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Perforated walls and transpiration flow play an important role in aerodynamics due to an increasing interest in application of flow control by means of blowing and/or suction. An experimental study was carried out which has led to the... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceMechanicsAerodynamics
Due to higher price, limited supply and negative impacts on environment by fossil fuel, automobile industries have directed their concentrations in reducing the fuel consumption of vehicles in order to achieve the lower aerodynamic drag.... more
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      Renewable EnergyFlow ControlDrag ReductionComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulation
High penetration of renewable energy sources such as wind generation in microgrids (MGs) causes fluctuations of power flow and significantly affects the power system operation. This can lead to severe problems, such as system frequency... more
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      Power SystemFlow ControlDistributed SystemControl system
The efficient implementation of collective communication patterns in a parallel machine is a challenging design effort, that requires the solution of many problems. In this paper we present an in-depth description of how the Quadrics... more
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      AlgorithmsDesignComputer NetworksRouting
In recent years, many extensive studies have been performed that have attempted to improve the performance of TCP for wireless networks. The common assumptions made by TCP for wired networks definitely do not hold for wireless networks.... more
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      Congestion ControlFlow ControlWireless NetworkBit Error Rate
A new gigabit ATM photonic switching architecture is here presented and first experimental results are reported. The matrix is based on wavelength encoding of cells and on the broadcast-and-select principle for routing. A suitable... more
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      Flow ControlPerformance EvaluationSystem performance
In a today's internet end system, the congestion and flow control of every TCP connection is done separately. This means that every TCP sender of the TCP connections of an end system has to determine current information about the network... more
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      Distributed ComputingCongestion ControlFlow ControlComputer Communications
Statically exploring the inter-procedural control flow of objectoriented applications is often difficult because of the use of abstraction, polymorphism, and dynamic binding. To ease this problem, in this tool demonstration, we present a... more
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    • Flow Control
The work reported here is part of the PROGRES (PROgrammed Graph Rewriting Systems) project. PROGRES is a very high level multi paradigm language for the specification of complex structured data types and their operations. The data... more
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      Computer ScienceFlow ControlGraph TransformationData Structure
We propose a novel explicit rate-flow-control algorithm intended for available-bit-rate (ABR) service on an ATM network subject to loss and fairness constraints. The goal is to guarantee low cell loss in order to avoid throughput collapse... more
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      Distributed ComputingQueueing theoryPacket SwitchingFlow Control
This paper investigates communication in distributed memory multiprocessors to support tasklevel parallelism for real-time applications. It is shown that wormhole routing, used in second generation multicomputers, does not support... more
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      Distributed ComputingRoutingDistributed Shared Memory SystemFlow Control
The paper presents the design and evaluation of PECOS, a PreEmptive COntrol Signature technique for on-line detection of control flow errors. The technique uses assertions that can be embedded in the assembly language code and that are... more
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      Flow ControlDynamic controlText SegmentationLine Detection
Network on Chip is an efficient on-chip communication architecture for SoC architectures. It enables the integration of a large number of computational and storage blocks on a single chip. The router is the basic element of NoC with... more
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      Computer ArchitectureRoutingRouting algorithmFlow Control
1st International Conference on Managing Rivers in the 21st Century: Issues & Challenges ... River Restoration Through Bank Stabilization Using FLUVIAL-12: Case Study of Raia River, Ipoh, Perak ... AHMAD DARUS, River Engineering Section,... more
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      Flow ControlRiver RestorationCase StudySediment transport
This paper presents a clock selection algorithm for control-flow intensive behaviors that are characterized by the presence of conditionals and deeply-nested loops. Unlike previous works, which are primarily geared towards data-dominated... more
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      SchedulingResource AllocationFlow ControlComputer Hardware
In optimistic parallel simulations, state-saving techniques have been traditionally used to realize rollback. In this article, we propose reverse computation as an alternative approach, and compare its execution performance against that... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceComputational ModelingComputer Networks
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      Flow ControlBuilding DesignEnergy simulationEnergy Analysis
In this paper some theoretical and experimental results concerning the modeling and control of rectangular natural circulation loops are presented. These thermo-fluid-dynamic systems are used to refrigerate heat sources by means of... more
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      Chemical EngineeringNonlinear dynamicsProcess ControlFlow Control
The aim of this experimental study is the implementation of a practical and efficient closed-loop feedback control of the turbulent flow over a NACA-4412 airfoil equipped with leading-edge zero-net-mass-flux actuators. By using prior... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringData AnalysisParticle Image Velocimetry
The authors describe and solve a Markov model or the lealey bucket ATM generic 110w control mechanism. The model has a space carclinality which grows quiclely with its parameters and is challenging to solve. Exploiting the cyclic nature... more
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      Computer ScienceMarkov ProcessesPacket SwitchingFlow Control
The Distributed Computing Software project at Oxford University is using formal specification techniques to explore the design of services in a distributed operating system. Our goal is to construct and publish the specification of a... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingDistributed DatabaseMemory Management
The current approach for testing a program is, in principle, quite primitive. Some small sample of the data that a program is expected to handle is presented to the program. If the program produces correct results for the sample, it is... more
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      Computer ScienceSymbolic ComputationFlow ControlSymbolic Execution
A variety of different types of actuators have been previously investigated as flow control devices. Potential applications include the control of boundary layer separation in external flows, as well as jet engine inlet and diffuser flow... more
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      Flow ControlFlow VisualizationOscillationsHigh Speed
Human intervention in the hydrologic basin of the Colorado River has eliminated water discharge and sediment supply to the river's mouth and its delta. After ∼95 years of applying strong flow control policies, the previous sedimentary... more
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      Earth SciencesOceanographySedimentologyMarine Geology
Java 2 Micro-Edition Connected Limited Device Configuration (J2ME CLDC) is the platform of choice when it comes to running mobile applications on resourceconstrained devices (cell phones, set-top boxes, etc.). The large deployment of this... more
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      Flow ControlMobile ApplicationVirtual MachineSecurity Analysis
Petri nets (PN) are useful for the modelling, analysis and control of hybrid dynamical systems (HDS) because PN combine in a comprehensive way discrete events and continuous behaviours. On one hand, PN are suitable for modelling the... more
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      Applied MathematicsFlow ControlStructure AnalysisPetri Net
We provide a new method for the selective surface patterning of microfluidic chips with hydrophobic fluoropolymers which is demonstrated by the fabrication of hydrophobic valves. It enables efficient optical quality control for the... more
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      Lab On A ChipFlow ControlQuality ControlStandard Deviation
This review compiles personal and indoor microenvironment particulate matter (PM) monitoring needs from recently set research objectives, most importantly the NRC published ''Research Priorities for Airborne Particulate Matter (1998)''.... more
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      Environmental MonitoringClimateFlow ControlMultidisciplinary
The effectiveness of a sensor configuration for feedback flow control on the wake of a circular cylinder is investigated in both direct numerical simulation as well as in a water tunnel experiment. The research program is aimed at... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsDirect Numerical SimulationParticle Image Velocimetry
Nowadays more and more business activities are operated through web and the web plays a vital role in the interests of both businesses and their shareholders. However, the very good features of web such as its popularity, accessibility... more
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      Flow ControlSoftware ReliabilityNavigationReliability
The single dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators (PAs) are known to be effective for flow control process. This study investigated the winglet-type thin and small PAs, which were suspended in the quiescent air flow. We conducted... more
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      Boundary LayersFlow ControlActive Control of Fluid FlowsSimulation
Stream restoration, or more properly rehabilitation, is the return of a degraded stream ecosystem to a close approximation of its remaining natural potential. Many types of practices ͑dam removal, levee breaching, modified flow control,... more
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      Civil EngineeringFlow ControlHydraulic EngineeringSediment transport
Results are reported of an experimental investigation into the motion of a heavy cylinder free to move inside a water-filled drum rotating around a horizontal axis. The cylinder is observed to either co-or, counter intuitively,... more
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      EngineeringFluid MechanicsParticle Image VelocimetryFlow Control
A flow visualisation study was performed to investigate a periodic flow instability in a bifurcating duct within the tip of the flares at the Shell refinery in Clyde, NSW, to verify the trigger of a combustion-driven oscillation proposed... more
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      EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryFlow ControlCoupled Oscillator
Direct numerical simulations (DNS) and optimal control theory are used in a predictive control setting to determine controls that effectively reduce the turbulent kinetic energy and drag of a turbulent flow in a plane channel at Re τ =... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsOptimal ControlFluid Mechanics
Small switch buffers, high-speed links, short round-trip times and the composite nature of the traffic in data center networks (DCN) lead to several congestion problems that are not handled well by traditional congestion control... more
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      Congestion ControlFlow ControlData Center NetworkLinux Kernel Module
The vortex shedding characteristics and the drag force acting on a circular cylinder, attached with an oscillating splitter plate, are investigated by solving the two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations. The splitter plate is forced to... more
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      Flow ControlVortex dynamicsImmersed Boundary MethodsVortex shedding
We investigate linear-quadratic dynamical systems with energy preserving quadratic terms. These systems arise for instance as Galerkin systems of incompressible flows. A criterion is presented to ensure long-term boundedness of the system... more
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      EngineeringFluid MechanicsFlow ControlMathematical Sciences
Este artículo presenta el diseño e implementación de una herramienta para facilitar la comprensión del funcionamiento de un servicio de audio/vídeo streaming. Su objetivo serán alumnos de carreras técnicas (informática y... more
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      Flow ControlQuality of Service
The authors present the design and implementation of an asynchronous remote operation execution facility, futures, that retains the benefits of the remote procedure call (RPC) abstraction but allows execution to proceed locally in... more
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      Flow ControlDistributed SystemDistributed ProcessingProtocols
تحقیقات زیادی در رابطه با افزایش نیروی برآی هواپیما انجام شده است. یکی از فعالیتهای مهم انجام شده در این زمینه، نصب فلپ روی لبه فرار بال است. امروزه محققان در صدد رسیدن به بهترین نوع فلپی هستند که در زوایای حمله مختلف و فازهای گوناگون... more
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      Flow ControlDrag ReductionExperimental and Applied AerodynamicsBoundary Layer
An experimental investigation on the flow separation in the corner (i.e., "corner separation") between a wall and a single wing in a windtunnel and in a highly loaded compressor cascade was performed. As a passive flow control device a... more
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      Flow ControlExperimental Study
This paper presents the development and design of a fractional PI controller for a first order system with delay. The proposed fractional controller is contrasted with two different design techniques of integer controllers, one of them... more
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      Flow ControlRobust controlDelaysFrequency Response
Most conventional methods for flow control during resin transfer molding have varied the applied pressure using pressure regulators. However, with this method it is difficult to control the flow far from the inlet or outlet points. The... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringFlow Control
LDV and wall static pressure measurements were performed to investigate the flow properties downstream of an asymmetric wide-angle diffuser controlled by perforated plates. The experimental results showed significant changes in the mean... more
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      EngineeringFlow ControlAsymmetryPipe Flow
Active flow control (AFC) relies on actuators’ control authority as a primary enabling technology for flow manipulation. The requirements from the actuation systems are revisited and tools for critical evaluation of actuators are offered.... more
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    • Flow Control
An experimental study is conducted to characterize the performance of a pulsed-plasma jet (called a "spark jet" by other researchers) for potential use in supersonic flow control applications. A pulsed-plasma jet is a high-speed synthetic... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringFlow ControlHigh Frequency
We present a novel dynamic analysis technique that finds real deadlocks in multi-threaded programs. Our technique runs in two stages. In the first stage, we use an imprecise dynamic analysis technique to find potential deadlocks in a... more
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      LanguagesAlgorithmsType TheoryUsability
A dielectric barrier discharge, operating at kHz and kV conditions, can generate largely isothermal surface plasma and induce wall-jetlike fluid flow. It can serve as an aerodynamic actuator, and has advantages of no moving parts. In... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringPlasma PhysicsHeat Transfer
This article traces the unstable semantics of use cases from Jacobson to UML 1.3. The UML 1.1 metamodel formally defined the «uses» and «extends» use case relationships as stereotypes of generalisation, yet both received interpretations... more
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      Computer ScienceFlow ControlCompositionDiagrams