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From the sixth to the eighth centuries, the Roman world suffered the first known pandemic caused by Yersinia pestis, the bacterial agent of bubonic plague. Despite the pandemic's horrors, scholarly consensus has maintained that medical... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of MedicineEnvironmental HistoryHistory of Science
One of the better-known episodes in the life of John Tzetzes is his complaint that during a period of poverty in the 1130s he had been forced to sell off his books until only two remained in his possession – a copy of Plutarch’s Lives and... more
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      Byzantine LiteratureHistory of ScienceAncient ScienceByzantine Studies
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    • Ancient Science
In Agamemnon's gloating recollection of the night Troy fell (Aeschylus, _Agamemnon_ 825-828), he makes a reference to the Pleiades which calls out for explanation. This paper connects that astronomical reference to others latent in the... more
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      Greek TragedyAncient Science
This article presents a strategy for introducing Presocratic thought to students in a manner that is both engaging and relevant. The first section addresses students' reactions to the claim that the Presocratics were the first... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyMetaphilosophyPlatoHistory of Science
Available as PDF or plain TXT: computer−generated list of all regular sexagesimal numbers with up to 30 digits in Babylonian floating notation.
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      Number TheoryHistory Of ComputingAssyriologyHistory of Mathematics
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      Ancient HistoryNear Eastern StudiesUrban HistoryAncient Science
Il principale obiettivo dei Milesi, lungi dall’essere un’insensata reductio ad unum di tutte le sostanze, è stato in effetti un primo tentativo d’interpretare razionalmente il mondo intorno a noi, spiegando cosa costringa i corpi celesti... more
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      EpistemologyAncient SciencePresocraticsMilesians
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      PlatoAristotleAncient ScienceStoicism
c08 132 15 December 2015 7:51 PM 246mm×189mm
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      Ancient ScienceHistory of optics
Evoluzione e progresso in Lucrezio 11.00 discussione 11.00 Isabella TONDO (Liceo Scientifico "B. Croce" -Università di Palermo) Proposta didattica: la scienza dell'uomo da Lombroso ai Romani 11.20 discussione 15.30 Marco FORMISANO... more
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      Ancient ScienceLatinTeaching
This article deals with data inscribed on Ancient Egyptian cubit rods, and more specifically on the ceremonial cubit rods. Following a description of their technical and symbolic aspects, the paper reveals a property of the fine... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian ScienceAncient ScienceAncient Egyptian Architecture
Two volumes & slightly more than 1350 two columns pages edited in 2010 by Paola Colace (Univ. Messina, editor-in-chief), S.M. Medaglia (Univ. Salerno), L. Rossetti (Univ. Perugia), S. Sconocchia (Univ. Trieste). A special role was played... more
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      History of MathematicsHistory of MedicineAncient ScienceHistory of Astronomy
In 2015, Polis—The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities held an international conference on Hellenistic Egypt's most famous center of scholarship and learning. The interdisciplinary event gathered historians, archaeologists,... more
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      Library ScienceHellenistic HistoryAncient ScienceBiblical Studies
The paper seeks to explain a difficult passage in Strabo’s Geography (II. 1. 1–20 C67–77), which is devoted to Hipparchus’ objections against Eratosthenes’ conclu-sions about the latitudinal position of India. It is argued, among other... more
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      Ancient ScienceHistory of Geographic ThoughtAncient GeographyStrabo
Brief survey of some of the main contributions of Muslim astronomers, via theoretical innovations, observational methods, and, most importantly, through institutional developments.
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      History of ScienceAncient ScienceMedieval ScienceMedical Astrology
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismAncient Science
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreAncient History
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      AssyriologyHistory of MathematicsHistory of ScienceAncient Science
With a clear comparative approach, this volume brings together for the first time contributions that cover different periods of the history of ancient pharmacology, from Greek, Byzantine, and Syriac medicine to the Rabbinic-Talmudic... more
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      Greek LiteratureJewish StudiesLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesAssyriology
It is well known that Ptolemy’s Geography used systematically exaggerated values for longitudes, which made his map look excessively stretched from West to East in comparison with modern maps. According to one recent hypothesis, the... more
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      Ancient ScienceHistory of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyPtolemy
This paper compares the Milky Way in Aratus (Ph. 469–79) and Manilius (1.684–804), focusing on the role of the sublime in both texts. In Aratus, to gaze at the Milky Way is a sublime experience that constitutes an image for reading the... more
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      Augustan PoetryAncient ScienceManiliusThe Sublime
Studiu despre religia geto-dacilor, cu scopul de a clarifica aspecte ale mitului lui Zalmoxis. Concluzia: Zalmoxis este același cu Gebeleizis, o divinitate a luminii de natură ignee, zeu primordial și civilizator, iar formal mitul său... more
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      PlatoAncient ScienceAncient ReligionStrabo
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      Cognitive ScienceRhetoricAncient ScienceAncient Greek Philosophy
Pp. 147- 166 in Divination as Science: A Workshop Conducted during the 60th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Warsaw, 2014. Ed. Jeanette C. Fincke. Eisenbrauns: Winona Lake, Indiana. 2016
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      Sumerian ReligionAssyriologyRitualTextual Criticism
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      MarxismPlatoLiberalismAncient Science
De mi r i ş2 0 0 2 De mi r i ş , B e d i a , E s k i ç a ğ d aYa z ıAr a çv eGe r e ç l e r i , E s k i ç a ğ E n s t i t ü s üYa y ı n l a r ı , İ s t a n b u l . E r g i n ö z2 0 0 7 -2 0 0 8 E r g i n ö z ,Ga y eŞ . ," Hi t i t l e r i... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Questo testo si propone di considerare seriamente il cosiddetto terrapiattismo e di fornire una ricognizione di questa dottrina, intesa come fenomeno culturale e sociale. Lo scopo è quello di condurre un esame iniziale della questione e... more
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      Ancient HistoryPhysicsPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of Science
How do religious and scientific systems of knowledge and modes of inquiry differ? How is "real" magic supposed to work? What is the role of reason in each of these cases? What is the role of authority? Where do systems such as alchemy or... more
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      Ancient ScienceMagicScience and ReligionNatural philosophy
Nel dibattito della nostra epoca la presenza degli animali, e l'insieme dei problemi connessi alla relazione uomo-animale, sembrano sempre più acquisire un ruolo di primo piano. Ciò vale in egual misura per le scienze naturali e le... more
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      AnthropologyAnimal StudiesAnimal EthicsAncient Science
This article reinterprets Thucydides's analysis of the post-Periclean turn in Athenian politics by reading it within the context of contemporary "tragic" and "scientific" explanatory traditions. It finds in this analysis an ambitious... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek TragedyPolitical TheoryDemocratic Theory
Who they are? Why they came here? Why they Created us? When we read mythological books in a scientific way, What will heppen. All answers of our questions were hidden in Mythalogical books. we have to change the way to reading and... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient ScienceSpirituality & MysticismAncient myth and religion
ed. by A. Stückelberger / G. Graßhoff
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      GeographyCartographyClassicsGreek Literature
1st December 2017 Department of Classics and Philosophy University of Cyprus Organizers: Maria Gerolemou (Cyprus), George Kazantzidis (Patras)
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      AristotleAncient ScienceGalenAncient Medicine
Acharya Varahamihira was one of the greatest astrologers of ancient India. Belonging to the 6th century CE of the Gupta Age, he composed numerous texts on astrology and allied subjects. Among his notable works is the Brihat Samhita, which... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of IndiaIndian studies
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      EgyptologyAncient ScienceAncient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyMetrology
In the train of the renewed academic interest in neoplatonic natural philosophy, Proclus’ more technical scientific works such as the Hypotyposis Astronomicarum Positionum and the Paraphrasis Ptolemaei Tetrabiblou, are beginning to... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePlatoAristotleNeoplatonism and late antique philosophy
Е. В. Афонасин, А. С. Афонасина, А. И. Щетников. Античный космос. Очерки истории античной астрономии и космологии. ¬Санкт-Петербург: Издательство РХГА, 2016. – 405 с. ANCIENT COSMOS. ESSAYS ON ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY IN ANTIQUITY... more
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      Ancient ScienceAncient Philosophy
It is generally recognized that Lucretius' treatment of earthquakes and pestilences (6.535-607; 1090-1286) exerted great influence on Book 6 of Seneca's Natural Questions. But while a large consensus exists that both authors tend to... more
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      Ancient ScienceHistory of AtomismStoicismSeneca
Scientific Life in Ancient Egyptian Civilization "Historical and Analytical Study of Geometry, Mathematics, Astrology and Astronomy" Historical Manifestations of Geometry and Mathematics in Ancient Egypt; Manifestations of Astrological... more
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      History of MathematicsHistory of ScienceAncient ScienceArchitectural Geometry
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHistory of MedicineHistory of Science
The analysis of several reports of Ptolemy shows that already before Marinus of Tyre ancient geographers used a kind of projection, similar to the first Ptolemy’s projection. This could have been a kind of trapezoidal projection, which is... more
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      Greco-Roman ScienceAncient ScienceHistory of Ancient GeographyAncient Geography
Miletoslu Anaksimandros MÖ 6. yüzyılda her şeyin sudan geldiğini öne süren "ilk filozof" Thales'in öğrencisidir. Anaksimandros'un öğrencisi Anaksimenes ise her şeyin havadan geldiğini, havanın yoğuşma ve genleşme sonucu su, toprak ve... more
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      PhysicsAncient ScienceOccidentalismAncient Greek Philosophy
An introduction to the longest Greek astrological text from antiquity. This is a companion to the full text posted on
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    • Ancient Science
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      HistoryAncient HistoryAssyriologyHistory of Science
In both ancient tradition and modern research Pythagoreanism has been understood as religious sect or as a philosophical and scientific community. Numerous attempts have been made to reconcile these pictures as well as to analyze them... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyPlatoAncient Science
This paper presents the edition of three new horoscopes from Athribis in Upper Egypt (O. Athribis 17-36-5/1741), and the reedition of ANAsh.Mus.D.O.633, identified as part of the same group of horoscopes originating from Athribis. The... more
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      EgyptologyPapyrologyHistory of ScienceEgyptian Science
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      History of Science and TechnologyAssyriologyAncient ScienceAncient Near East
Edited by Peter Adamson, Rotraud Hansberger & James Wilberding
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      History of MedicineHistory of ScienceAncient ScienceGalen
The paper aims to collect and discuss evidence for astrologers in Egyptian temples during the Graeco-Roman period from several kinds of data, including astrological and astronomical texts, inscriptions, and documentary sources. Material... more
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      Ancient HistoryEgyptologyDivinationHistory of Science