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Let me start with the term Enlightenment, which plays a crucial role in both Western and Eastern history.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural Studies
While mentioning the Greek libraries as foregoing models to Roman libraries the focus of this paper is the function of the libraries. From the immediate surroundings of the elite intellectuals, did the written sources find their way to... more
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    • Roman libraries
Locvm Armarivm Libros propose une approche singulière pour aborder la circulation des livres et le rôle des bibliothèques durant l'Antiquité gréco-romaine, en croisant les données archéologiques, historiques et philologiques. Par son... more
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      Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman librariesAncient RomeRoman Architecture
The Library of Celsus dominates to the south of the Tetragonos (Commercial) Agora of Ephesus. The Library of Alexandria in Egypt, the Library of Pergamon and the Library of Celsus were the largest and most splendid libraries of antiquity.... more
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      Hellenistic and Roman Asia MinorRoman librariesMonumental architecture of the roman empireGreek and Roman Art and Architecture
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyClassical ArchitectureHistory of Library and Information Science
Updating (March 2014). For a desperate attempt to dismiss my observations on the Templum Pacis, cf. R. Meneghini in 'La Biblioteca Infinita.' I confirm that in the rear wall of the SE portico of the Templum Pacis there are no recesses for... more
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      Books and Libraries in the Ancient WorldRoman librariesGreek and Roman Art and ArchitectureRoman Architecture and Urbanism
Looking for an examination copy?
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      GalenImperial RomeBooks and Libraries in the Ancient WorldRoman libraries
The sanctuary of Apollo on the Palatine is one of the most important Augustan buildings. Situated very close to the first emperor's private residence, it is central for our understanding of Augustan culture. As one of its main functions,... more
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      Augustan PoetryRoman ReligionOvidPropertius
Kaiserliches Bauwerk zwischen Klassizismus und romantischer Erinnerungskultur Der vielleicht eindrucksvollste Baukomplex der Kaiserzeit in Athen, die Hadriansbibliothek, ist in den vergangenen zwanzig Jahren Gegenstand einer lebhaften... more
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      Books and Libraries in the Ancient WorldRoman librariesRoman AthensAncient Athens
An griechischen oder römischen Bibliotheken ist uns eigentlich nur eine einzige erhalten geblieben, wenn man unter einer Bibliothek mehr versteht, als die Ruine ihres Gebäudes, womit sich ein Archäologe ja schon zufrieden gibt. Eine... more
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      Roman librariesRoman Architecture and Urbanism
In 1666 Pope Alexander VII ordered the annexation of the Aniciana Library to the nascent Sapienza University. This library was founded by the Benedictine scholar Costantino Gaetani as a support to the studies of the members of his order,... more
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      Archival StudiesHistory of Library and Information ScienceRoman librariesOrdine Benedettino
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      Roman librariesRoman Sarcophagi
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      Roman librariesEphesosTombs
Il De Bibliothecis Romanorum di Christian Curio, apparso nel 1734, è una delle prime tesi accademiche di storia delle biblioteche. Ne è qui riproposta la prima edizione moderna corredata di saggio introduttivo, traduzione e commento... more
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      History of Library and Information ScienceLibrary historyAntiquarianismRoman libraries
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      GalenTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman librariesRoman Architecture and Urbanism
De l'introduction : Vu l’abondance de travaux scientifiques – et notre revue, très sélective, n’a abordé que les textes de première consultation –, tout ajout à la littérature existante requiert une motivation. Précisons donc que... more
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      Roman librariesGreek and Roman Art and ArchitectureGreek and Roman ArchaeologyAncient Greek and Roman Literature, History, and Archaeology
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      Ancient LiteracyRoman librariesRoman Small Finds
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      Roman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman librariesRoman ArchitectureRoman Archaeology
L’étude des bibliothèques romaines d’Asie Mineure romaine reste largement tributaire de l’exemple posé par Bibliothèque de Celsus à Éphèse. En raison de l’état de conservation exceptionnel de sa structure architecturale, de son programme... more
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      Hellenistic and Roman Asia MinorRoman librariesRoman Architecture
Nachdem Ihnen mein Kollege Hueber die denkmalpflegerischen und technischen Probleme einer Wiederherstellung der Fassade der Celsusbibliothek dargelegt hat, möchte ich eine rein archäologische Frage, die bisher urbefriedigend gelöst wurde,... more
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      Roman librariesEphesos The Templum Pacis, a monumental building dedicated by Vespasian in AD 75 near the Forum of Augustus, was remodeled under Domitian and... more
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      Roman ReligionRoman librariesRoman ArchitectureRoman Art
Work in progress on the Severan Marble Plan of Rome. Reconstruction of the Templum Pacis, with comments on the exhibition 'La Biblioteca Infinita' at the Colosseum (Rome, March-October 2014). PS - Not mentioned in the catalog: 1)... more
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      Roman ReligionRoman librariesRoman ArchitectureRoman Art
Academic blog for research project NimRoD: from Nimrud to Rome, Discovering ancient libraries
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      Books and Libraries in the Ancient WorldRoman librariesGreek LibrariesAncient Libraries
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      Hellenistic and Roman Asia MinorRoman librariesRoman ArchitectureHistory and Archaeology of Asia Minor