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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sandra Lee, New York City...and ME! #bySandraLee

When I got married, it hit me....
I might have to cook...
for someone other than myself.
I had no idea what I was doing.
I knew how to cook veggies...
but that did not make hubby all that happy...
I thought surely he would starve...
and then I saw I bought Sandra Lee's Semi Homemade Cookbook,
and I thought "Hey, I can do that!"

I never would have guessed that {a few} years later I would have the opportunity to meet Sandra Lee and participate in her Summer Carnival in New York City as she launches her Sandra by Sandra Lee home collection in Sears and Kmart

Yes, that is right....I am heading to New York!

I have watched Sandra on the Food Network and her HGTV specials...
and have enjoyed her magazine for a long time.
I being inspired by how Sandra can create magic
and entertain with her trademark "70/30 Semi-Homemade."
I have a soft "spot" for anything polka dot

But, I must confess while I enjoy the recipes...what I really love is how she combines this aspect into all areas of entertaining and creates beautiful tablescapes and cocktails!

Oh yeah...pretty tablescapes and cocktails
(Had to say that is my favorite)

And now we can all have a little taste of Sandra's style in our homes with her Sandra by Sandra Lee home collection available at Sears and Kmart.

I have to tell you when I was designing my Spring/Easter tablescape this collection was just across the aisle and it was all I could do not to snatch it all up!

Here is a preview of what is in store...

Mini Casserole Dishes

Great Kitchen Necessities
How awesome is this sink cutting board?!

I am feeling the need for some new canister.
I could have such a pretty pantry.

Love this cheese grater

This scroll dinnerware is begging to find a home at my house.

I do think some bright and happy textile will make my kitchen smile (and me too)

How about some small appliances.
That is such a pretty crock pot...
I smell a chili cook off in my future!
I need to talk blenders too!

This is certainly one of my favorite pieces!
Pretty and elegant.

Is it too early to think about Christmas?
Of course not!
Here's a sneak peek at what Sandra has in store for the holidays!

So, what do you think? Pretty cool, eh?
I will have so much more to share with you when I return...
Until then you can follow along with what is happening
on twitter by following me 
and the hashtag #bysandralee

I started a fun Pinterest Board showcasing some of my favorite
Sandra by Sandra Lee products
and how they inspire some fun tablescapes.

Follow Me on Pinterest
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™. #CBias #SocialFabric


  1. What a pretty post filled with loads of goodies! I loved that white strainer with the berries too. Darling!! Have an amazing trip Holly.

  2. I love all her things. The red plates are gorgeous. There are so many beautiful things here. Can't wait to see them at Sears.

  3. I love my sink cutting board and strainer!

  4. Oh...I WISH I was coming with you! You are going with a fantastic group of ladies and I can't wait to hear all about it!

  5. So exciting, Holly! Have a wonderful time in NYC!

  6. Each thing is cuter than the last. Those tea towels are super cute. Have a wonderful time.

  7. Try out Sandra Lee's Kwanzaa Cake recipe! Pure genius!

  8. I am so excited for you! I totally need that sink cutting board strainer thingy. Have a wonderful time in NYC and can't wait to hear all about it.

  9. You are a lucky lady!
    I can't wait to hear more about all your fun.
    Love her show and all those fun pieces.


  10. How exciting! I love her stuff too!

  11. I love her show. It's awesome. The part I like the least, however, is the tablescapes. I can see going all out for a holiday or a formal dinner, etc. But I don't go all out just for dinner. I'ts too much to clean up with 3 kids! Which is odd to me, because the show has so many practical ideas, and then there are the tablescapes. They would never work in my house!

  12. Oh, Holly, this is going to be SO fun!! I love Sandra Lee. She always has the most amazing tips, and her tablescapes are to die for. I can't wait to hear all about it!

  13. Oh, and one more thing...I am lucky enough to live 120 miles north of NYC. It really is an awesome place to visit! Make sure you have a REAL NY BAGEL and some REAL NY PIZZA before you leave! We can't even get them upstate!

  14. My brother (who is happily married) has a huge crush on Sandra Lee. I asked him, once, if he had ever tried any of her recipes. He said, "She cooks? Whenever I think of her, we're running hand in hand through a flowery meadow." Too funny! Have a great time in NY!

  15. So excited for you! I'm new to cooking do I didn't know her but she sounds like someone I should check out! Have a great trip!

  16. Holly I am so excited for you!! What a great opportunity! I can't wait to hear all about it!!

  17. Have fun! It looks like this will be a great time!!

  18. This is so fun!!! I can't believe I missed all this. I can't wait to hear about how New York and Miss Sandra were. And! I love that you mentioned "Tablescapes" and "Cocktails" twice. Those are two things that my family always cracks up at when we watch her show. And now........."for my fabulous tablescape".......and wait! "Cocktail Time"!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!

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