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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

I have a fun surprise today. It is time to celebrate someone's birthday. Not mine, but a fabulous blogger, Amy from Pounds4Pennies I met in Dallas a few weeks ago. I always love a birthday celebration and who does not love an Amazon Gift Card!?
Happy BIrthday Giveaway   

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

I spent many, many years planning fabulous weddings...and I gotta tell ya...I miss it (not the long hours...but everything else). Last year an amazing caterer I know asked me to make these rustic wood wedding signs for each of her couples. I love the idea and they are such an amazing wedding keepsake or unique part of the wedding decor.

Rustic weddings signs are great gifts or accessories to accent your wedding decor.
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Friday, June 12, 2015

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #LetsMakeSmores #CollectiveBias #sponsored

I believe S'mores are a little taste of heaven on earth! Having a S'more takes me back to camping with my girl scout troop, warm summer nights at the lake with my family, and roaring beach bonfires with friends. In fact we moved from the coast of California one year ago, and my last night in our sleepy beach town we attended a bonfire, surrounded by friends and making S'mores! It was an amazing memory to leave on, and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Everything you need to create classic and custom s'mores

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Saturday, June 6, 2015

I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Influence Central for Anheuser-Busch's Family Talk About Drinking Program. I received a promotional item to thank me for me participation. 

Proms, parties, graduations...summer! This is a time of year filled with celebrations, happiness, and milestones. It is a time when many teens are feeling more grown up. Perhaps they are promoting from middle school to high school. Perhaps that Junior is now a Senior. Or that Senior has just graduated. These milestones can also bring a sense of independence and possibly the urge to explore more adult activities. Those activities could very well include alcohol and underage drinking. As a parent it is our responsibility to educate and discuss these potentially dangerous situations with our children, so they may be able to handle themselves when situations arise.

Parents are the top influencer in their childrens decision making about alcohol.

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Friday, June 5, 2015

My daughter's class recently had a financial literacy day at school. My cutie needed a product to sell and she decided on GOO. Every once in awhile I like to tap into my mom's years and years of preschool teaching expertise...and this time it led us to the proper recipe for making GOO. My daughter is loving this ooey gooey creation...and it is pretty darn easy to make! 

Goo, goop, slime whatever you call it, call it fun!

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