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      Medical AnthropologyDivinationAfricaUganda
The Bible is full of references to magic and divination, but we rarely find attestations of witches and witchcraft, i.e. women performing acts of black magic. However, there is a mysterious passage in the Book of Ezekiel which seems to... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyDivinationRoman Law
Powerful historical artefacts vitalize their potential agencies in specific historical moments and cause fractures in our perspectives. In this thesis, I argue that objects' power can be examined by looking at their supernatural,... more
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      Historical AnthropologyEpistemologyTravel WritingCultural Heritage
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      DivinationGreek Oracles and DivinationMagic and Divination in the Ancient WorldAncient magic and divination
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      EgyptologyDivinationAnatolian ArchaeologyAncient Near East
This study surveys the introduction of astrology into East Asia with a primary focus on the Buddhist experience of Indian and Iranian astrology during the eighth and ninth centuries. It is argued that prior to the introduction of Esoteric... more
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      BuddhismHistory of ReligionDaoismSinology
In light of the retelling of the Golden Calf episode in Hosea 13, Philo of Alexandria, Pseudo-Philo and some Targums, the missing link between Moses’s destruction of the Calf and the slaughter performed by the Levites is identified as a... more
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      DivinationPhilo of AlexandriaExodusGolden Calf
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      ReligionLatin American StudiesPhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
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      AssyriologyHistory of ReligionDivinationAncient Near East
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      ReligionHinduismAfrican StudiesLatin American Studies
There is in Western culture a long-lasting tradition of attention toward apparently inexplicable events and the meaning that they can have for the community. Why observing and recording these events? Because their deviation from the... more
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      Medieval StudiesDivinationMagic and Divination in the Ancient WorldClassical Studies
2012 _ This dissertation deals with the ritual and sacerdotal organisation of a Cuban mythical-ritual complex of Yoruba origin, articulated around two poles with complex and sometimes conflicting relationships: Santería, based on the... more
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      DivinationInitiation Practices (Anthropology)ReflexivityRitual Studies
This article is reproduced from the Second Edition of The Encyclopedia of Religion, ed. Lindsay Jones (2005), v. 4, pp. 2369-2375, but is unchanged from its text in the First Edition, ed. Mircea Eliade (1987), v. 4, pp. 375-382, aside... more
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      ReligionDivinationAfrican Traditional ReligionsRitual Practices
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      Chinese ReligionsDivinationChinese Popular ReligionSingapore Studies
Silla monk Jinpyo 眞表(ca. 8th centry) is known as a Vinaya master, who rebuilt Geumsan monastery and ordained people at the ordination platform of complete equality(C. fangdeng jietan, K.bangdeung gyedan ⽅等戒壇) on the one hand, and as a... more
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      DivinationKorean BuddhismApocryphaThe Awakening of Faith
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      DivinationDramaPuerto RicoAnthropology of the Senses
In this book, Eric Montgomery and Christian Vannier provide an ethnographically informed text on the cultural meanings and practices surrounding the gods and metaphysics of Vodu, as they relate to daily life in an ethnic Ewe fishing... more
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      ReligionAfrican StudiesDivinationAfrican Diaspora Studies
The International Conference The Impact of Arabic Sources on Divination and the Practical Sciences in Europe and Asia was held in Erlangen (2014 January 21-23) at the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities, in... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryHistory of MedicineManuscripts and Early Printed Books
Built well over 3,000 years ago (c. 1380 BCE), the Eugal (Sum. é ziggurat at Dūr-Kurigalzu in southern Iraq still dominates the landscape. Although in a heavily deteriorated state, the original ziggurat, along with modern... more
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      DivinationMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamia HistoryMesopotamian Religions
This essay explores intimate relationships between Buddhism and power in contemporary Thailand. Considering practices like divination and spirit mediumship as well as more orthodox contexts like kingship and the monkhood, it argues that... more
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      BuddhismThai StudiesDivinationThailand
While philosophy and religion were never sharply distinguished in China, what we now call Chinese philosophy incorporated, theorized, and sometimes opposed practices and views that can reasonably be called religious. These included... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionDaoismDivinationReligious Pluralism
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      Jewish StudiesDivinationJewish HistoryJewish Thought
The essay deals with aspects of liminalisation in the Oneirocritica of Artemidorus of Daldis (ca. late 2nd-early 3rd cent. CE). It looks at the rites of passage included in the analysed dreams and at their interpretation. Artemidorus was... more
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      Ancient HistoryDivinationLiminalityLate Antiquity Auch wenn die Wahrsagung in der buddhistischen Ordensdisziplin offiziell verpönt ist, waren über die Jahrhunderte buddhistische Mönche in China in den... more
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      Chinese BuddhismBuddhist StudiesDivinationChinese Divination
A review of the 'Spellbound' exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum and the 'Living in a Magical World' conference, at the University of Oxford, September 2018.
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      Museum StudiesApotropaic DevicesDivinationMagic
Ms. Dar al-kutub 193 est-il une source des impressions d'Al fasl fi usul 'ilm al raml réalisées au Caire ? Oui, elle l'est partiellement. Dans la mesure où, par une collation sur la page de titre, celles-ci disent s’appuyer sur plusieurs... more
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      DivinationGeomancyIslamic Divinatory SciencesArabic Printing
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      DivinationSlaveryHuman TraffickingBiblical Studies
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      AssyriologyDivinationHistory of ScienceHistory of Astronomy
«El Tratado de la adivinanza de Lope de Barrientos en el contexto europeo», Los reinos peninsulares en el siglo XV: De lo vivido a lo narrado. Encuentro de investigadores en Homenaje a Michel García, hrsg. v. Fernando Toro Ceballos,... more
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      DivinationMedieval Spanish LiteratureOccultismSuperstitions and Superstitious Belief
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      AssyriologyDivinationMagic and Divination in the Ancient World
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionDivinationMagicAncient Religion
The casting of maize seeds is a tool used by contemporary daykeepers in the Ayöök (Mixe) area of Oaxaca, Mexico, which along with the prognostications and prescriptions of the 260-day calendar, helps to cure illnesses and afflictions.... more
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      DivinationMesoamerican ArchaeologyMesoamerican ReligionMagic and Divination in the Ancient World
Published in Walking the Worlds: Divination and Oracles Volume 3, Number 2, Summer 2017
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      Ancient HistoryWomen's StudiesDivination
The present paper aims at analyzing the experiential quality of what I will refer to as the hermeneutic dimension of the divinatory encounter. The analysis will consist of three parts: The first part concentrates on the relation between... more
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      AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyDivinationHermeneutics
A sequence of omens has puzzled Assyriologists since 1866, when Henry C. Rawlinson published the first copy of these peculiar divinatory texts. The omens have the structure DIŠ MUL ana . . . GUR, “If a star turns into . . .”, where the... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceAssyriologyDivinationHistory of Science
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      Chinese ReligionsDivinationEarly China
Losbücher, in denen der Leser durch Würfeln oder über ein Losrad zu einem bestimmten Losspruch geleitet wird, wurden in der germanistischen Forschung bislang vor allem als mantische Wahrsagetexte wahrgenommen. Die wesentliche Leistung... more
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      German LiteratureGame studiesMedieval German LiteratureHistory of the Book
Диссертация посвящена изучению народной традиции толкования сновидений в восточнославянской культуре. Основной материал исследования – рассказы о вещих снах, записанные автором в Полтавской области (2012–2018 гг.). Целью работы является... more
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Discussion of first millennium BCE Sumerian and Sumerian–Akkadian divinatory compendia with an edition of a bilingual celestial divinatory tablet from Nineveh (K.2241+)
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[Keywords: assyriology, Mesopotamia, cuneiform, review, astronomy, astrology, neo-assyrian]
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      AssyriologyDivinationHistory of ScienceHistory of Astronomy
In my paper I examine the use of Sibylline Books during Augustus' reign. I discuss the role of the Sibyl as well as the collection attributed to her in terms of cultural changes and cultural paraphrases. According to my opinion the... more
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      Roman HistoryDivinationRoman ReligionRoman Republic
Table of Contents, Preface, and selected pages from book (published by Veleda Press, 2016)
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      Women's StudiesAnglo-Saxon StudiesDivinationWomen's Health
MONTANER, Alberto, "Entre la brujería y la teúrgia: formas de la magia en el Siglo de Oro", unpublished slide presentation of a plenary lecture at the conference on «Esoterismo y Brujería en la Literatura del Siglo de Oro» held at the... more
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Paper session presented to the Association for Iranian Studies, 12th Biennial Conference, University of California – Irvine, Irvine, California (August 2018)
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyDivinationHistory of Science
Astrology is a feature of everyday conversation and the local spiritual scene in Sedona, Arizona, a small town renowned for its " vortexes ". As part of a variegated new age spirituality, astrology " works " in three main ways that are... more
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      American StudiesEthnographyDivinationWestern Esotericism (Anthropology)
Human consternation in the face of divine silence, or apparent divine indifference to formal procedures of supplication, appears somewhat often in the Hebrew Bible. Biblical texts, especially in the Psalms and the Prophets, confront head... more
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      DivinationOld Testament ProphecyBook of PsalmsBook of Habakkuk
Religiöse und spirituelle Rituale können als Repositorien kulturellen Langzeitgedächtnisses verstanden werden. Ihre Deutung ist daher hoch interessant. In diesem erweiterten Vortrag werden initiatorische Riten der südafrikanischen... more
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      DivinationAfrican Religion in Africa and the DiasporaShamanismRitual Theory
Discussion in Chinese of the Xun trigram in 4th century BCE stalk divination according to a Tsinghua Univ divination manuscript
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      Chinese ReligionsDivinationEarly ChinaI Ching
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      BotanyLatin American StudiesEarth SciencesAnthropology