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Monday, April 9, 2012

Guest Post: Blooming Tea Gift Set by Hating Martha

Hello all!
Guess what? I have a guest today!
I am so excited...I LOVE having guests...
and you are going to love this project and
if you are not already familiar with Hating Martha...
run over to Janel's blog and get to know her!
Now, here she is....

Hi All! My name is Janel...
And I blog over at Hating Martha...
I get lots of questions about my blog name. And I could waste time explaining it here. But, I'll just send you to my about me page to read it for yourself. My blog is full of crafts, DIY, recipes, and nonsense. Come stop by! Alrighty then! Moving on to today's craft... Blooming Tea Gift set.
My dear friend had a birthday...a big one. Her and I share a love of tea. So I knew tea would be the theme of her gift. I bought some of that tea that blooms into a flower as it steeps. And that was the springboard for the rest of the gift. I made a quick printable to frame (which is over at my blog today). And then jazzed up the frame. I started with a pile of twigs... 
 And a cheap frame from the dollar store... DSCN3956 
 Then broke those twigs into pieces the width of the frame... DSCN3958 
 And hotglued them to the entire frame, adding a silk flower to the corner... DSCN4004 
 Next up...the cute little twig tray. This tray was made to hold a small mason jar. Of course the jar holds the blooming tea that started the whole gift. And has a chalkboard top with a cute ribboned edge. The twig tray starts with the same main material...twigs! I broke the twigs into similar lengths, choosing similar widths, and trying to make sure they lined up relatively well.
 For the base I grabbed one of these small aluminum flashing pieces. Cardboard, wood, or something else would work just as well. You just need it to be stiff and strong. DSCN3970 
 Then I hotglued the twigs to the base and to each other... DSCN3971 
 I also added some larger twigs to the sides to add to that "tray" feel.
And some little 
ribbon handles. 

I added the word BLOOM to the front of the tray with Scrabble letters, filled it with spanish moss and added the jar of blooming tea. Cute!
So there you have it. My Blooming Tea Gift Set... DSCN4002

Thank you Janel for sharing this beautiful project!
Now go over and visit Hating Martha to see some more goodies!
P.S. I am looking for more guest me if you are interested.

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  1. how cute! i love it all! the frame is my favorite. janel is pretty cute, too.

  2. Very cute Janel! Nice to find you here...
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  3. Janel this is such a fun, cute and mighty stinking clever of you girl! I LOVE that frame- hello- you rocked that.. such a cute gift set!

  4. Interesting and well done Janel. Especially neat with the frame--one can always use additional and creative ones of those.

  5. Very cute and I like the use of the twigs.

  6. Oh, Janel is pretty cute! And so are the frame and tray!!! You are a deep well of crafty goodness!!

  7. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Yay - I just love Janels blog, so many fantastic ideas. This one is super-cute too, love that!

  8. Isn't she just as cute as a bug. A cute bug of course with a cute craft.


  9. What a great idea craft master! The frame and tray is super cute.


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