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This paper focuses on the use of telephony and video-link technology in interpreting and firstly presents data from relevant contemporary research studies, and secondly from two surveys conducted with practising interpreters and/or... more
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      Interpreting StudiesInterpretersTranslator and Interpreter TrainingVideo Remote Interpreting
This policy brief draws upon systematic reviews and secondary data analyses regarding HIV among key vulnerable populations in the European Region from the full report, "HIV Epidemics in the European Region: Vulnerability and Response".
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      PharmacyHealth PromotionEpidemiologyAddiction
Subtitling of televised foreign‐language material not only changes language; it also switches from the spoken to the written mode, and it presents itself ‘in real time’, as a dynamic text type. Hence, due to the complex, ‘diagonal’ nature... more
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      Higher EducationLinguisticsTranslationForeign Language
Objective. Little is known about how cancer physicians communicate with limited English proficient (LEP) patients. We studied physician-reported use and availability of interpreters. Data Sources. A 2004 survey was fielded among... more
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      Breast CancerLos AngelesHealth ServicesTranslating
There is a famous saying to the effect that "we don't know who discovered water but it wasn't the fi sh." So it is with CHAPTER 4
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      PsychiatryMigrationCultureCultural Competence
York. The PDA offers a comprehensive education through an extensive variety of both degree and continuing education courses. It offers basic skill courses in the academic division and, in the Division of Adult and Continuing Education, an... more
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      Adult EducationInterpretersProgram DesignCultural Awareness
Provision of interpreter services for non-Englishspeaking patients is a federal requirement. We surveyed clinicians to describe their experience using interpreters. : In this cross-sectional study we surveyed clinicians in three academic... more
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      General Internal MedicineGeneralInterpretersClinical Sciences
An amusing episode in the author's career as a freelance conference interpreter in Canada 1970-1990. There is also a sidelight on interpreters in Victorian London.
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      Interpreters and TranslatorsInterpreters
There is a famous saying to the effect that "we don't know who discovered water but it wasn't the fi sh." So it is with CHAPTER 4
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      PsychiatryMigrationCultureCultural Competence
Osmanlı döneminde tefsir ilmine dair çok sayıda eser yazılmış olup bunların önemli bir bölümü kütüphanelerde yazma halindedir. Ancak son zamanlarda yapılan çalışmalar sayesinde bu eserlerin bir kısmı araştırmacıların hizmetine... more
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      DesignExperimental DesignProduct innovationInterpreters
A wide range is carried out in catheterization laboratories in radiological departments everyday. In Sweden, the nurse radiographers are usually responsible for patient care, medical technical equipment, and sterility during... more
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      PsychologyHealth SciencesNursingRadiology
DOCUMENT RESUME FL 021 132 Downing, Bruce T.; Tillery, Kate Helms Professional Training for Community Interpreters. A Report on Models of Interpreter Training and the Value of Training. Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Center for Urban and... more
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      Program EvaluationProfessional TrainingModelsInterpreters
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringProgramming LanguagesCompilers
Community interpreting has become a global phenomenon and the need for standard assurances of practice is being met by credentialing systems that certify a community interpreter through testing and/or training. This paper examines... more
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      Interpreting StudiesCommunity InterpretingInterpretersInterpreter Training
This article presents the results of a Canadian study that examined the relationship of verbal reporting processes and the quality of interpretation. Two types of verbal reports, Think Aloud Protocols (TAPs) and Stimulated Recalls (SRs),... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
In meinem Beitrag gehe ich von einem Vergleich zwischen Dolmetschen und Feldforschung aus. Mein Fokus liegt auf den Personen, den Dolmetschenden und den Feldforschenden – auf dem Einfluss und der Beeinflussung ihrer Stimme und ihres... more
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      Interpreting StudiesMigration StudiesTranslation and ConflictTranslation and Interpreting
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyMulticulturalismNear Eastern StudiesMultilingualism
Modi e tecniche della comunicazione nelmondo antico ESTRATTO Pelonr.qs Collana del Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichttà dell'U niuersità di Messina L Di.Sc.A.M. I 998 MESSINA BnuNo Tnrponr
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      XenophonSpoken languageInterpretersAnabasis
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Many U.S. residents who speak little English may face language barriers when seeking health care. This article describes what is currently known about language barriers in health care and outlines a research agenda based on mismatches... more
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      DemographyHealth CareLanguageResearch
Chinese and English are the world's largest languages, and the number of interpreter-mediated interactions involving Chinese and English speakers has increased exponentially over the last 30 years. This book presents and describes... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationInterpreting StudiesInterpretingTranslation and Interpretation
This study focuses on a language broker – a younger family member who performs lay interpreting for other family members. This paper examines three real-life interactions between a broker who relays speech from English-speakers to... more
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      Interpreting StudiesLanguage BrokeringInterpretersMacedonian language
This paper was prepared with funding from the US Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement, under contract no. ED-99-CO-0008 to the Center for Applied Linguistics. The opinions expressed do not... more
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      PsychologyResearch MethodologyIntelligenceCommunication Skills
Particles about Byzantine Interpreters, 890–960s: Toward the Comprehension of Communicatory Practices in the Empire of Romanland. Известия о византийских переводчиках 890–960-х гг.: к осмыслению коммуникативных практик в Ромейской... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryByzantine historiography
Translation Studies (English) MA Thesis February 2014 Tampereen yliopisto Kieli-, käännös-ja kirjallisuustieteiden yksikkö Käännöstiede (englanti) SNELLMAN, PEKKA: The Agency of Military Interpreters in Finnish Crisis Management... more
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      Crisis ManagementTranslation and InterpretationTranslation and ConflictTranslation & Interpreting Studies (TIS)
Having other, closely-related languages to one’s own or working languages would appear, to many practitioners, to be a welcome opportunity to increase work opportunities and income. This paper examines the situation of 23 interpreters for... more
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      Interpreting StudiesInterpretersBosnian LanguageCroatian Language
This article analyses the different categories of interpreters (lingoas), the forms of their recruitment and the strategies of their use in the Portuguese Empire in Asia in the first half of the sixteenth century. The interpreters were as... more
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Judiciary interpreters have been indoctrinated to think that the linguistic abyss between English-speaking and non-English speaking criminal defendants can actually be bridged by providing interpreters whose performance meets a... more
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawApplied EthicsTranslation Studies
Purpose: Issues of language in international business have been the focus of a growing body of theoretical and empirical work. This paper aims to contribute to this literature, focusing specifically on issues of translation. The role of... more
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      SociologyInternational BusinessLanguageBusiness and Management
We describe and compare the perceptions of professional and family member interpreters concerning their roles and tasks as interpreters in primary care clinical encounters.Encounters between physicians (19) and patients (24) accompanied... more
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      Primary CareMultilingualismPrimary Health CareFocus Groups
health sciences, history THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW Offering a comprehensive analysis on the events that have shaped Canada, CHR publishes articles that examine Canadian history from both a multicultural and... more
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      Language AcquisitionLinguisticsTranslationBilingualism
This paper examines the phenomenon of receptive multilingualism where speakers of two different languages communicate through each speaking his/her own language and understanding the other’s. Comprehension in such an interaction is aided... more
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      Translation StudiesMultilingualismIntercomprehensionInterpreters and Translators
In this article, we examine the literature on educational interpreting for information related to optimal interpreting in school settings. This literature review is coupled with an examination of 15 guidelines for educational interpreters... more
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      EducationInterpersonal CommunicationDeaf studiesLiterature Review
Objective: This paper explores physician perceptions of the ways professional and family interpreters affect their performance of doctorcommunication tasks described in the Calgary-Cambridge Framework. Methods: Physicians' (19) encounters... more
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      Primary CareCommunicationMultilingualismPrimary Health Care
Norm, you see, was a typical Australian slob who watched football on television as he drank beer. Norm was the norm, or at least the behaviour pattern that the enlightened Australian government of the day was seeking to change. 'Life, be... more
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This article consists of a review of court reports from national and provincial newspapers in Ireland from 2003 to 1st August 2010. The reports provide an insight into the attitudes of judges, lawyers and police officers to defendants who... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceProgramming LanguagesMathematical Sciences
Communication Infrastructure Various communication and execution management infrastructures can be used with Jason: Centralised: all agents in the same machine, one thread by agent, very fast Centralised (pool): all agents in the same... more
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      Computer ScienceProgramming LanguagesCompilersInterpreters
This study examines some aspects of the interaction of one Hmong family with the English-speaking community to determine what sort of language contact situations they encounter and what means they use to communicate in those situations.... more
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      EthnographySyntaxNonverbal CommunicationAcculturation
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      AfghanistanRisk ManagementMilitaryInterpreters
Children who interpret for their immigrant parents are referred to as language, brokers. The present study examines the relationship of language brokering to academic performance, biculturalism, academic self-efficacy, and social... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSelf EfficacyAcademic Performance
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      EducationDeaf studiesHigher EducationInterpreting Studies
There is much common ground between what teachers do in developing learners’ L2 speaking skills and what interpreter trainers do, with the difference that the former group has learners’ high-level proficiency skills as a goal while the... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionEnglish as a Lingua FrancaInterpreting StudiesInterpreting
Objective/Context: This article emphasizes the distinct duties of interpreters general, primarily working in legal matters, and mediators at the margins of colonial control. The widespread flight of Mayas seeking relief shifted the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMental HealthCommunity-Based Mental Health Services
Purpose -This article explores issues of trust in narratives of interpreted consultations in primary health care. Design/methodology/approach -The paper is based on empirical data from a qualitative study of accounts of interpreted... more
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      Primary CareCommunicationAction ResearchPrimary Health Care
We describe a new, general approach for safeguarding systems against any type of code-injection attack. We apply Kerckhoff's principle, by creating process-specific randomized instruction sets (e.g., machine instructions) of the system... more
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En este capítulo analizamos la profesión de intérprete en la coproducción euro-pea Je l' aimais (2009), basada en la novela homónima de Anna Gavalda. En la parte central de la trama se retrata un caso paradigmático de interpretación de... more
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      French CinemaLiterature and cinemaInterpreting StudiesInterpreters