state machine
Recent papers in state machine
This article describes a self-healing mechanism for statemachine based distributed components. Each component is composed of two layers: a healing (HL) and a service or functional layer (FL). At least, the functional layer must be... more
Model-based selective regression testing promises reduction in cost and labour by selecting a subset of the test suite corresponding to the modifications after system evolution. However, identification of modifications in the systems and... more
This paper, describes the design and development of a Supervisory Control System (SCS) for an Electric Vehicle (EV) developed by The Applied Electronics Group. The SCS was implemented on a Panel PC, and the Controller Area Network... more
This paper describes a process to reverse engineer structural and behavioural formal models of a GUI application by a dynamic technique, mixing manual with automatic exploration. The goal is to diminish the effort required to construct... more
This paper introduces an analysis and design of a digital controlled double loop voltage-current for a buck converter. Taking into account the implementation requirements, the chosen platform was an Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).... more
This paper focuses on verification and validation of a model dedicated to mode handling of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs). This model is specified using the synchronous formalism safe state machines (SSMs). The rigorous semantics... more
Una Máquina de Estado Finito (Finite State Machine), llamada también Autómata Finito es una abstracción computacional que describe el comportamiento de un sistema reactivo mediante un número determinado de Estados y un número determinado... more
Currently, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is considered one of the most promising approaches for software development. In this paper, a simple but complete example based on state-machines will be used to demonstrate the benefits of this... more
SAL (see is an open suite of tools for analysis of state machines; it constitutes part of our vision for a Symbolic Analysis Laboratory that will eventually encompass SAL, the PVS verification system, the ICS... more
Nested words are a structured model of execution paths in procedural programs, reflecting their call and return nesting structure. Finite nested words also capture the structure of parse trees and other tree-structured data, such as XML.... more
The development of flexible and inexpensive controller for large scale light emitting diode (LED) video display image rendering is presented. The concept and system components of such system are presented. Controller is capable of... more
Aspect-oriented programming modularizes crosscutting concerns into aspects with the advice invoked at the specified points of program execution. Aspects can be used in a harmful way that invalidates desired properties and even destroys... more
The control structure of many real-time applications are naturally described by state machines. However, the state transitions of these machines are governed not only by the state of the system and the occurrence of events, but also by... more
Behaviour analysis should form an integral part of the software development process. This is particularly important in the design of concurrent and distributed systems, where complex interactions can cause unexpected and undesired system... more
Several techniques for database replication using group communication have recently been proposed, namely, the Database State Machine, Postgres-R, and the NODO protocol. Although all rely on a totally ordered multicast for consistency,... more
We present a framework for verifiable concurrent programming in Java based on a design pattern for concurrency controllers. Using this pattern, a programmer can write concurrency controller classes defining a synchronization policy by... more
Believable agents designed for long-term interaction with human users need to adapt to them in a way which appears emotionally plausible while maintaining a consistent personality. For short-term interactions in restricted environments,... more
This paper presents a novel approach to synthesize low power FSMs using non-uniform code length Switching activity i s reduced by decreasrng the ezpected number of state bits switched less than [log lSl1. The state set S of the F S M 2s... more
Decreasing the program size has become an important goal in the design of embedded systems target to mass production. This problem has led to a number of efforts aimed at designing processors with shorter instruction formats (e.g. ARM... more
Finite State Machines (FSM) provide a powerful way to describe dynamic behavior of systems and components. Implementations of FSM in Object-Oriented (OO) languages have been widely studied since the classical State design pattern has been... more
A Framework for Executable UML Models Joe Mooney General Dynamics Scottsdale, Arizona Email: [email protected] ... Time is counted via event ticks, which are simulations of real time. The elapsed real (wall clock) time between each tick... more
We propose an Hierarchical State Machine (HSM) model for specifying behavioral interfaces of peers participating in a composite web service. We integrate the HSM model to a design pattern which is supported by a modular verification... more
X3D-UML utilises X3D (eXtensible 3D) to enable standards-based advanced 3D UML visualisations. Using X3D-UML, 3D UML State Machine Diagrams have been evaluated against actual user tasks and data, using the Sequential Evaluation... more
Since class objects are the major components in object-oriented (00) programs during run-time, testing the behavior of these objects become an important task in testing of object-oriented programs to comple ment other types of testing,... more
The underlying model of computation for PROMELA is based on interacting processes with asynchronous communication, and hence SPIN has been mainly used as a verification engine for concurrent software systems. On the other hand, hardware... more
This dissertation focuses on the area of improving programming language support for constructing fault-tolerant systems. Specifically, the design and implementation of FT-SR, a programming language developed for building a wide variety of... more
The State Machine model is frequently used to represent the behaviour of a system, allowing one to express and execute this behaviour in a deterministic way. A graphical representation such as a UML State Chart diagram tames the... more
Event-driven programming is a popular model for writing programs for tiny embedded systems and sensor network nodes. While event-driven programming can keep the memory overhead down, it enforces a state machine programming style which... more
Financial forecasting is an example of a signal processing problem which is challenging due to small sample sizes, high noise, non-stationarity, and non-linearity. Neural networks have been very successful in a number of signal processing... more
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This paper addresses the problem of automatic generation of implementation software from high-level functional specifications in the context of embedded system on chip designs. Software design complexity for embedded systems has increased... more
The need of communication protocols in todaypsilas environment increases as much as the network explores. Many new kinds of protocols, e.g. for information sharing, security, etc., are being developed day-to-day which often leads to... more
The importance of providing a mechanism to call C functions from high-level languages has been understood for many years and, these days, almost all statically-typed high-level-language implementations provide such a mechanism. One... more
It is common for large designs to have heterogeneous components interacting with each other. These components often follow a particular model of computation such as controllers modeled using state machines, signal processing filters... more
Page 1. Systematic and Formal Approach to got a Domain Specific Language BSc. Francisco Supino Marcondes Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA BSc. Danilo Douradinho Fernandes Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA MSc. ...
... Add to: Digg Furl. Spurl Blink. Simpy Google. Y!MyWeb. Search, Similar Articles; Articles by Steven Silverman. ASCII Text. x, Steven Silverman, "Games Theory and Software Defined Radios," MILCOM, pp. 1-7, MILCOM... more
The design of fault-tolerant real-time systems is an area of great research activity, particularly in the context of safety-critical systems like spacecrafts. The present work describes the design, implementation, and proof of a... more
Requirements engineers need to make sure that the requirements models and specifications they are building do accurately capture what stakeholders really want. Requirements animation has been recognized to be a promising approach to... more
Distributed network protocols operate similar to periodic state machines, utilizing internal states and timers, for network coordination. This creates opportunities for carefully engineered radio jamming to target the protocol operating... more
We present Odin, an SDN framework to introduce programmability in enterprise wireless local area networks (WLANs). Enterprise WLANs need to support a wide range of services and functionalities. This includes authentication, authorization... more
Combining discrete state-machines with continuous behavior, hybrid systems are a well-established mathematical model for discrete systems acting in a continuous environment. As a priori infinite state systems, their computational... more
We describe an application of inductive logic programming to transfer learning. Transfer learning is the use of knowledge learned in a source task to improve learning in a related target task. The tasks we work with are in... more
We propose composed strings called "statechart DNA" as essential building blocks for a new statechart (sc) abstraction method. We define the simplified statechart (ssc) and show that our definition covers the UML 2.0 sc model,... more
Methods for specifying Moore type state machines (transducers) abstractly via primitive recursive functions and for defining parallel composition via simultaneous primitive recursion are discussed. The method is mostly of interest as a... more
We present a protocol for general state machine replication - a method that provides strong consistency - that has high performance in a wide-area network. In particular, our protocol Mencius has high throughput under high client load and... more
The software architecture of a distributed system can be described as a hierarchical composition of subsystems, with interacting processes as the leaves of the hierarchy. Process behaviour can be specified using finite-state machines. A... more