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The quest for designing secure and trusted software has led to refined Software Engineering methodologies that rely on tools to support the design process. Automated reasoning mechanisms for requirements and software verification are by... more
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      Social PsychologySoftware EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceModeling
Realtime satellite clock corrections are usually estimated using undifferenced phase and range observations from a global network. Because a large number of ambiguity parameters must be estimated, the computation is timeconsuming.... more
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      Software DevelopmentGeomatic EngineeringExperimental Validation
Although there have been studies completed on the critical success factors of software projects, these studies all have been specific to one particular country. There has been no comprehensive study reporting on different project sizes in... more
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      Software DevelopmentSoftware ReuseMultidisciplinaryLarge Scale
The dynamic software development organizations optimize the usage of resources to deliver the products in the specified time with the fulfilled requirements. This requires prevention or repairing of the faults as quick as possible. In... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware TestingSoftware DevelopmentSoftware Reliability
This article explores how agile practices can reduce three kinds of "distance" -temporal, geographical, and sociocultural -in global software development (GSD). On the basis of two indepth case studies, specific Scrum and eXtreme... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringInformation TechnologyGlobalization
Saat ini pemerintah Indonesia memiliki visi untuk menjadikan Indonesia sebagai poros maritim dunia. Nelayan merupakan salah satu pilar penting dalam pembangunan Indonesia sebagai poros maritim dunia, karena nelayan merupakan kelompok... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringInformation TechnologySoftware Development
Online material for a Z course based on the book by the author. This includes slides for some chapters and the exercises. Updated in July 1998 with minor corrections and improved formatting.
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      Set TheoryComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringFormal Methods (Formal Verification)
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      Software EngineeringManagement Information SystemsData MiningSoftware Development
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      Applied MathematicsSoftware EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentBusiness Information Systems
Marketing and Sales managers Marketing and Sales managers are those who will use the CRM system with high frequency. Their tasks are to analyse market trends, plan marketing solutions and build sales campaigns. The CRM system provides the... more
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      Software DevelopmentEnd User Training
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      Software DevelopmentModel Driven DevelopmentDomain specific languageCode Generation
Virtual reality (VR) head-mounted displays (HMD) appear to be effective research tools, which may address the problem of ecological validity in neuropsychological testing. However, their widespread implementation is hindered by VR induced... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive PsychologyNeuropsychology
While software play integral role in every aspect of the modern world, software development process still faces many problems. During development process in an organization, effective methodology has a crucial role in order to become... more
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      Software DevelopmentTIMETextAgile methodology
Context: Development of software-intensive products and services increasingly occurs by continuously deploying product or service increments, such as new features and enhancements, to customers. Product and service developers must... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringUser Experience (UX)Lean Thinking
With the increasing popularity of Agile Methods, many software organisations are moving away from traditional methods to adopt Agile development methodologies. Instead of being predictive, Agile is rather adaptive and people-focussed. It... more
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      Project ManagementAgile Software Process ImprovementAgile Project ManagementSoftware Development
codesign is a new trend now, i hope this book can help you approach this trend.
thanks for reading book.
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      Software DevelopmentSoftwareHardware DesignHardware
This research work contains information about the design and implementation of an online shopping system
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      Software DevelopmentE-Commerce
Example of SPMP by UTPian. This project is to create a prototype Online Purchasing System for TradeK Cake House. It is an online application likewise virtual shop on the Internet where customers can browse the products catalog and... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentSoftware Planning
The Laundry management System (LMS) is specifically developed for Katsina State Laundry Shops. This application is developed to manage the laundry service and provide an automated backup and recovery for security management of... more
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      Software EngineeringManagement Information SystemsProject ManagementSoftware Development
Online bookstore software projects that acts as a central database containing various books in stock along with their title, author and cost. This project is a website that acts as a central book store. This web project is developed using... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentSoftware
Dear Reader, Let's get the introductions out of the way.I am not a recruiter. I am a software engineer. And as such, I know what it's like to be asked to whip up brilliant algorithms on the spot and then write flawless code on a... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationComputer ScienceSoftware Engineering
Distinct software metrics have been proposed for programs. By contrast, metrics for databases have been neglected on the grounds that databases were mere plain files that do not affect considerably information systems maintainability.... more
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      Information SystemsMeasure TheoryMetricsSoftware Development
This invited paper presents a number of correlated specifications of example railway system problems. They use a variety of partially or fully integrated formal specification. The paper thus represents a mere repository of what we... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware DevelopmentCase StudyUnified Modelling Language
In deze handleiding wordt gespecificeerd hoe de aanpak van pesten en andere vormen van agressief gedrag in scholen kan worden gesteund via passende Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie. De inbreng en mede-verantwoordelijkheid van... more
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      Information TechnologyTeaching and LearningEducational TechnologyEducational Research
Yuri Takhteyev's Coding Places is an ethnographic study of software development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. As such, it offers a welcome and necessary counterpoint to Gabriella Coleman's Coding Freedom, which examines the culture of free... more
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      Sociology Of Technology (Science And Technology Studies)Software DevelopmentEthnography of Science, Technology and PracticesSociology of Information and Communication Technologies
Make a foundation library from all of the SQL Server servers of your company, either grouped or by function like Production, QA, DRP, Corporate, Branch, Development, Test, on subjects like tables, views, columns, constraints and defaults... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringComputer EngineeringDatabase Systems
This paper describes an underwater walking robotic system being developed under the name AQUA, the goals of the AQUA project, the overall hardware and software design, the basic hardware and sensor packages that have been developed, and... more
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      EngineeringRoboticsComputer ScienceComputer Vision
With the rapid increase in offshore outsourcing of software development, Global Software Development (GSD) has become the need of the hour. This, in turn, necessitates preparing computer science students to face the challenges associated... more
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      Information TechnologySoftware DevelopmentSoftware Engineering educationGlobal Software Development
Despite the widespread adoption of software diversity in some industries, there is still controversy about its benefits for reliability, safety or security. We take the prospective of diversity as a risk reduction strategy, in face of the... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware SecuritySoftware Development
Providing technology support for older people offers distinct challenges for social and IT systems delivery. The definition and integration of services, the diversity of supply, variance in structures, and the lack of centralised control,... more
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      Software DevelopmentOlder peopleBest practiceUnified Modelling Language
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      Distributed ComputingInformation TechnologyDecision MakingSystem Management
Resumo Este trabalho relata a experiência no desenvolvimento do projeto de design digital da disciplina de Projeto Integrado I, na Universidade Federal do Ceará-Campus Quixadá. A metodologia do projeto tinha duas macro atividades,... more
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      Software DevelopmentSoftwareLíngua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS)
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      Content AnalysisSoftware DevelopmentGlobal Software Development
Recent years have witnessed a surge in self-organizing voluntary teams collaborating online to produce goods and services. Motivated by this phenomenon, this research investigates how these teams are formed and how individuals make... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingSoftware DevelopmentSoftware Project Management
In this paper, we explore the problems associated with exception handling from a new dimension: the human. We designed a study that evaluates (1) different perspectives of software developers to understand how they perceive exception... more
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      Software DevelopmentInteractive VisualizationLife CycleException Handling
Introductory computer programming courses are inherently challenging for a variety of reasons. With increased demands for online delivery, the use of effective technologies, materials, and methods that best support online learning is... more
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      Software DevelopmentNursing Informatics (Education)Online LearningJava Programming
Small and medium enterprises are a very important cog in the gears of the world economy. The software industry in most countries is composed of an industrial scheme that is made up mainly of small and medium software enterprises-SMEs. To... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentSoftware QualityComputer Software
The maintenance portion of the software lifecycle represents a major drain on most software company's resources. The transition from programmers to maintainers is high risk, since usually the maintainers have to learn the system from... more
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      Software MaintenanceSoftware TestingSoftware DevelopmentKnowledge Extraction
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      Software EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentSoftwareModel Driven Engineering
Software development projects increasingly extend over the boundaries set by a single company, or country. As the a vailable communication media becomes more sophisticated, and more advanced technology costs less, the trends in software... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentCultural DiversityCultural Differences
A recent survey has shown that data management in clinical trials performed by academic trial units still faces many difficulties (e.g. heterogeneity of software products, deficits in quality management, limited human and financial... more
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      Quality ManagementInformation ManagementResearch DesignClinical Trial
0 7 4 0 -7 4 5 9 / 0 7 / $ 2 0 . 0 0 © 2 0 0 7 I E E E J a n u a r y / F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 7 I E
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringUsabilityInteraction Design
An emerging problem in mission planning is consideration of the communication requirements of the mission participants. Determining the appropriate resources to satisfy the communication needs of a battle group requires detailed... more
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      Computational ModelingParallel ProgrammingStrategic PlanningSoftware Development
We consider a set of programs a family when it pays to look at their common aspects before looking at their differences. For commercial software developers the implications are twofold: First, making rational decisions about product-line... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentSoftware Product LinesValue Based Software Engineering
An optimal navigation strategy for a robot agency is related to the team colony coordination, environment areas subdivision and the best exploration strategy of each robot citizen taking into account the government political stance. The... more
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      Software DevelopmentMobile RobotFuzzy Rules
One of the proposed purposes for software process simulation is the management of software development risks, usually discussed within the category of project planning and management. However, modeling and simulation primarily for the... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware DevelopmentModeling and SimulationRisk Management
The open source model of software development has received substantial attention in the industry and popular media; nevertheless, critics frequently contend that open source softwares are inferior in quality compared to closed source... more
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      EngineeringProject ManagementOpen Source SoftwareSoftware Development
Abstract: In iterative/incremental software development, software deliverables are built in iterations - each iteration
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    • Software Development
Security design patterns have been proposed recently as a tool for the improvement of software security during the architecture and design phases. Since the apperance of this research topic in 1997, several catalogs have emerged, and the... more
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      Information SecuritySoftware SecuritySoftware DevelopmentSix Sigma
Manual técnico para generar Autoridad Certificadora y certificados SSL de manera local, para testear features que requieren de un certificado de seguridad.
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      Software DevelopmentLocalhostSSL/TLS Protocols