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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Blast from the Past! My Favortie {and Quirky} Wreath

I just had to share one of my favorite project of all time...
my ruffled screen wreath.
I am back playing with screen again...
so I thought this is the perfect time to share this tutorial.
I did this a long time ago...
so the photos are few and far between
(I have learned a lot since then)
Click HERE for a pdf tutorial

  • Wreath form {I used a dollar tree form, 9” – Straw, because that is what I had. You can also use Styrofoam}
  • Paint {for wreath form} – I used gray spray paint to match the screen.
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks {or regular glue and A LOT of holding and patience.}
  • Screen – 28” x 84” Brite Aluminum Screening
  • Pearls {crystals, buttons, your choice} – I used a bag of mixed pearls from the craft store – cheapo ones, not necessarily jewelry making quality. I also used the range of colors in the package rather than just one color.
  • Nylon Thread
  • Needle
  • Gloves, optional – to protect you hands

***NOTE***The screen is pokey and can hurt. I did not wear gloves, but you may want to.
1. Paint the wreath form gray or silver to match the screen color. Let dry.

2. Cut 4-5 strips of screen approximately 7.5” wide and the width of the screen       {28”}

3.Lay the screen flat. Fold one edge of the screen up approx. 1/2”, and then up another 1/2”. Slightly unfold the second fold – it is a guide.

4. From the opposite edge fold the screen until the bare {unfolded edge} meets the crease {where you folded up the 1/2".

5. You should now have a double thickness length of screen about 3 “ wide {with protected edges}.

6. Repeat with all 4-5 lengths of screen.

7. Now we are going to ruffle – actually almost pleat the screen. Good news is the screen holds it’s shape really well…so this part is easy.
a. Accordion fold back and forth in about 1” folds the length of the screen.

b. Repeat on all lengths.

c. I found ruffling each piece separately worked better – easier to handle than having them all joined. You could join them all before you ruffle if you want {step 8}

8. Once all the pieces were ruffled, I joined them together by folding the edges of the ends onto one another {I promise I will add some photos}. This kept any pokey edges concealed. A quick shot of hot glue helped hold it too.

9. At this point take your length of screen and place it around the wreath form. This is where you make your final determination how ruffled you want your wreath to be and can cut off what you do not need/want. I used 4 ? lengths of screen for mine. DO NOT GLUE IT YET.

10. Grab a needle and the pearls – Thread the needle with a long length of nylon thread. You also want to leave a long length of thread at the beginning for tie off when you are done {secure it while sewing the pearls on}.
a. Begin by going through the first pleat, about ?” from the top fold. {see above photo}.

b. String one pearl and then go through the second pleat. Continue sewing and adding pearls until the wreath is complete. You are essentially sandwiching one pearl in between each pleat.

c. You can pull for tightness and ruffling as you go, but be sure to keep your beginning tail of thread secure - you do not want to pull it through.

d. This will also be how you make you screen form the circle for the wreath.

e. When you get to the end, lay your wreath on the form, just to be sure and then tie off the ends. Because the thread is clear, I also sewed it off around the piece of screen a few times.

11. Now it is time to hot glue the screen form to your wreath form. I used generous amounts of hot glue to ensure it stayed.

12. For the hanger, I used a piece of floral wire and attached it to the back. Ribbon would also work really well.

Embellish the wreath any way you want!
This blue flower is actually a pin,
but the sky is the limit!
Wait until you see my other screen projects…
who knew screen could be so fun!

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  1. LOVE it!!! I love that it's so unique!!

  2. I really love this!! I've never seen anything even remotely like it.

  3. Ahhhh, the project that first drew my attention here, Holly. I still adore this wreath and think it is SO clever! :)

  4. This is such a cute project with so many possibilities! I'll bet it would be really cool to make it out of old fashioned metal screening, too (if you could still find it) because it would develop a rusty patina over time.

  5. Holly this is super fun and different! Looks So Fab. as well! Loving this idea- off to pin it! Thanks lady! Jen

  6. This is pretty neat. I bought a roll of old copper screening at a barn sale last year. I'm thinking of making flowers with it. Now maybe a wreath....

  7. Love this!! My husband builds pool cages, screen rooms, etc. for a living so I can get screen for free! :)

  8. This is really cool! I would never have thought of making a wreath from a screen! I love how it turned out!

  9. Out of all the wreaths I've seen (I've seen alot on Pinterest) I think this is my favorite!

  10. I had never seen anything like this. I can see why it's your favorite- so pretty :)

  11. COOL! I missed that little gem the first time around ;)
    Love it!!

  12. Absolutly LOVE this! Came from Malias link :)


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