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Sunday, April 22, 2012

New Dining Room the Works!

I like to collect things...
big things, small things, things to sit on,
to write on, to put stuff on...
well,it has gotten to be a little much...
because I can never seem to find the time to finish them all.

NOW, I must get my act together and here is where I am starting...

These lovely chairs.
I bought 6 at Goodwill...3 months ago
and I desperately need them in my house.

You see my current dining room chairs are beyond awful. 

I have a vision (sort of) for these chairs. They look dated and ugly now....but with some creamy white paint, a little distressing and some new seat covers...these are going to be gorgeous! 

And my Rockler HVLP Spray System is going to be my savior here.

DIY Club
Go read more about this project and so many others at The DIY Club!

Trust me....or at least play along!

Now off I go to start sanding and prepping!
(I am paying the older kiddo per chair to help and!) 


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disclosure: some products have been provided through The DIY Club


  1. Can't wait to see what they look like when you're done!


  2. LOVE the chair- it will be so gorgeous when you get done with it :) I'm in love with all the details on it!!!

  3. We find lots of treasures at Goodwill.

    Neat Holly, you have my curiosity, on the way over there now...

  4. I can't wait to see them Holly! The style of the chair is great!


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