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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Welcome to the Tickled Pink Times Two Linky Party - 
a creative party to share your very best posts of the week!

I want to take a minute to TRULY SAY "THANK YOU" to everyone who links up here week after week. I know some of you have been around since the beginning of Tickled Pink.

Did you know we have a Tickled Pink Features Pinterest Board - you can see all the amazing projects and ideas there too!
Stop on by and follow us!
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My family has a sweet tooth.
I don't always want to make a huge batch of cookies, cake, whatever...
because I will eat them...ALL!
I am also trying to healthy up our kitchen (I am always doing that)...
so the other day me son was asking for a treat...
and I decided to try this out...and he loved it (and so do I)...
so naturally I want to share our new recipe for Quick Apple Crisp in a Mug!
Quick Apple Crisp in a Mug by 504 Main

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I am always in need of a hairband...gotta keep the hair out of the way of crafting and cooking, right!? I also sleep with my hair in a ponytail. So, yes, I have a big need for a good hairband! I honestly never even thought to post this idea until I was talking to a friend and she thought I was brilliant...
so I will share my SECRET with you (wink, wink)!
How to Make the Best and Easiest Hairband on the Planet by 504 Main

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Welcome to the Tickled Pink Times Two Linky Party - 
a creative party to share your very best posts of the week!

I want to take a minute to TRULY SAY "THANK YOU" to everyone who links up here week after week. I know some of you have been around since the beginning of Tickled Pink.

Did you know we have a Tickled Pink Features Pinterest Board - you can see all the amazing projects and ideas there too!
Stop on by and follow us!
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A couple of ears ago I put out a call to the readers of my blog for an
AMAZING chili recipe.
I was going to a 4th of July Chili Cook Off, and, well, I wanted to win.
A reader  (and I cannot find the link to her if you are reading this...
let me know and I will give you full credit for this masterpiece!) sent me this recipe....
and I did not win overall -the man who did win that takes like 15 hours to make his chili...
and it is amazing and there is no competing with him. But it did win Best Chicken Chili!
(and it should also win the ward for the hardest food to photograph ever)

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Friday, February 14, 2014

I am ready to start planting and sprucing up the house with greens and blooms.
And of course adding a pretty pot to dress up the plant is always a PLUS!
As part of the Michaels and Hometalk Pinterest Party I saw these little pots...
and was totally naturally I had to give them a whirl!
Painted and Stamped Pots by 504 Main #mpinterestparty

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This sponsored post was written while participating in my partnership with Vaseline and One2One Network.

I have long suffered from dry skin...and really have done nothing about it.
But I am getting older and I must take action!.
It seems simple enough, right?
You have dry skin you use lotions.
No biggie, right?
Well, I am always in a hurry...always rushed...
due to my time management issues.
So when I saw the Vaseline Spray &Go Moisturizer commercial with the lady
who sprays her self down and gets dressed in like "2 seconds,"
I thought "Hey! This is made for me!"

Vaseline Spray and Go #sprayitforward

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Welcome to the Tickled Pink Times Two Linky Party - 
a creative party to share your very best posts of the week!

I want to take a minute to TRULY SAY "THANK YOU" to everyone who links up here week after week. I know some of you have been aroudn since the beginning of Tickled Pink.
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Yesterday I shared a Monogrammed Burlap Canvas project
And, well,once I start thinking about a project I just cannot stop myself.
I just fell in love with these small burlap canvases and the laser cut wood doilies...
and I had to make another personalized project.
That is where this wreath came in!
In the past I have made burlap canvas wreaths using old family photos and absolutely love the look, so this is a perfect addition to my home.

Burlap Canvas and Wood Wreath by 504 Main with @michaelsstores and @hometalk
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I always joke that I married my husband because I would not have to change my initials.
I very much liked that big ole "L" that was the beginning of my last name.
I have always (long before the monogram trend began) loved using my initials to personalize my decor. That is why I love this Monogrammed Burlap Canvas project that is part of the Michaels and Hometalk Pinterest Party
Visit Hometalk and search the hashtag #MPinterestParty to see a ton of great projects!

Monogrammed Burlap Canvasand a Hometalk and Michaels Pinterest Party

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At my daughter's elementary school we have an Art Docent program to acquaint the kids with different types and methods of art and to also get hands on time in our art room. A few weeks ago, we did this type of a project and I instantly fell in love with the technique and look of using foam plates for creating printing "plates."
Valentines Using Foam Plate Printing by 504 Main

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Welcome to the Tickled Pink Times Two Linky Party - 
a creative party to share your very best posts of the week!

I want to take a minute to TRULY SAY "THANK YOU" to everyone who links up here week after week. I know some of you have been aroudn since the beginning of Tickled Pink.
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I truly enjoy making fabulous birthday cakes for my kids, husband, family...
and friends if given the chance. I have made bowling pins and balls,
solar systems, trains, flowers, and giant cupcakes - to name a few.
Recently however, I have been baking up Bundt cakes and angel food cakes,
(a little less frosting!)
and had to devise new ways to decorate them!
Paper Cake Toppers by 504 Main

I am enjoying the simple simplicity of a beautiful cake adorned with pretty paper.
It is so easy and so versatile...and everyone seems to love it!

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I have admitted before that I am not the biggest fan of Valentines Day...
BUT I do like hearts...
and I do have a little girl who thinks Valentines Day is amazing!
So..I have been doing some Valentine crafting.
Pipe Cleaner Heart Garlands by 504 Main

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Monday, February 3, 2014

I admit that I am not the most organized person in the world,
but I do have a few tricks up my sleeve...
granted most of them have been passed down from relatives and long time friends...
but they are good! And now I am going to share one of them with you!
And, if you are like me...ways to maximize space and
create efficient storage solutions in the kitchen in a top priority.

Easy Kitchen Storage EVER from 504 Main

For the longest time I was frustrated with how to store my cutting boards,
baking racks, baking sheets and even pot lids.
Then I remembered this trick I learned from a family friend!

So you know those metal file holders/sorters...
they are AMAZING in the kitchen.
The keep you cabinets tidy and your necessities sorted and ready to go! 

Easy Kitchen Storage from 504 Main

And better yet...this is one of the easiest DIY's EVER!

I pick up my metal file holders at thrift stores - they are super cheap ($2.00-4.00)
I clean them up and place them in my cabinets.
Then I sort out my items.
Things like cutting boards, baking racks, etc. store great when "filed" like this!

Easy Kitchen Storage from 504 Main

In this cabinet I used the metal file sorter for my most used items,
but I also use a metal file sorter in other ways.
I store my pot lids this way and I store my baking pans -
like mini donut pan, mini muffin pans, muffin tins this way as well.

Easy Kitchen Storage from 504 Main

See super easy!
This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre
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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Are you feeling the love?
Yes, it is February already and that infamous day of hearts and flowers and candy and love is just around the corner!
And, best of is the perfect time to spread a little love
and we want to help you do it!
Keep on reading to see how you can win $600 in Visa Gift Cards!
One for you and one for you to share the love! 

Enter for a chance to win $600 in Visa gift cards!
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