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Nested words are a structured model of execution paths in procedural programs, reflecting their call and return nesting structure. Finite nested words also capture the structure of parse trees and other tree-structured data, such as XML.... more
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      Model CheckingPure MathematicsComputer SoftwareLogical Methods in Computer Science
DQDB (distributed queue dual bus) is a media access control (MAC) protocol which is being standardized as an IEEE 802.6 MAN [ll]. The DQDB MAC protocol offers two types of services to its users: isochronous and asynchronous. This paper... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer NetworksQueueing theorySimulation
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      Distributed ComputingMobile Ad Hoc NetworkShared memoryReading and writing
The software architecture of a distributed program can be represented by a hierarchical composition of subsystems, with interacting processes at the leaves of the hierarchy. Compositional reachability analysis (CRA) is a promising state... more
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      Software ArchitectureCase StudyReachability Analysisstate machine
Behaviour analysis should form an integral part of the software development process. This is particularly important in the design of concurrent and distributed systems, where complex interactions can cause unexpected and undesired system... more
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      Cognitive ScienceStatic AnalysisModel CheckingSoftware Architecture
Since class objects are the major components in object-oriented (00) programs during run-time, testing the behavior of these objects become an important task in testing of object-oriented programs to comple ment other types of testing,... more
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      Computer ScienceObject Oriented ProgrammingIndustrial RelationsSoftware Testing
In this paper, the authors propose a mathematical model for a new topology called "stacked multicell converter" (SMC). Each phase of the SMC n × m multilevel inverter is formed by a stack of m flying-capacitor multilevel inverters, and... more
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      EngineeringField-Programmable Gate ArraysPower ControlField Programmable Gate Array
Formal specification languages are often criticized for being difficult to understand, difficult to use, and unacceptable by software practitioners. Notations based on state machines, such as, Statecharts, Requirements State Machine... more
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      Formal SpecificationCollision AvoidanceEmbedded SystemFinite State Machine
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      Object Oriented ProgrammingModel CheckingComputational ModelingEmbedded Systems
Real-time 3D graphics are being extensively used to build interactive virtual environments for a number of different applications. In many situations, virtual objects are required to exhibit complex behaviors, and the use of a versatile... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer SoftwareVirtual EnvironmentAutonomous Agents
State machine based formalisms such as labelled transition systems (LTS) are generally assumed to be complete descriptions of system behaviour at some level of abstraction: if a labelled transition system cannot exhibit a certain sequence... more
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      Levels of Abstractionstate machine
State machines consume and process actions complementary to programs issuing actions. State machines maintain a state and reply with a boolean response to each action in their interface. As state machines offer a service to programs,... more
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      Mathematical SciencesInterface StatesAbstract Data Typestate machine
Aspect-Oriented Programming languages allow pointcut descriptors to directly quantify over the implementation points of a system. Such pointcuts introduce strong mutual coupling between base modules and aspects and are problematic with... more
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      Aspect Oriented Software DevelopmentModel Driven EngineeringAspect Oriented ProgrammingMutual Coupling
The notion of intuitionistic fuzzy finite switchboard state machines and (strong) homomorphisms of intuitionistic fuzzy finite state machines are introduced, and related properties are investigated. After we give a congruence relation on... more
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      MathematicsMathematical SciencesFinite State Machinestate machine
Early power analysis for systems-on-chip (SoC) is crucial for determining the appropriate packaging and cost. This early analysis commonly relies on evaluating power formulas for all cores for multiple configurations of voltage,... more
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      Computer SciencePackagingEnergy ManagementHardware
Since the source code of Android was released to the public, people have concerned about the security of the Android system. Whereas the insecurity of a system can be easily exaggerated even with few minor vulnerabilities, the security is... more
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      Formal AnalysisFormal SpecificationFormal methodSecurity Analysis
This paper proposes a revised semantic interpretation of UML Statechart Diagrams which ensures, under the specified design rules, that Statecharts may be constructed to have true compositional properties. In particular, hierarchical state... more
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      Semantic Interpretationstate machine
We present a real-time execution semantics for UML activity graphs that is intended for workflow modelling. The semantics is defined in terms of execution algorithms that define how components of a workflow system execute an activity... more
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      Model CheckingSemanticsWorkflowUnified Modelling Language
The readability of formal requirements specification languages is hypothesized as a limiting factor in the acceptance of formal methods by the industrial community. An empirical study was conducted to determine how various factors of... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringMathematicsLogicFormal methods
Secure software engineering is a new research area that has been proposed to address security issues during the development of software systems. This new area of research advocates that security characteristics should be considered from... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringRequirements EngineeringModel Checking
The software architecture of a distributed system can be described as a hierarchical composition of subsystems, with interacting processes as the leaves of the hierarchy. Process behaviour can be specified using finite-state machines. A... more
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      Model CheckingSoftware DevelopmentSoftware ArchitectureDistributed System
A. We consider a class of infinite-state stochastic games generated by stateless pushdown automata (or, equivalently, 1-exit recursive state machines), where the winning objective is specified by a regular set of target... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceGame TheoryStochastic Games
Verification of a test case for testing the conformance of protocol implementations against the formal description of the protocol involves verifying three aspects of the test case: expected input/output test behavior, test verdicts, and... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingModel CheckingComputer Software
We apply machine learning techniques to verify safety properties of finite state machines which communicate over unbounded FIFO channels. Instead of attempting to iteratively compute the reachable states, we use Angluin's L* algorithm to... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningActive Learning
This paper introduces an analysis and design of a digital controlled double loop voltage-current for a buck converter. Taking into account the implementation requirements, the chosen platform was an Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).... more
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      EngineeringField-Programmable Gate ArraysField Programmable Gate ArrayBuck Converter
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      Dynamic SimulationBiped RobotReal TimePid Controller
In this paper we present a genetic algorithm-based approach towards designing self-assembling objects comprised of square smart blocks. Each edge of each block can have one of three polarities (+1,-1 or 0) which defines how blocks stick... more
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      Self AssemblyGenetic AlgorithmDimensionalBoolean Satisfiability
This paper focuses on verification and validation of a model dedicated to mode handling of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs). This model is specified using the synchronous formalism safe state machines (SSMs). The rigorous semantics... more
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      Distributed ComputingSemanticsModelingSoftware Development
This paper presents a novel approach to synthesize low power FSMs using non-uniform code length Switching activity i s reduced by decreasrng the ezpected number of state bits switched less than [log lSl1. The state set S of the F S M 2s... more
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      AutomataEntropyDesign MethodologyLow Power
Objective: Many image-guided surgery applications require tracking devices as part of their core functionality. The Image-Guided Surgery Toolkit (IGSTK) was designed and developed to interface tracking devices with software applications... more
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      BioinformaticsHealth CareOpen Source SoftwarePublic Domain
We propose a rule-based approach for transforming B abstract machines into UML diagrams. We believe that important insight into the structure underlying a B model can be gained by representing it in UML, for example in order to explain... more
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      UMLPrey Choice ModelUML Class DiagramClass Diagram
Hierarchical Communicating Real-Time State Machines (H-CRSM) is a formal modelling language for the modular development of distributed real-time systems. The formalism is characterized by the use of state transitions with guarded commands... more
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      Model CheckingComputer SoftwareReal Time SystemsReal Time
This paper addresses the problem of automatic generation of implementation software from high-level functional specifications in the context of embedded system on chip designs. Software design complexity for embedded systems has increased... more
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      Computer ScienceFunctional ProgrammingLogic ProgrammingEmbedded Systems
Esterel and Safe State Machines (SSMs) are synchronous languages dedicated to the modeling of embedded reactive systems. While Esterel is a textual language, SSMs are based on the graphical Statecharts formalism. Statecharts are often... more
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      Meta-modelPhase TransformationOptimal Reactive Power Systemstate machine
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      Formal SpecificationLecture notesProgramming languagestate machine
Web services among of the applications involving closely the customer's private information. In order to take into account the privacy concerns of the individuals, organizations (e.g Web services) provide privacy policies as promises... more
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      LawEnvironmental ManagementWeb ServicesProduct Lifecycle Management
The generation of actual sensory data in real-world deployments of pervasive spaces is very costly and requires significant preparation and access to human subjects. This situation can be mitigated if practical forms of sharing of... more
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      Machine LearningUbiquitous ComputingComputational ModelingPervasive Computing
This paper addresses the problem of monitoring the compliance of privacy agreement that spells out a consumer's privacy rights and how consumer private information must be handled by the service provider. A state machine based model is... more
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      Linear Temporal LogicService ProviderPrivate Informationstate machine
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      Human Computer InteractionManagement Information SystemsInformation ManagementGraph Theory
Current web services are largely based on a synchronous request-response model that uses the Simple Object Access Protocol SOAP. Next-generation telecommunication networks, on the contrary, are characterised by the need to handle... more
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      Computer ScienceWeb ServicesTelecommunication NetworksFormal Specification
Formal specijications can be hundreds ofpages in length -a reflection of the size and complexity of the systems being specijied. Lengthy documents are dificult to read, understand, and use. Program slicing was developed to address these... more
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      Computer ScienceEmbedded SoftwareReflectionControl Systems
Requirements of the desired software product can be translated into state transition diagram or other UML diagrams. To verify the complete coverage of software requirements, the proposed Ant based approach generates non-repetitive... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware TestingAnt Colony OptimizationGenetic Algorithm
We describe experimental results to demonstrate the wide-ranging computational ability of quasiperiodic oscillators built from rings of differentiating Schmitt triggers. We describe a theoretical model based on necklace functions to... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringOscillationsSPIKING NEURAL NETWORKAnalog Computation
NASA spends millions designing and building spacecraft for its missions. The dependence on software is growing as spacecraft become more complex. With the increasing dependence on software comes the risk that bugs can lead to the loss of... more
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      Computer ScienceModel CheckingFormal SpecificationFormal Verification
This paper proposes a novel approach to the formal definition of UML semantics. We distinguish descriptive semantics from functional semantics of modelling languages. The former defines which system is an instance of a model while the... more
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      Computer ScienceAutomated reasoningClass DiagramFirst Order Logic
Yodaiken, V., Modal functions for concise definition of state machines and products, Information Processing Letters 40 (1991) 65-72.
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      EngineeringAutomataTransitionFinite Automata
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      Contextual Informationstate machine
Reproducing daily behaviours requires the ability to schedule behaviours depending on resources (body parts for example) and priority (intentions or physiological parameters) constraints. A simple way is to say that behaviours which are... more
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    • state machine