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Sunday, December 18, 2016

I really needed some thing to add some sparkle - glitz and flair to our Christmas decor, but obviously there's not a lot of time left before the big day. BUT there is time for a 15 minute wreath!I decide to make this delightfully obnoxious, sparkly wreath. I bought a ton of tinsel garland at a thrift shop and was not quite sure what to do with it and suddenly it hit me - it need to be a wreath and have a big ole plaid bow...because I love mixing things that do not normally go together...and ya know what...I more than LOVE it...and I may use this as next years Christmas theme.
Sparkle and plaid make a unique wreath for Christmas

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Thursday, December 8, 2016

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #FlavorSplash #CollectiveBias

I have never, ever made it a secret that I L-O-V-E coffee. For a very long time I was strictly a mocha drinker...but my tastes have changed...and I have discovered a whole new world of unique and amazing tea beverages! My hubby has been a BIG tea drinker for awhile and I have always enjoyed a cup...but now, I am all about creating new flavor combinations for my tea! Right now, I am loving the Tea Latte and have whipped up a hot beverage using Torani Bourbon Caramel Syrup.

A Bourbon Caramel Tea Latte will be your new holiday beverage.

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Saturday, December 3, 2016

One of the easiest ways to change up the look of a Christmas tree is with a tree skirt. I have used tablecloths, blankets, ruffles, and yards of fabric. This year I wanted a new look...again. When I made my rustic scrap wood ornaments, I was inspired to try a more rough and rustic approach to my Christmas tree skirt and overall look. Well, and I just happen to LOVE buffalo plaid - any plaid actually. I surely wish I still had my double breasted royal blue and black buffalo plaid coat from Contempo Casuals!

A rustic plaid tree skirt if perfect for this years tree

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