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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Paper crafting - making cards, marbling paper...and making paper - is one of the first types of crafts I remember doing as an "adult."  When I start "playing" with my Evolution Die Cutter I get so excited...the possibilities are endless...and sometimes that sends me off on a tangent...and sometimes I never know where i will end up.

Bear with me on the tutorial. I had one (or ten) things in mind and then my hands took me some place else and this sweet little card was created. Can't you imagine this on a small block of wood or a canvas too? I kind of am in love with the colors and the arrows...and the hearts...and the polka dots!
Paper Crafting: Follow Your Heart Card by 504 Main

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Monday, September 29, 2014

Every morning I wake up and still can hardly believe that I live in Austin,Texas!
I was a born California girl, and I suppose I always will be...
but for the last few months I have been attempting to settle in to my new home in Texas.

I do admit that I may have cried the first morning (and on many other occasions) when I actually had to tell the barista my order at the local coffee shop. "At home," my coffee was practically waiting for me every day at my favorite coffee shop. Yes, I know it is ridiculous, but I think that is what made it all sink in...all the way to the ground. 


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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.

For months my family was living and eating on the fly. As we packed up our California home, there was little time to experiment with new recipes - much less cook old ones - but now that we are settled into our new home, everyone is practically begging for something new and exciting for breakfast, lunch, snacks...and especially dinner! Well it was a necessity to come up with some new creations that would satisfy my hungry kids hunger and taste buds!

Vegetable and Potato Empanadas and Campbell's Labels for Education #labels4edu #cbias
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