Ancient Astronomy
Most downloaded papers in Ancient Astronomy
The reign of Akhenaten is one of the most controversial of all Egyptian history since only about the co-regency with Amenhotep III there are more than 1200 books and academic articles that have been written. He has thus become the center... more
"Chronology is the backbone of history" is usually taught in schools but in the same time the first fall of Babylon is currently fixed either in 1595 BCE or in 1651, 1531, 1499 depending on historians! Such a difference in timeline... more
The moon played a major role in the ancient Middle Eastern world as a celestial body, as a material measure of time and temporality, as a site for predicting the future, and as a benevolent god of abundance, prosperity, and in certain... more
Not only Minoan architecture and arts but also Crete-related myths and rites bear astronomical information
To Madeleine and Kie, for the time we shall never recover v Acknowledgements I am grateful to many people for help, both direct and indirect, in seeing this dissertation through to completion. First and foremost is Prof. Joseph Carter, my... more
The Aramaic zodiac in the Dead Sea Scrolls, contained in 4Q318 Zodiac Calendar ar and Brontologion, found in Cave 4 at Qumran, has similarities and differences to Babylonian and Hellenistic zodiacs. This information may help to identify... more
Los antiguos egipcios nos han legado documentos, en su mayor parte de carácter religioso y funerario, por los que podemos hacernos una idea aproximada de cuáles eran sus conocimientos astronómicos y su cosmovisión. El cielo estrellado... more
Inanna, Aya and Ninlil; goddesses of the Sirius star Imprint number 38 This imprint pictures a sexual intercourse of sun god Utu with Inanna, a goddess of the Sirius star. On the right stands the moon god Suen dressed in a woollen skirt.... more
Four stars in the night sky have been formally recognised by their Australian Aboriginal names. The names include three from the Wardaman people of the Northern Territory and one from the Boorong people of western Victoria. The Wardaman... more
Las montañas más emblemáticas de México son los altos volcanes Popocatépetl e Iztaccíhuatl. Hoy en día, el imaginario colectivo se recrea con la personificación del Popocatépetl como un victorioso guerrero azteca que a su regreso... more
In this paper I will analyse the different features of the Pleiades in the astronomical, astrological, and calendrical interpretation as well as their mythical and cultural background in ancient Mesopotamia. According to cuneiform... more
Sundials in Roman and Byzantine Mosaics (1st – 9th Century AD). A scientific monograph. The sundials on ancient mosaics have not been the subject of scientific studies so far. The author has gathered together in this publication the... more
Song and dance are a traditional means of strengthening culture and passing knowledge to successive generations in the Torres Strait of northeastern Australia. Dances incorporate a range of apparatuses to enhance the performance, such as... more
Spreading from Lydia (western Turkey) and Aegean Sea, the coin-shaped currency made of minted precious metals arrived in Eastern Iberian Peninsula (Emporion, Rhode, Catalonia) and Southern Gaul (Massalia) during the 5th century B.C.... more
The fourth known pre-Columbian Maya codex, the only one discovered in the twentieth century, was found by looters in the mid-1960s. First exhibited in New York in 1971, what has come to be known as the Grolier Codex is half of a 20-page,... more
By c. 3000 BCE, in the late Neolithic, there had been a significant change in the way people materialized their cosmology across Scotland with the introduction of free-standing stones that continued to be erected almost until the end of... more
Aboriginal Australians carefully observe the properties and positions of stars, including both overt and subtle changes in their brightness, for subsistence and social application. These observations are encoded in oral tradition. I... more
The article focuses on the author's research on the chronographical background of the Zodiac Mosaic Calendar in Synagogue at Hammath-Tiberias. He researched to find the origin of mosaic decoration, the twelve zodiac sign, the four... more
La obra aquí reseñada 1 comienza con un prólogo (pp. ix-xi), escrito por José Miguel Parra, que da paso a una introducción (pp. 1-6) en la que Juan A. Belmonte resume cuáles fueron sus inquietudes al lanzarse en esta aventura... more
This study applies phylogenetic software to motifs connected with the Pleiades as identified in Yuri Berezkin’s database, The Analytical Catalogue of World Mythology and Folklore. The aim of analysis is to determine which, if any, of the... more
In her contribution, Victoria Altmann-Wendling presents on the one hand the practical application of the lunar phases for the calendar, the regulation of religious festivals and the priests’ services. These indirect pieces of evidence... more
The second part of 'An ancient Arabian zodiac. The constellations in the Safaitic inscriptions' discusses the position of the Arabian zodiac visa -vis other parapegmata from antiquity, and takes up a comparative etymological study of the... more
"In this brief paper we try to draw the lines of the possible development of the originary iconographic and symbolic repertoire of the Mesopotamian zodiac, which through the Greeks was adopted in the Western world. [Keywords:... more
“Chronology is the backbone of history” is usually taught in schools but in the same time the first fall of Babylon is currently fixed today (2016) either in 1595 BCE or in 1651, 1531, 1499 depending on historians! In Egyptology the... more
Lists of star names (“decan lists”) have been preserved in several distinct contexts in Egypt from the First Intermediate Period (around 2200 BC) to the second century AD. This chapter looks at both the content and the context of these... more
The fourth known pre-Columbian Maya codex—the only one discovered in the 20th century—was found by looters in the mid-1960s. First exhibited in New York in 1971, what has come to be known as the Grolier Codex is half of a hybrid-style... more
Early ethnographers and missionaries recorded Aboriginal languages and oral traditions across Australia. Their general lack of astronomical training resulted in misidentifications, transcription errors and omissions in these records. In... more
It is demonstrated that the Greco-Roman zodiac sundials that flourished in Greece and Italy from about the early second century BCE to the second century CE were related to the zodiac calendar in the Dead Sea Scrolls, in the Aramaic... more
Co-Editors: Josefina Rodríguez-Arribas, Charles Burnett, Silke Ackermann and Ryan Szpiech First published as a special issue of the journal Medieval Encounters (vol. 23, 2017), this volume brings together fifteen studies on various... more
In 2010 the author published an alternative chronology for the 22nd Dynasty which identified the eclipse of year 15 of Takeloth II as that of 15 February 756 BC (Thijs, ZÄS 137). It also put the reign of Shoshenq I in c. 843-823 BC, which... more
Vettius Valens 1.18 contains simple methods for the computation of the planetary positions along the zodiac, which at best give only mean longitudes. Using a preserved summary of Balbillus' astrological work, the author makes the case for... more
Sundials in Roman and Byzantine Mosaics (1st – 9th Century AD). A scientific monograph. The sundials on ancient mosaics have not been the subject of scientific studies so far. The author has gathered together in this publication the... more
Since its discovery by scholars in the late nineteenth century, the last chapter of Sphujidhvaja's Yavanajātaka has been known as one of the earliest extant specimens of Indian astronomical works composed in Sanskrit. Subsequently, thanks... more
L’analisi di una rappresentazione egizia ci lascia assai spesso perplessi e sorpresi, costatata l’apparente mancanza di metodo e l’evidente difficoltà di comprensione degli elementi figurativi. Nel caso di rappresentazioni astronomiche, e... more
Hérodote "le père de l'histoire" est en fait le père de l'enquête scientifique et notamment de la chronologie puisqu'à partir de cette époque plusieurs historiens grecs vont progressivement constituer un système de datation permettant... more
This chapter examines research carried out to date on the Sky Bear and seeks to demonstrate the implications of this line of research for ―cultural astronomy‖. It begins by reviewing research that has been done cross-culturally on bear... more
This article: "Basic astronomy for Egyptologists to get a chronology" is the continuation of the article: "Basic astronomy for historians to get a chronology".