and C.S. Fisher who helped excavate the Library in Season 4 at Nippur. Also included is a catalogue of just over... more
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      Mesopotamian ArchaeologyOld Babylonian periodNippurAssyrian and Babylonian archives and libraries
ABSTRACT: Power point lecture-9 introduces the written evidence in Ancient Egypt (in a summary form with text and pertinent illustrations), following the broad themes covered by chapter 8 in R. David (2007), Handbook to Life in Ancient... more
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      Ancient HistoryEgyptologyWriting Systems & DeciphermentStrabo
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesTruthHistory Of Rare Book Libraries
This essay considers the architectural setting depicted in the famous Melozzo's fresco 'Sixtus IV Founding Vatican Library', through the analysis of ancient sources (Vitruvio, Isidoro di Siviglia) and contemporary sources (Francesco... more
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      ArchitectureLiteratureRenaissanceArchitectural History
The Great Hadrianic Peristyle of a Hundred Columns in Athens The research during 2013 and 2014 in the library of Hadrian demonstrates that the plan of the compound was designed on a rectangle with dimensions 300 and 400 Roman feet... more
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      Books and Libraries in the Ancient WorldHadrianTopography of AthensRoman Architecture
Edizione commentata e traduzione del trattatello di Justus Lipsius, riconosciuto come il primo libro moderno di storia delle biblioteche. L'edizione è preceduta da un saggio mirante alla ricostruzione del contesto di storia bibliotecaria... more
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      Library ScienceHistory of IdeasHistory of ScholarshipHistory of Library and Information Science
While basically genealogical in nature, those within the genealogy or family tree as relatives and/or ancestors of the famous Hypatia of Alexandria, do much to put the story of Hypatia and the Library of Alexandria into a much different... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryAnthropology
Il De Bibliothecis Romanorum di Christian Curio, apparso nel 1734, è una delle prime tesi accademiche di storia delle biblioteche. Ne è qui riproposta la prima edizione moderna corredata di saggio introduttivo, traduzione e commento... more
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      History of Library and Information ScienceLibrary historyAntiquarianismRoman libraries
This paper presents a shape grammar that formalizes the architectural form of ancient Greek and Roman libraries and encodes it into shape rules for the reconstruction, evaluation and prediction of ancient Greek and Roman libraries.The... more
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      Shape GrammarsArchaeological reconstructionAncient Libraries
può essere riprodotta o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, meccanico o altro senza l'autorizzazione scritta dei proprietari dei diritti e dell'editore.
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      Byzantine StudiesCollecting and CollectionsConstantinopleAncient Books
The article analyses in chronological order forty four unpublished manuscripts by pope Urban VIII and his successor and, through cross-reference with lists of books, inventories and letters by librarians of the time, reconstructs the... more
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      LibrariesFrancesco BarberiniUrban VIII BarberiniBiblioteca Barberiniana
This paper presents attested and supposed libraries in ancient Athens, from Late Archaic times to the Antonine period. It considers the nature of these libraries, their place in the city and their aims. The first attested libraries,... more
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      Books and Libraries in the Ancient WorldAncient AthensGreek LibrariesAncient Libraries
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      Ancient LibrariesRoman Ephesos
This paper presents a shape grammar that formalizes the architectural form of ancient Greek and Roman libraries and encodes it into shape rules for the reconstruction, evaluation and prediction of ancient Greek and Roman libraries.The... more
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      ArtShape GrammarsArchaeological reconstructionAncient Libraries
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      Ancient HistoryBooks and Libraries in the Ancient WorldBurma MyanmarAncient Libraries
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      Natural HistoryLatinGreekLaws
Az antik könyvtárakra vonatkozó feliratok és irodalmi emlékek nem hagynak két séget afelől, hogy ezen épületek díszítésére az építtetők legalább annyi figyelmet és pénzt fordítottak, mint az ott elhelyezendő könyvekre. Az ephesosi... more
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      Books and Libraries in the Ancient WorldAncient Greek and Roman ArtRoman statuesAncient Libraries
Se non fossero nascoste dal cantiere della Metro C, lungo via dei Fori Imperiali noteremmo quattro lastre di marmo fissate sul muro di contenimento della basilica di Massenzio. Raffigurano l'espansione progressiva dell'impero romano.... more
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      Books and Libraries in the Ancient WorldTraianoTrajanTrajan's Forum
Academic blog for research project NimRoD: from Nimrud to Rome, Discovering ancient libraries
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      Books and Libraries in the Ancient WorldRoman librariesGreek LibrariesAncient Libraries
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      Hellenistic and Roman Asia MinorRoman librariesRoman ArchitectureHistory and Archaeology of Asia Minor