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These pages supplement the table of Julian equivalents for Roman dates in Drumann-Groebe vol. 3. They move, with supporting evidence, the intercalary month from 59 to 58 BC and from 54 to 55 BC. All phases of the Moon and market days... more
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      Roman HistoryAncient AstronomyRoman calendarRoman Calendars
Článek pojednává o zcela unikátním objevu rondelu z mladšího neolitu kultury s vypíchanou keramikou u Třebovětic, okres Jičín. Dlouhodobě jsme řešili otázku existence nebo naopak absence valů. Navršení valů přitom umožnilo odpovědět... more
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      Ancient AstronomyRampart-Ditch-SystemStroked Pottery CultureRondel
This file will help you identify the different releases under the book title of, '32.5'.
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      ReligionBiblical StudiesArchaeoastronomyCalendars
Dans l'expression Astrologie : « science des astres » il y a… 3 mots qui posent problème : « science », « des » et « astres » ! Ce sera le fil conducteur pour une analyse critique en profondeur de l'astrologie, qui plus est rénovée par... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of AstrologySkepticismAncient Astronomy
The Australian National Curriculum promotes Indigenous culture in school education programs. To foster a broader appreciation of cultural astronomy, to utilise the unique astronomical heritage of the site, and to develop an educational... more
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      Cultural HistoryAnthropologyEducationCultural Heritage
On Wednesday, Dec. 21, nations in the Northern Hemisphere will mark the winter solstice – the shortest day and longest night of the year. For thousands of years people have marked this event with rituals and celebrations to signal the... more
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      ChristianityEthnohistoryArchaeologyVisual Anthropology
The doxography for Anaximander’s account of the rings of the sky gives proportions for them that are discrepant. So a widely accepted hypothesis proposes that, since the circles of the celestial bodies are compared to wheels, we should... more
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      History of MathematicsAncient AstronomyAnaximanderSky models
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      Ancient HistoryHistory of ScienceAncient AstronomyVedas
(forthcoming publication) The aim of this article is to show how statistical analysis can improve our knowledge of the language and style of the second book of Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia (astronomy). After a brief summary of... more
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      Pliny the ElderAncient AstronomyLatin linguisticsNaturales Quaestiones
Tupikova, Irina; Geus, Klaus: Ptolemy’s data for the latitudes of Alexandria, Syene and Meroë: some observations. In: Hadravová, Alena; Hadrova. Petr; Lippincott, Kristen (eds.): The stars in the classical and medieval traditions. Prag:... more
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      History of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyPtolemyAncient Astronomy
The change in the average lifespan of man, from almost a thousand years in pre-flood times to the present day norm of seventy years, is explained by earth orbital changes, triggered by events in the solar system, at the time of Noah’s... more
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      Observational AstronomyApocalypticismHistory of AstronomyCreationism
This paper brings together the chief points raised during FM5 by astronomers, archaeologists , and historians whose research interests centred on novae and supernovae. The common focus was the use of historical observations to study... more
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      Cultural HistorySociologyCultural StudiesArchaeology
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsComparative ReligionSociology
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      Comparative ReligionAncient HistoryGeographyAnthropology
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      ZoroastrianismYoung AvestanAncient AstronomyAncient Iranian Mythology
This article is a response to a recent paper by Donald Keith Mills on the old Velikovskian puzzle of the ‘comet Typhon’ mentioned in classical sources and its association with the Biblical Exodus by the early 17th-century scholar... more
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      History of ScienceCometsAncient AstronomyImmanuel Velikovsky
The Grolier Codex is discussed in the context of the archaeoastronomy of the ancient Americas on pages 98-99 of the March 1990 National Geographic Magazine article "America's Ancient Skywatchers" by John B. Carlson. One of four known... more
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
This document was prepared by Richard Heath as a letter for Nature magazine and submitted on 14th April 1994 but remained unpublished. It marks the discovery of a unit of time proposed and named the Chronon, as being 1/10000th of the... more
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      Megaliths (Archaeology)Ancient AstronomyAncient Numeracy
Four stars in the night sky have been formally recognised by their Australian Aboriginal names. The names include three from the Wardaman people of the Northern Territory and one from the Boorong people of western Victoria. The Wardaman... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEthnohistory
A sequence of omens has puzzled Assyriologists since 1866, when Henry C. Rawlinson published the first copy of these peculiar divinatory texts. The omens have the structure DIŠ MUL ana . . . GUR, “If a star turns into . . .”, where the... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceAssyriologyDivinationHistory of Science
Links zu weiteren Vorlesungen von Frau von Dechend und Infos:  Dechend Gilgamesh WS 1968/69 Inhalt der Abschnitte: Großer Enthusiasmus bei Auffindung der... more
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    • Ancient Astronomy
If there were geese anywhere in the universe besides earth, we should probably expect to find them in the constellation Vulpecula. Vulpecula the Fox was contrived by Johannes Hevelius, the famous Polish astronomer who was based in Gdansk... more
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      ChronobiologyIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesOrnithology
The Grolier Codex (Codice Maya de Mexico, CMM) is discussed in the context of the archaeoastronomy of the ancient Americas on pages 98-99 of the March 1990 National Geographic Magazine article "America's Ancient Skywatchers" by John B.... more
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
This work analyzes the phase correlation of the three lunar cycles and the Saros/Exeligmos cycle, after the study of the chapter "About Exeligmos" in "Introduction to the Phenomena" by Geminus. The main result is that each Exeligmos/Saros... more
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      ArchaeoastronomyAncient Technology (Archaeology)Ancient AstronomyAncient technology
ll libro ripercorre la storia di Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli, l'insigne astronomo italiano, indagando, attraverso i testi di più autori, le diverse fasi della sua attività umana ed esplorativa: dalla fanciullezza e gioventù... more
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      Observational AstronomyGeography Of MarsGalileo GalileiHistory of Astronomy
[Keywords: assyriology, Mesopotamia, cuneiform, review, astronomy, astrology, neo-assyrian]
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      AssyriologyDivinationHistory of ScienceHistory of Astronomy
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    • Ancient Astronomy
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      Ancient AstronomyAstronomyEğitim BilimleriFen Bilgisi Eğitimi
Brief survey of some of the main contributions of Muslim astronomers, via theoretical innovations, observational methods, and, most importantly, through institutional developments.
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      History of ScienceAncient ScienceMedieval ScienceMedical Astrology
According to the conventional chronology for the Egyptian VXIII Dynasty, this period coincides with a statistically rare concentration of total eclipses visible from Egypt. In addition, a boundary stela from Amarna links the building of... more
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      Comparative ReligionAncient HistoryAmarna StudiesComparative Historical Analysis
Recorrido crítico por la figura y la obra de Metón, astrónomo (¿astrólogo?) y cronógrafo ático del demo de Leucónoe, que realizó su actividad en la época de la Guerra del Peloponeso (fl. mediados/finales del s. V d.C.). Con sus... more
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      History of AstrologyAncient Greek PhilosophyAncient AstronomyHistory, Science, Astronomy, Ancient Chronological Systems, Calendars
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreAncient History
Neste trabalho analisam-se as referências astronómicas encontradas em diversas obras de Camões, dando-se ênfase a "Os Lusíadas". São apresentados esquemas ilustrativos de algumas estrofes para melhor se entender o pensamento astronómico... more
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      History of AstronomyEpic poetryCamõesCultural Astronomy
Il "Disco di Nebra": di cosa "non" si tratta?
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Megalithic MonumentsBronze Age (Archaeology)Ancient Astronomy
Per la realizzazione di questo libro, sono andato in Sardegna otto volte tra il 2005 e il 2010. Devo prima di tutto ringraziare Mauro Peppino Zedda per avermi portato la prima volta al pozzo di Santa Cristina.
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      ReligionPhilosophyHistory of IdeasHistory of Astronomy
This is a most comprehensive collection of Neo- and Late-Babylonian eclipse observations, updated to 2003. It includes a detailed overview of philological and astronomical questions, transliteration and translation of texts, data analysis... more
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    • Ancient Astronomy
Mayans were not only accomplished astronomers but also very resourceful mathematicians. They were able to transform their observations into mathematical form producing a calendric system based on the correlation of the orbital values of... more
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyAncient AstronomyAstronomy
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      History of ScienceCometsAncient AstronomyImmanuel Velikovsky
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      AramaicEnoch literatureSecond Temple JudaismAncient Astronomy
Not only Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but also Sarah, Hagar, and Esau might be linked to the planets
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      Sumerian ReligionPlanetary SciencePhoeniciansOld Testament
Crónica investigativa sobre el observatorio astronómico indígena de la cultura Muisca en el humedal Jaboque, ubicado en la localidad de Engativá en la ciudad de Bogotá en Colombia.
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      Indigenous KnowledgeAncient AstronomyHistorical and Cultural Geography, Landscape and Memory, ToponymyINVESTIGACION SOBRE LA CULTURA MUISCA
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      History of AstronomyAstrophysicsAncient AstronomyOMERO
Una inevitable sensación de fascinación y asombro se apodera de quienes contemplan por primera vez las enormes proyecciones temporales registradas por los antiguos Mayas en sus milenarias inscripciones. Viajes en el tiempo del orden de... more
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      Applied MathematicsArchaeologyPhilosophy of ScienceIconography
A short essay arguing for a potential connection between the proposed Younger Dryas boundary cataclysm, and the impact of a comet resonant with Planet X (possibly in the form of Planet Nine). This article also speculates on the nature of... more
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      Ancient AstronomyPlanetary and Space ScienceAncient MysteriesCatastrophism
A number of researchers have suggested that the winter solstice alignment at the Newgrange Passage Tomb in Ireland had a fertility purpose. In this article I build on the knowledge of many experts to arrive at a possible reason for the... more
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      Comparative ReligionAncient HistoryAnthropologyHistory of Religion
L'argomento di questo studio si focalizza sulla decorazione di una corazza da parata di ottone, trovata a Castra Tricornia, oggi Ritopek, zona suburbana di Belgrado sulla riva del Danubio. Non ci sono molti dati relativi alla provenienza... more
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      Roman ReligionHistory of AstronomyRoman military archaeologyRoman Iconography
Descrição do funcionaento da bússola chinesa Luo Pan, do Museu de Angra do Heroísmo.
Ano Internacional da Astronomia.
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      Chinese PhilosophyMuseumAncient AstronomyAzores
This paper argues that the phrase _Titania... astra_ (Vergil,  _Aen_.6.725) refers to the Zodiac, as the stars through which the Sun (called Τίταν as early as Empedocles, and all through classical Latin poetry) takes its annual course.
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      VergilAeneidAncient Astronomy
The Antikythera Mechanism is a unique Greek geared device, constructed around the end of the 2nd Century BC. From previous work1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 it is known that it calculated and displayed celestial information, particularly cycles such... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryArchaeologyHistory of Mathematics