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      AlexandriaAlexandria, Ancient Library
Paleolitik devirle birlikte ortaya çıkan insan, hemcinsleri ile önce bazı sesler çıkararak iletişim kurmayı deneyerek konuşma özelliği geliştirmiş, daha sonra bazı işaretler ve sembolleri bir takım nesneler üzerine yazarak edindiği... more
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      ArchaeologyBooks and Libraries in the Ancient WorldArkeolojiAlexandria, Ancient Library
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      Digital LibrariesAlexander the GreatGraeco-Roman AlexandriaPtolemy I
"La vita e la personalità letteraria di Istro sono difficili da ricostruire a causa della povertà di notizie conservate dalla tradizione. L’unica fonte che riporta informazioni significative è la Suda, che definisce Istro schiavo e... more
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      CallimachusAlexandrian libraryAlexandrian PhilologyAtthidography
Alexandria's maritime destiny was naturally predetermined by its excellent geographical position at the confluence of the two worlds. It was here that the waters of the Nile mingled with the Sea and here the Egyptian culture, riverine in... more
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      EgyptologyGreco Roman History in EgyptAncient EngineeringAncient Navigation
The Hellenistic period was an era of literary canons, of privileged texts and collections. One of the most stable of these consisted of the nine (rarely ten) lyric poets: whether the selection was based on poetic quality, popularity, or... more
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      Greek Lyric PoetryCanon FormationTexts and transmissionReception of Antiquity
While basically genealogical in nature, those within the genealogy or family tree as relatives and/or ancestors of the famous Hypatia of Alexandria, do much to put the story of Hypatia and the Library of Alexandria into a much different... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryAnthropology
Our knowledge about the destruction of the Library of Alexandria is incomplete. It often gets attributed to the reign of Aurelian and conflicts that took place in Egypt at the time. It is a fact that the centre of Alexandria had been... more
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      Late Roman EmpireRoman EmpireBooks and Libraries in the Ancient WorldCrisis of the 3rd Century
Discuss the Cultural Influence of the Library and Museum of Alexandria.
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      Library ScienceMuseum StudiesGraeco-Roman AlexandriaThe Architecture of Alexandria
Preface to the volume
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      Emperor JulianPhilostratusPlutarchAncient Greek Philosophy
An overview of the history of the ancient library at Alexandria and a suggestion that its destruction was caused by being "borrowed to death" within the context of the initial progress made with regard to what is now the Bibliotheca... more
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      AlexandriaAlexandria, Ancient LibraryLibrary of AlexandriaBibliotheca Alexandrina
Neste artigo, pretendo explorar um cenário admitidamente hipotético, porém bastante plausível, que envolve a participação de Aristóteles, através de seu trabalho filológico muito bem documentado nas fontes antigas, com autores da... more
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      PindarAristótelesAlexandrian libraryAristoteles
Efsanevi ve yitik bir kütüphanenin izleri, kökleri antik çağlara uzansa da etkisi hâlâ canlı olan bir bilgelik ve esin kaynağının kalıntılarına götürüyor insanoğlunu. Geç antik dönemin bu büyük öğrenim merkezi, İskenderiye’nin 643... more
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      LibrariesAlexandria, Ancient LibraryLibrary of Alexandria
ΑΝΤΙΚΕΙΜΕΝΟ ΜΕΛΕΤΗΣ της παρούσας διατριβής αποτελούν τα ελληνιστικά ανάγλυφα αγγεία µε ενεπίγραφες διηγηµατικές παραστάσεις, µια υποκατηγορία των σκευών µε ανάγλυφο διάκοσµο στο πλαίσιο της ελληνιστικής κεραµικής, για τον προσδιορισµό των... more
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      Book HistoryClassical Reception StudiesReception of AntiquityAncient Scholarship