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Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts

Monday, February 27, 2017

Slime is taking over! Have you noticed? White glue is hard to counters have a strange goo on them and your kiddo is probably asking for borax! My daughter has had a slime obsession for about 2 years now...but it seems the fun of slime has caught on! There is regular slime (sometimes called goo), sparkling slime, clear slime and our personal favorite...Fluffy Slime!

its slimy, its fluffy, its fun

The ingredients are simple (although that glue may be hard to find!) and the recipe is pretty easy.

I do have a FEW TIPS if you and your kiddos are ready to join the slime revolution.
1 - Cover your work surface. We use wax paper or parchment paper
2 - I purchased a couple bowls for $1. These are the slime bowls - meaning do NOT use my good bowls.
3 - I also purchased a set of measuring cups and spoons for this purpose. I found cheap ones -  and felt better just letting her use these. If you are only making this once, just be sure to wash your items thoroughly.
4 - My daughter can make this on her own now....HOWEVER, each child is different. Be sure to supervise your child and make this a fun and safe activity.
5 - Do not put the extra slime (the stuff in the bowl) down the sink drain. wipe it out and toss it is in the trash.
6 - My daughter must clean up completely by herself or ask for help.

fluffy slime fun

Fluffy Slime Recipe
4 ounces white glue
3-4 cups shaving cream. You can measure I just eyeballed it.
2 Tablespoons contact lens solution
1 Tablespoons borax
1 cup hot water
2-3 drops of acrylic paint or food coloring. (I actually used more than 3 drops in this batch)

Also needed:
measuring spoon
measuring cup (liquid)
2 bowls
protection for work area
spoon, craft stick, etc. for stirring

Make It!

  • Pour 4 ounces of white glue in a bowl.
  • Add 3 drops of paint or food coloring and mix.

  • Add shaving cream.

Add shaving cream to glue in this step

  • Mix completely.
  • You cannot play with it still has the consistency of shaving cream.

  • Add 2 Tablespoons of contact solution and mix. You will start to see it sticking together and changing consistency.

Making fluffy slime

  • Mix 1 Tablespoon of borax with your hot water. Now add 2-3 tablespoons of this mixture to your shaving cream/glue mixture. Mix well.
  • You will see the slime begin to pull away from the bowl. Keep mixing...eventually it will form a ball in the bowl. Mix for about 30 seconds.

making awesome fluffy slime

Now you have amazing magical FLUFFY SLIME!
Simple ingredients and a lot of fun thanks to fluffy slime

I love how my daughter wrote out here recipe - but no measurements - she is a slime master!

How to make fluffy slime

Need more slime in your is our recipe for good old regular slime

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre
These blog posts - tutorials and recipes and advice - are meant for inspiration. You must always keep your own skill level in mind when attempting a project. You should take proper safety precautions and wear proper safety equipment. Undertaking a project with my tutorials, suggested products or tools is at your own risk.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

It's not too late to create a beautiful Halloween wreath! The Halloween bug has JUST NOW bitten me. Yep, I know Halloween is days away, but I am compelled to spook this place up! OK, it may not be too spooky, as per a 9 year old little girls request, but how about eerie? I love this black and white Halloween wreath because it is elegant, sophisticated, eerie, and is vintage inspired. For this Halloween, it is perfection!

Black and White Halloween Decor

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Friday, October 14, 2016

You know what time it is? (no silly, its not hammer time - did I just give away my age?). It's time to start making Handmade Christmas Ornaments  My absolute most favorite thing to do during the holidays is make ornaments with my kids. Some times they are very cool, clever and gorgeous and we keep them forever...and sometimes we just color or write on card stock - it depends on how the day is going...seriously this happens. Last year I made a ton of  Wood Scrap Ornaments (even some ornaments with my favorite photos!) and this year I have some sweet wood JOY ornaments as part of 31 Days of Handmade Christmas Ornaments series.

A handmade wood ornament adorned with a wreath.

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Monday, October 10, 2016

Every.single.year. I say I am going to really decorate for Fall - really decorate...and I usually just fill the porch with pumpkins....BUT finally, I really do have a beautiful Fall porch! Partnering with Oriental Trading I created this pretty pumpkin sign and Fall display. I wanted a look that would "work" throughout Fall into Thanksgiving (until the Christmas decorations come out!), and this look will do just that.

Foam pumpkins and Wood are a fun design element

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Sunday, September 11, 2016

I have a serious love affair with kitchen towels. I find it one of the easiest ways to show some personality in my kitchen. I have quite a large collection of California themed towels, and a ton of towels I have made, like the sweet vintage mason jar towel. Well, it is time to make some more towels...I thought about fruit...then vintage labels...then how much we loved going apple picking in the Fall...then POOF - it hit me, how about some produce label towels (and, I totally know that when you pick apple off the tree they do not come with labels...ok?). My kids thought I was being weird and then realized this was pretty appropriate because, while I do wash the fruit for their lunches...its early...I am NOT a morning person, and I always leave that produce sticker on.

Fun and quirky custom produce label flour sack towel tutorial.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I have a lot of signs in my house. I love words. I love signs. I love wood. I like to make a statement. Some of my signs are sassy. Some are simple. And, some are just pretty (if I do say so myself). I was feeling very inspired by "Fixer Upper" and Farmhouse Style decor for this sign. I love the sweet wreath used as the "O" and the rustic charm.

wood home sign by 504 main

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Monday, April 25, 2016

I try to deny it all the time, but I am wreath obsessed. My latest wreath crush is on miniature versions of this home decor favorite. I have made versions to use on signs and mostly to add a little touch of Spring greenery around the house. They are great to use on mantles, in vignettes, on tablescapes - pretty much anywhere. And they are inexpensive and simple to make!

wreaths by 504 main

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Monday, March 21, 2016

I admit it...I am a bit of a banner or garland or bunting - whatever you want to call it! - addict. I really find it is one of the easiest ways to decorate and redecorate. And I L-O-V-E to layer these banners. Before I made my Watercolor and Pastel Bunny Banner, I made these cute (at least I think so) pipe cleaner bunnies. Well, I'll fess up, I made them a long time ago and I have always loved them...but never posted them because I could not get a photo to do them justice. I adore them for the fuzzy simplicity! And...don't they look cute paired with the other bunny banner? I think their fuzzy, fluffiness and single color compliments the colorful bunny banner - it makes the colors pop!

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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A couple years ago I created a sweet little bunny banner. It was super easy to make and apparently people like that - it is one of my most popular holiday projects! Well, here's a modern update of the popular bunny banner. This time it's a printable and in gorgeous watercolor patterns. Just print, cut and string it up!

504 Main

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Friday, February 26, 2016

On a whim, a new friend asked me if I could make her a sign on a pallet. "Sure! I can do that." She had a vision but was also willing to let me do my thing. Really, in the end all she specified was the wording "Make Jesus Famous." This was going to be a statement piece for sure.

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Saturday, February 6, 2016

I classify these printable Valentines "oops-I-forgot-it-was-Valentines day-easy-peasy-printable -bookmarks." For some reason I am overcome with Valentines this year (which is a complete 180 from previous years - my whole life even!). I have been dreaming about kiddo Valentines. Now, all designs for Valentines MUST be 8 year old approved...and apparently she does not share my sense of humor...BUT this one passed! And it has googly eyes! BONUS!

504 Main

This printable Valentine has a lot to like:
  • It is pretty cheap.
  • Supplies are easy to find
  • And it is quick to make! 
Now, lets do it! We are running out of time!

Cardstock (white)
Elmer's glue
Template (find it here!)
Googly/Wiggly eyes (I used basic eyes, but there are colored one, ones with eyelashes - be creative!)

Hole punch
Ribbon or thread

Make it!
Print out the template on cardstock (there are four per sheet)
Printable Valentine Bookmark by 504 Main 
  • Cut them out
  • OPTIONAL: punch hole in one corner and thread 16" lengths of ribbon through 
  • Place a small dot of glue on each googly eye.

  • Place the eyes on the heart. 
  • All done. That took, what, 5 minutes - so easy and so stinkin' cute!

Want some more ideas...check out my JUST DUCKY printable Valentines too!

Just Ducky Printable Valentines

Happy (EASY) Valentines Crafting!

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre
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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I love wood signs. It's one of my favorite ways to decorate and express myself. I am always trying to come up with new ideas and new ways to incorporate all of my loves -textiles and fibers, wood, power tools, paint, etc. - into crafts and projects. This wood cross-stitch LOVE sign for Valentines Day (or any day), does just that and is so dang cute (if I do say so myself)!

You can stitch on wood!

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I am a collector of many, many things. I have a penchant for rescuing old, beat up, second-third-or-fourth hand furniture. It has gotten to a point where my husband has declared a moratorium on new "treasures." Because if you noticed, I said I rescue...and sometimes it takes awhile for me to get around to fixing up the old furniture I find. Sometimes I just know I have to have a piece...even if I am not sure what I am going to do with it or where I will find a home for it. Sometimes I just cannot let a good piece of furniture go to waste. And sometimes I actually own the piece for months (and I admit years) before I determine how I am going to transform the piece. When I bring home these treasures, I have every intention of restoring some of their former glory and making them beautiful again, with my own special twist.

Furniture by Vintage Soul TX
My furniture painting and restoring skills are still at novice level, but Julie from Vintage Soul TX takes the art of transforming secondhand furniture to a new level. Thanks Julie for letting me showcase your talents in these photos.
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Monday, January 25, 2016

Do you remember those adorable Just Ducky Valentines from last year...well, guess what? The rubber duck OBSESSION continues!And it doesn't hurt that these ducky valentines were a big HIT last year. This year, my daughter wants to do them again (There is only one kiddo in her class from last year, so it is practically a new idea for everyone else).  However, this year, I designed some CUTIE-PATOOTIE printable tags to go with them!

Add these cute printable Valentine tags to rubber ducks for a fun non-candy Valentines Day "treat."

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Thursday, January 7, 2016

We don't have snow here, even though my daughter wishes for it every night (chances are good it is not going to happen). It is cold but not that cold, but I thought with a few polar bear and Arctic inspired crafts we could create our own winter wonderland and appease her need for cold and snow.

Adorable polar bear Tote Bag

My daughter has been super excited to go see the movie Norm of the North. Of course polar bears and all those adorable arctic creatures have something to do with it.  I created -with close supervision and approval from my daughter - this CUTE tote bag inspired by Norm and I also entered it on the #NormOfTheNorthSweeps (Instagram Sweeps).

  • Polar Bear template (download it Bear 1 and Bear 2!)  
  • Blank white (or colored) tote bag. These are available at local craft stores and mass retail merchandisers.
      • Buy a colored tote instead of what to skip the dyeing.
      • This is also adorable on a sweatshirt! See photo below
  • Fabric Dye. I chose to dye my bags and used a Turquoise dye  - it seemed arctic and icy! 
  • 2 black 5/8" buttons 
  • White Sherpa fabric (I bought this at Michaels in the sewing area) 
  • White felt
  •  Black felt 
      • To cut costs or accumulating more supplies, white felt can be used in lieu of white sherpa fabric
  • Heat N Bond Ultra (Iron, ironing board, clean white cloth/towel for pressing).
  • You can try fabric glue, but I really LOVE this stuff Hot glue gun or fabric glue (for eyes)
  • Scissors

Make It
  • Dye your tote bag according to package directions (followed by washing an drying)
    • OR
  • If you are not dyeing the tote, wash and dry it before proceeding.

  • Press the tote to remove wrinkles.
  • Print out the templates Bear 1 and Bear 2.
    • Cut out shapes.

  • READ and USE package directions for applying Heat N Bond.
    • Apply heat and bond to the white sherpa fabric (make sure the face fits on the piece of fabric), the white felt, and black felt.

  • Once the Heat N Bond is applied, flip the fabric over. You will trace your templates onto the backing of the Heat N Bond.  

  • Cut 1 face in sherpa
  • Cut 1 snout in felt
  • Cut 2 ears and one nose in black.
  • NOTE: The sherpa will shed a bit around the cut edges.

  • Remove the backing from the nose and iron it onto the snout. Use a blank/clean cloth for pressing. Trim if necessary.

  • Remove the backing from the snout and iron it onto the face. Use a blank/clean cloth for pressing.
  • Remove the backing from the ears and iron it onto the ears on the face. Use a blank/clean cloth for pressing.

  • Remove the backing from the polar bear face.
  • Place the (almost) completed face onto the tote bag, into position. Using the clean cloth, press the face onto the tote bag. (see photo above for approximate placement)
  • Use hot glue to apply the buttons/eyes onto the polar bear.

Look at that cute face!

We loved the tote bag so much we made a sweatshirt too!It is exactly the same process, you just put it on a sweatshirt!

Girl modeling a polar bear sweatshirt inspired by Norm of the North (504 Main)

Who can resist a polar bear???? There are a ton of fantastic polar bear and Arctic inspired crafts on on the Norm of the North Pinterest Board.

Want a chance to win a $500 gift card or one of 5 Norm of the North Swag Bags in the #NormoftheNorthSweeps...visit the rules and upload your creation to Instagram

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre
disclosure: I was asked to participate in the #NormoftheNorth Instagram Sweeps by Megan Media. This craft was created by me for that contest. No blog post was required.
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