Trajan's Forum
Recent papers in Trajan's Forum
A space and place approach to the Temple of Divine Trajan and its environs, as reconstructed by Amanda Claridge, considering how a learned ancient Roman of the 2nd century A.D. may have navigated and apprehended the space.
In this revealing article of disclosure, historian Dr Daryn Graham examines the theories and reasoning behind the Roman emperor Trajan’s launch of the Parthian War. It is argued, with ancient and modern evidence, that while Trajan planned... more
This essay aims to identify the consistency of the surviving and still visible structures of the architecture of the Trajan’s Forum in the area north of the Basilica Ulpia. In fact, numerous fragments of walls relating to the two... more
Inaugurato nel 112 d.C., il Foro di Traiano è l'ultimo dei fori imperiali costruiti a Roma; con un'estensione di 300 metri di lunghezza per 185 di larghezza, rappresenta il ritratto monumentale del suo tempo e della politica... more
Plano topográfico de Roma del primer cuarto del s. IV de Roma. Es un plano un tanto idealizado ya que no se han incluido las primeras basilicas construidas por Constantino y se han mantenido algunos monumentos en su estado original que ya... more
This article proposes a reinterpretation of the goddess Victoria represented on the Trajan’s Column. Fulcrum of the whole narrative of the Column and connected with the figurative apparatus of the Forum of Trajan this figure appears as a... more
Abstract · From Galatians to Decebalus. The image of the ‘Barbarian’ killing himself in the ancient ‘historical’ visual representations · The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the meaning of the images of suicide in ancient... more
In the first two centuries AD there were remarkable dynamics in how the Roman emperors displayed their personal victoriousness by way of staging triumphs, taking triumphal names and accepting imperatorial acclamations: After very few... more
Entre los años 69 y 106, el Imperio romano se enfrentó a una amenaza de primer orden contra su hegemonía sobre la Europa danubiana y balcánica, la cual puso en serio peligro incluso su mera presencia en la región. Bajo el liderazgo de los... more
In questo studio si è prestata una particolare attenzione alla conformazione degli impianti scalari del Foro di Traiano e alla risoluzione di specifiche questioni strutturali, legate all’articolazione dei percorsi interni, con uno... more
Sistemi di gestione ambientale W ISO 14001:2015
In this essay I will be examining stereotypes created by Roman sculptors in visual art, including monumental columns, sculptures, and painting. Stereotypes including non-Roman people as prisoners of war or slaves, barbaric and uncivilized... more
One of the most interesting legal motifs in the iconography of the Middle Ages is the scene showing the meeting between the Emperor Trajan and a poor widow. The Emperor, addressed by poor woman whose son has been unjustly slaughtered,... more
En la escena XXXVI de la Columna Trajana un amplio grupo de barbados guerreros de torso desnudo, a la manera germánica, marcha muy próximo al emperador, seguido bien de cerca por un destacamento de tropas de aspecto similar, si bien esta... more
Trajan's Column stands in the centre of Rome as a proud monument, erected in 113 CE, to Trajan's Dacian campaign. On its 39-metre length, a spiralling relief depicts the events of the two wars which won the province for the Roman Empire.... more
This contribution focuses on the iconography of the griffin in the urban architecture of Rome and in the official sculpture, with regards to the figures of Augustus and Trajan and the ties that the griffins allow to weave between their... more
This article proposes a reinterpretation of scene C of Trajan’s Column. Fulcrum of the whole narra- tive of the Column, the events between the first and second Dacian war are represented in this relief that shows the Emperor Trajan... more
Las guerras dácicas de Trajano, libradas entre los años 101 y 106 d. C., comprendieron algunas de las campañas y operaciones militares más complejas emprendidas por el ejército romano a lo largo de su historia. Enfrentadas a una potencia... more
Rjabchikov, Sergei V., 2021. All Roads Lead to Rome: Where are We, Slavs, from? Paper. 1 page. Abstract. My own hypothesis concerning the origin of the Slavs from the Scythians and Sarmatians has been examined. The original was... more
A recent and new Republican denarius restored by Trajan is studied and discussed. The issue is extremely rare as no image of its coins is known so far. It was found in Carcaboso, Cáceres (Conventus Emeritensis, Lusitania), very near of... more
Although they cannot offer an exact representation of reality, the architectural types produced by the imperial mints allow us to conjecture on the structure, on the architectural orders, on the decoration, on the elevations, today often... more
On the issue of "invisible" or "unviewable" art in Rome (e.g. the reliefs on Trajan's column), Roman viewing, and the role of images in the cityscape.
De Zuil van Trajanus, zo geroemd om het vakmanschap, biedt een treffend inkijkje in de antieke praktijk van communicatie tussen staat en volk. Dergelijke monumenten uit naam van de keizer hadden een duidelijk doel: het verheerlijken van... more
Giulio Magni talks, originally in Romanian, about his 1896 project for the new square in front of the University Palace in Bucharest.
Primer Colloquium Unediense sobre el ejército romano - Milicia y religión en la Roma antigua: Cultos oficiales y cultos privados. Madrid, 15-16/XI/2018.
Review of an important collection of essays on the fall of Rome in 410.
Se non fossero nascoste dal cantiere della Metro C, lungo via dei Fori Imperiali noteremmo quattro lastre di marmo fissate sul muro di contenimento della basilica di Massenzio. Raffigurano l'espansione progressiva dell'impero romano.... more
Descrizione dei frammenti della Forma Urbis Romae severiana raffiguranti la Basilica Ulpia (29bdefg).