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The thesis is divided into two parts and it aims to explain the historical events related to the bibliographical collection of the ancient Jesuit College of Perugia. The first part focuses on the Jesuit librarian history and on the... more
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      Cultural HistoryLibrary ScienceEarly Modern HistoryCultural Heritage
Peiresc et l'Italie. Actes du colloque international: Naples, le 23 et le 24 juin 2006, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Palazzo Serra di Cassano, sous la direction de Marc Fumaroli; édition établie par Francesco Solinas,... more
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      History Of Rare Book LibrariesHistory of librariesNicolas-Claude Fabri De PeirescGian Vincenzo Pinelli
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookHistory Of Rare Book LibrariesHistory of libraries
My Master’s Thesis in Library and Information Science from The Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), Copenhagen, examines the topic: the profile of the “New Public Library”, primarily in Denmark. However, in the text I... more
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      EducationMedia and Cultural StudiesLibrary SciencePublic Libraries
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      History of librariesTextual TransmissionConfraternity StudiesNetwork of confraternity
Studie představuje knihovnu Ferdinanda II. Tyrolského v širším kontextu dobových českých a rakouských šlechtických knihoven z konce 16. století; detailně byla srovnávána především s knihovnou pánů z Rožmberka. Studie se soustředí na běžné... more
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      Book HistoryHistory of librariesEarly Modern BohemiaPrint Culture, Book History and the History of Reading
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      Manuscript StudiesRenaissance RomeHistory of libraries
Les moines du Bec s'étaient constitués une bibliothèque médiévale remarquable. Peu de manuscrits ont néanmoins survécus aux vicissitudes du temps : dans son ouvrage de référence sur les bibliothèques des abbayes bénédictines de Normandie,... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and ManuscriptsHistory of librariesManuscrits Médiévaux
La “Bibliothèque de Khwâja Muhammad Pârsâ
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    • History of libraries
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      History of Reading and WritingHistory of librariesStoria Della ScritturaStoria Del Libro, Del Testo E Della Lettura
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    • History of libraries
On the Italian librarian Jacopo Morelli (1745-1819)
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      Italian StudiesManuscript StudiesItalian Cultural StudiesLibrary and Information Science
Il breve contributo presenta la struttura complessiva del volume, dedicato nello specifico alla Grande Galleria, manufatto in cui ad inizio Seicento vernnero organizzate e raccolte le collezioni bibliografiche dei duchi di Savoia, secondo... more
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      History of librariesHistoria de las BibliotecasHistoire Des BibliothèquesGrande Galleria
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      History of Reading and WritingRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History)History of librariesHistorical libraries
A könyvgyűjtés keroetei Gellius, a Kr. u. 2. századi római kuriózumgyűjtő-író így foglalta össze a görög könyvtárak keletkezésével kapcsolatos információit: Állítólag Pisistratus tyrannus alapított először könyvtárat Athénben, hogy onnan... more
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      History of Library and Information ScienceHistory of librariesRoman literature and cultureAncient Roman cultural history
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      Library ScienceHistory of librariesSan Juan De áVila
ENGLISH ABSTRACT This contribution offers an analysis of the most ancient manuscript inventories relative to the Greek manuscripts of the Agostinian monastery of SS. Salvatore in Bologna. The library of this monastery flourished mainly... more
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      History of librariesGreek manuscriptsItalian RenaissanceHistoria de las Bibliotecas
Script for the educational video with the same title
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      Manuscript StudiesCodicologyHistory of BooksHistory of libraries
L'almanacco bibliografico, n° 42, giugno 2017 2 prediligono i libri d'arte, 32,2 quelli di narrativa e 22,9 i testi scientifici. Secondo i librai invece il romanzo occupa il primo posto seguito dal volume d'attualità. Si calcola che su... more
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      Book HistoryHistory of librariesStoria delle biblioteche e Bibliografia
La cultura del libro en la América Española siempre ha cobrado fascinación para muchas personas. Curiosidad alimentada por la idea de un Tribunal del Santo Oficio que persiguió y prohibió prácticamente todo acceso al conocimiento para los... more
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      Book HistoryInquisitionHistory Of Rare Book LibrariesHistory of Colonial Mexico
Introduzione all'ampio studio sulle biblioteche conventuali e personali dei religiosi, a partire dalla ricognizione di fine '500 depositata nel cod. Vat. Lat. 11292 fino alla loro dispersione provocata dalle replicate soppressioni. La... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory Of Rare Book LibrariesReligious StudiesHistory of libraries
Foucault’s Panopticon and Orwell’s Big Brother popularized the suggestive idea that we are constantly being observed from above or by a single central institution, yet many fundamental services in society like security, the rule of law... more
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      American HistoryModern HistoryMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
Looking for the context of the vernacular translation of Amatus of Montecassino’s Historia Normannorum (the French MS 688 of the National Library of France). The considered manuscript (Southern Italy, mid-14th cent.) has been known mainly... more
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      Translation StudiesMedieval HistoriographyTextual CriticismManuscript Studies
This contribution is dedicated to some aspects of the historical evolution of the library space, in its complex architectural, bibliographic and digital dimension.
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      Library SciencePublic LibrariesHistory of librariesBibliothéconomie
Philippe Bobichon, « Bibliothèques juives médiévales », in Houari Touati (éd.), Encyclopédie de l’humanisme méditerranéen, 2019, URL =
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      Late Middle AgesHistory of the BookMedieval Hebrew LiteratureMedieval Jewish History
Este e todos os demais planos de aula da Disciplina História do Livro e das Bibliotecas apensos a esse perfil, foram elaborados pelos Professores Fabiano Cataldo de Azevedo e Profa. Stefanie Freire. Esse conteúdo é fruto de discussões e... more
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      History of the BookHistory of librariesBibliofiliaHistória do Livro e da Leitura no Brasil
Collection of four studies about the Persian mss. acquired by BnF in Paris from 1739 till today; about the international diffusion of the works of Jami; about the illumination (tazhib) in Persian mss. and about the practices of the copyists
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      Persian LiteraturePublic LibrariesHistory of librariesPersian manuscripts
Ouvrage édité par Vanessa Desclaux, Guillemette Andreu-Lanoë et Hélène Virenque, publié à l'occasion de l’exposition présentée à la Bibliothèque nationale de France, site François-Mitterrand, Grande Galerie, du 12 avril au 24 juillet 2022... more
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      EgyptologyHistory of MuseumsHistory of EgyptologyHistory of libraries
Este ensayo reconstruye las vicisitudes que rodearon el incendio de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú (BNP) ocurrido en mayo de 1943, los debates generados en torno a las razones que podían explicar la tragedia, el proceso de reconstrucción... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of the BookPeruvian HistoryHistory of libraries
Nell’inquieto passaggio secolare tra Cinque e Seicento la Congregazione dell’Indice dei libri proibiti promosse un’indagine volta ad accertare il grado di applicazione nelle biblioteche claustrali italiane dell'Index librorum... more
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      Religious congregations and monastic ordersReligious HistoryHistory of libraries
La relazione, presentata a un convegno di aggiornamento per architetti e ingegneri, segnala la documentazione per lo studio della presenza dei Gesuiti a Sansepolcro fra 1638 e 1773, evidenziando alcuni aspetti dell'organizzazione interna... more
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      Jesuit historyEarly Modern Church HistoryReligious congregations and monastic ordersReligious History
Download for free here: This Supplement builds on a burgeoning body of research that approaches the archive not merely as the object, but as the subject of enquiry. It explores the... more
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      Information SystemsHistoryCultural HistoryArchival Studies
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      History of librariesStoria Delle Biblioteche
Who has been Maria Carolina Habsburg-Lorraine and what has she embodied for the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily? Conceived after the Bicentennial of her death, this volume analyzes the complex personality and the many-sided figure of the... more
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      Modern HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesMusicology
In, nella sezione "Polemichette" della mia pagina, ho pubblicato tempo addietro nun intervento polemico nei confrontio del libro "Rinascimento perduto" di Gigliola Fragnito: la "polemichetta" ha avuto un discreto numero di... more
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      Censorship (History)Renaissance literatureBook History (History)History of libraries
Pubblicato con il contributo e sotto gli auspici della MOD Società italiana per lo studio della modernità letteraria Direttore: Nicola MEROLA Direttore responsabile: Giulio MARCONE Redazione: Laura ADRIANI, Saverio VECCHIARELLI... more
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      Special CollectionsLibrarianshipHistory of librariesLibrarian
The destruction of the Baghdadi libraries has been a powerful image connected to the Mongol conquest of 1258, often claimed to have precipitated the decline of Mus-lim civilization. This study, however, challenges this claim by... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of the BookUrban History
In this article, using a brief historical excursion investigated the role of the medieval (XIII-XIV centuries) the first research institutions in Azerbaijan – the Maragha observatory and its library in the development of Azerbaijan... more
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      History Of Rare Book LibrariesAzerbaijani CultureHistory of AzerbaijanHistory of libraries
English Abstract and TOC of the disseration "Ceska frantiskanska knizni kultura". Some chapters translated to English are going to be added here.
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      Cultural HistoryFranciscan StudiesHistory of librariesHistory of the Franciscan Order
in "Presenze francescane nel camerinese", (secoli XIII-XVII), a cura di Francesca Bartolacci, Roberto Lambertini, Ripatransone, Maroni, 2008, pp. 249-271.
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      History of librariesMonastic Libraries
La "Provincia Marchiae Anconitanae" dei Minori Conventuali si caratterizza per il grande numero di conventi – cento alla fine del Cinquecento – e per la loro distribuzione omogenea sul territorio. La compilazione degli elenchi librari si... more
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      Mendicant OrdersHistory of librariesLibraries
Il volume analizza un'abbondante documentazione dei secoli XIII-XV relativa alle scuole ecclesiastiche legate alla canonica della cattedrale di Città di Castello, al monastero camaldolese di Sansepolcro e agli Ordini mendicanti presenti... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedieval History
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      Library and Information ScienceVenetian HistoryHistory of Library and Information ScienceLibrary history
In 1612, a Spanish fleet captured a French ship whose stolen cargo included the entire manuscript collection of the Sultan of Morocco, Muley Zidan. Soon, the collection made its way to the royal library, El Escorial, transforming the... more
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      HistorySpanish StudiesFrench HistoryArabic Literature
Kniha byla vydána v Brně roku 1978 jako 3 svazek Bibliografie města Brna / The book was published in Brno in 1978 as the 3 volume Bibliography of the City of Brno.
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      Cultural StudiesLibrary ScienceHistory of the BookBibliography
Les Filles du Cour de Marie, fondées en 1791 par une femme de la haute aristocratie française, Adélaïde Champion de Cicé, vivent « dans le monde ». Leur société religieuse est secrète et se caractérise par l'absence de tout signe... more
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      Religious congregations and monastic ordersHistory of libraries
II. Abdülhamid dönemi siyasi, askeri, ekonomik, idari ve kültürel yönlerden çöküşün eşiğine gelmiş bir devletin son dönemlerini birçok örnek ile anlatan bir süreç olmuştur. 1789 Fransız İhtilali ve milliyetçilik akımları, 1820-1840 sanayi... more
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      History of Library and Information ScienceOrientalismHistory of librariesOttoman Libraries
The paper analyzes a section of Lucianus of Samosata's Adversus indoctum and shows how the writer fits into the iambic comic literary tradition. A humorous citation of a passage by the lyric poet Alcaeus is analyzed and it is shown how... more
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      Reception StudiesHistory of librariesIambic PoetryAlcaeus
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesArchivesRare Books And Manuscripts (Library Science)