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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I am continually looking for ways to improve and sustain my health.
I also truly believe that food has amazing healing powers.
I have experienced major changes in my mind, body, and outlook once before
(a long time ago) when I was (almost) a vegan.
It was the best I ever felt and looked...ever
(and it was not just because I was younger).

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Welcome to Tickled Pink! 
I am so on the count down...5 days of school - that is it! 
And then I have a first grader and a seventh grader!
I was pretty absent last week around...
there is lots happening and I have to put all of my focus on the real world around me...
but soon all will be well (fingers crossed!).
I do have to tell you though I am enjoying my "time off" from the computer! 
I did share one of my favorite cheap and easy activities for the kids during the summer...How to Build a Cardboard Bride/Tunnel/Whatever you want!

It was crazy hair day and I had fun playing with that Hair DIY Hair Chalk again!

I'd also love for you to consider getting involved in a Simple Service Project like the one I did with my son to help end childhood hunger in the summer. This is one issue that tugs at my heart strings and if we all tried to do a little something it could really help some kids!
 Did you know only 1 out of 6 children who receive free or reduced-price meals during the school year continue to receive meals during the summer months. Low-income families with children face even more challenges during the summer when they stretch their food budget to provide additional meals for their children." quoted from Odwalla Hunger in the Summer
I urge you to rally, create a food drive, and help!

Now for the really good stuff...

Ruth from Farmgirl in My Heart
(I will be selecting the features next week...or Tickled Pink might just take a week off)
I am a long time crafted, DIY'er, and homeschooling mom. My days are chock full of projects, school books, and even some hands on science dissections. It's never a dull moment in our house. I love to crochet, need to get better with knitting, and try my hand at sewing. Paint is my go to for turning things from drab to fab. And when I finally sit down, it's always with a good book and strong coffee. 

Now let's take a look at some of Ruth's projects!
A bureau that is better after
An upcycled Frame Tray
Sweet baby girl crocheted hat
Boy's room remodel
Go on over and say hi to Ruth!  
If you are interested in being a Spotlight Selector leave a comment or drop me an email! 

Just a may see some bloggers getting featured more often. I am letting my Spotlight Selectors pick who they want...but we are trying to spread the love around!
I appreciate you coming by to linkup today! 
 (click on READ MORE to see the features and link up!)

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Monday, May 20, 2013

I am exhausted and taking care of some personal business...
and trying to help out with end of the school year activities for my kids.
My kids only have 6 days of school left so I am REALLY thinking about SUMMER!
(I need to get on it. A.S.A.P.!)
Here is one of the activities we did last year
and it has continued to be a popular choice for my kids year round.
(This is a repost)
Image credit: bortn66 / 123RF Stock Photo 

Eight years ago today we moved into this house.
My son and I knew no one and were bored...very bored.
I used our moving boxes to make houses, dump trucks, and rocket ships.
The rocket ship actually survived for 3 years!

I had forgotten all about this...
Until my memory was jogged when I was at the Maker Faire with Delta Faucet. We came across the Berkeley Institute of Design's Crowd-Powered Bridge Design and Research Project. I was reminded of the rockets ship and thought this would make a fun summer activity for my kids and their friends.

The exhibit at the Maker Faire

Fast forward to today...we had some friends over to celebrate my son's birthday
and I had tons of cardboard...
and thought, let's give this a shot!

We had 2 groups of kids:
older kids ranging from 9-11 years old and
younger kids ranging from 5 to 8 year old.

At first they seemed hesitant, but ready to give it a go.
I showed them the photo I took at the Maker Faire
and the older kids went with it-
taping, ripping, and building with cardboard for a couple of hours.

The younger kids needed a bit of help, but also got in on the action...
first they drew some picture to decorate it -
that was more important to the little ones.

Here is how to do it and what you need
to make your own bridge/ramp/contraption!

Cardboard: boxes, shoe boxes, poster board, craft paper - whatever you have around! I picked up a few rolls of kraft/shipping paper at the dollar store just in case.

Tape: No need to get high quality tape...I bought the $1 tape and clear packing tape from the dollar store too. I figured the cheaper tape was fine, since I do not plan on keeping these forever. (just FYI - it has a strong scent so use in a ventilated area)

Scissors (optional)


  1. Gather the kids.
  2. Suggested they collaborate first and draw a picture so each kid could visualize the end goal. I think this helps the kids combine forces more easily.
  3. Explain to them they are to work together to create a bridge or tower or whatever you want using only the cardboard and tape. At the Maker Faire the goal was to get a small toy car to roll over the bridge and for it to be high enough for a toy cardboard boat to go under the bridge. Our goal was that Jules could ride her trike under it.
  4. Give them each a roll of tape.
  5. Then turn them took a bit for them to start clicking...but then they did and worked together to build this bridge (or ramp).

Well, my visions of a grand bridge did not quite materialize.
The kids bridge looked like a ramp.

 They proceeded to launch the empty rolls of tape and Hot Wheels cars and Zoobles off of it. The Trike did fit under it...but most importantly, they had fun in the sun for hours and worked together to get a finished project.

The little kids also created a smaller version of a "bridge"
(or something!) and enjoyed it too.

Moral of the story...
everyday recyclables and things laying around the house and provide hours of fun and teach the kiddos a little something this summer!

The kids actually asked when they can do this again...
now, that is a winner idea in my book!

Do you have any simple, cheap, and easy idea for summer?

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre
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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Welcome to Tickled Pink! 
OK...seriously. I am not sure how this happened....
but my kids ONLY have 10 days left of school!
When do your kids get out of school? Are you ready?
Last week was random around 504 Main!
 I played with DIY Hair Chalk (I am in LOVE!)
Participated in a Simple Service Project with my son to help end childhood hunger in the summer. Did you know only 1 out of 6 children who receive free or reduced-price meals during the school year continue to receive meals during the summer months. Low-income families with children face even more challenges during the summer when they stretch their food budget to provide additional meals for their children." quoted from Odwalla Hunger in the Summer
I urge you to rally, create a food drive, and help!
504 main by holly lefevre

Now for the really good stuff...

 Megin from VMG206

Here is a bit about Megin!

I am a papercrafter, DIY'er and blogger using multi-media (paper, music sheets, book pages, digital, thrift store finds, furniture and paint) to create beautiful things.  A Seattle girl relocated to the Midwest who loves espresso, Burt's bees, cupcakes and bichon frisés. 

Be sure to check out some of Megin's great projects like her beautiful Downtown Abbey papercraft, or her tutorial on making a blog header, or her burlap ruffle wreath.
Just be sure to stop by say "Hi" to Megin!

Next week, Ruth from Farmgirl in My Heart
will be the Spotlight Selector.
Go on over and say hi!  
If you are interested in being a Spotlight Selector leave a comment or drop me an email! 

Just a may see some bloggers getting featured more often. I am letting my Spotlight Selectors pick who they want...but we are trying to spread the love around!
I appreciate you coming by to linkup today! 
 (click on READ MORE to see the features and link up!)

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Too many kids (and families) are hungry in America.
When school is out for the summer, many children
lose access to their free or reduced lunches and will be hungry.
There is something we all can do about it.
I am thrilled to write this sponsored post as part of
Please read it and see what you can do to help.

Odwalla Champions for Kids Simple Service Project

"When school lets out for the summer, millions of children lose access to the school breakfasts, lunches and after school snacks they receive during the regular school year. Only 1 out of 6 children who receive free or reduced-price meals during the school year continue to receive meals during the summer months. Low-income families with children face even more challenges during the summer when they stretch their food budget to provide additional meals for their children."
quoted from Odwalla Hunger in the Summer
I have always realized that hunger is a real problem in America. As I had my own kids and they started school, I saw children in their classes struggling with these issues. It is heartbreaking and hard to not want to help in any way you can.

Last year my husband lost his job and has not worked since.
Luckily we are still able to provide food and shelter and safety for our children,
but it did make me stop and really think about how close so many people
are to being in a situation where they are struggling to provide for their families.
While my own children have not had to face this issue head on,
I know their are many children that go to the same school
who have and who continue to have real needs.

(This is an important issue, please READ MORE to see how you can help)

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Monday, May 13, 2013

I like to play with food...
sometimes I get lucky and get paid to play with food
like in this sponsored post from Collective Bias 
where I used Kraft Fresh Take to create a simple recipe for an
Easy Eggplant Polenta Stack.
It is really good...don't miss it...keep on going for the recipe!
504 Main by Holly Lefevre
You know how you can sometimes get into a meal time rut?
Yep, I have been in one.
Seriously the kids are asking...every night, "That again?"
Between baseball and gymnastics, and homework, and life...and year end school is way crazy!

(Click on READ MORE for the yummy recipe! )

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Friday, May 10, 2013

A few days ago we were at a friends house and one of the older girls
used hair chalk on my daughter (with permission of course!).
Jules loved it - thought is was the best thing ever.
I had no idea what it was.
I had seen the girls dye their hair with Kool Aid...
I had seen the cans of spray on stuff...but the chalk thing was new to me.
Of course I had to try it!

DIY Hair Chalk

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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Welcome to Tickled Pink! 
Happy Mother's Day!!!
How are you celebrating?

Guess what I did in honor of Mothers Day?
At least on the blog.
I did d a little research on vinegar. I love cleaning with it...and on HomeTalk I am curating a clipboard for Uncommon Uses for Vinegar.
If you have not visited should!
And of course pop over follow me and check out the great uses for vinegar!

Uncommon Uses for Vinegar on Hometalk

Now for the really good stuff...

 Tina from What We Keep

Hi everyone…I’m Tina from What We Keep.

I’m thrilled to be the guest selector for Holly at Tickled Pink this week.

Making the selections was difficult!  So many wonderful ideas were shared- and let’s talk about the food, shall we?

You girls linked up some delicious looking recipes.

I really enjoyed the time spent browsing and discovering new blogs.


I hope you’ll come by What We Keep and say hello!


I’m a southern girl and mom to three sons, two Corgis and a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

I’ve been married a really looong time to my hubby, whom I lovingly refer to as Mr. Magoo.

I love blogging and taking photos.  I’m in chalk paint everyday lately and my sewing room is almost completed.

I embroider and sew and love to cook …
and if you know me already, then you know that I’m a big goofball.

My favorite thing to do is laugh.  Mostly at Magoo. ;)


Thanks so much for having me, Holly!
 You are always an inspiration and one of the sweetest girls in blog land.
(I did not pay her to say that! LOL!)

Be sure to check out some of Tina's great projects like her re-purposed window, or her pillow with a message, or her pretty refinished cabinet.
Just be sure to stop by say "Hi" and   share a few moments with her.

Next week, Megin from VMG206
will be the Spotlight Selector.
Go on over and say hi!  
If you are interested in being a Spotlight Selector leave a comment or drop me an email! 

Just a may see some bloggers getting featured more often. I am letting my Spotlight Selectors pick who they want...but we are trying to spread the love around!
I appreciate you coming by to linkup today! 
 (click on READ MORE to see the features and link up!)

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Friday, May 3, 2013

This post is about birthdays.
It is about cupcakes...really good cupcakes.
The recipe is really easy.
Trust me...don't skip it!

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Welcome to Tickled Pink!
How was your week?
Let's just cut to the chase...
Tomorrow moring I am sharing some
super cute,
super delicious,
and super easy cupcakes.
Be sure to come back in the am!
And here are some creations I came up with this week!
Sea Glass Pendants and a Mothers Day Corsage

Now for the really good stuff...this week our 
Julie from Julie is Coco and Cocoa

Hello! My name is Julie and I blog over at Julie is Coco and Cocoa. I'm a Mom, a knitter, and a crocheter. I love to share crafts, especially ones that have to do with yarn. I also love to eat, so there are occasional recipe posts. And of course there are plenty of pictures of my three rambunctious boys.

Let's have a peek at some of Julie's AMAZING projects!
French Knot Embroidery Flower

Cardigan ReFashion and a super fun Popsicle Stick Upcycle!

Next week, Tina from What We Keep by TLC
will be the Spotlight Selector.
Go on over and say hi!  
If you are interested in being a Spotlight Selector leave a comment or drop me an email! 

Just a may see some bloggers getting featured more often. I am letting my Spotlight Selectors pick who they want...but we are trying to spread the love around!
I appreciate you coming by to linkup today! 
 (click on READ MORE to see the features and link up!)

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mothers Day is a simple day for my family.
Rather than racing off for a day at the spa to "escape" them,
this is a day I choose to embrace them...
after all that is what made me a mother.
We celebrate together, enjoy each others company, go strawberry picking,
 and maybe best of all...
I do get to sleep in while the family prepares a special breakfast!
I don't even ask for a gift...sleeping in is a gift in itself.

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