Viktor Shklovsky
Recent papers in Viktor Shklovsky
My talk is devoted to the problem of literary and linguistic evolution in Roman Jakobson’s theory. I start by putting his musings on the matter into context—that of comparative linguistics and literature, their primary and central... more
The controversies and discussions sparked by the Russian Formalists are important to review today because many of the same issues are still current. The most well-known exchange occurred in the early 1920s between Leon Trotsky and Victor... more
This essay is about a possible intersection between the concepts of reification and estrangement such as conceived by the German thinker Theodor Adorno and by the Russian literary critic Viktor Chklóvski respectively.
At first, the Russian Formalists overlapped with Frankfurt School theoreticians, such as Horkheimer and Adorno, in criticizing the mechanization of life, clichéd art being one of its manifestations. Soon, however, the Formalists got... more
Victor Shklovsky, the Russian formalist, coined and popularized the notion of defamiliarization: the creative distortion of the world of ordinary perception to renew the reader's diminished capacity for fresh perception. Estranging... more
This thesis aims to identify the artistic devices and their relations on Shaun Tan's picturebooks which are directed to cause estrangement. Thus, by drawing theoretical and methodological relations with Literature and Art, we propose to... more
Статья «посвящена докладу В. Шкловского «Речи Дон Кихота» в Московском Лингвистическом Кружке. До сих пор протокол заседания 15 февраля 1920 года, на котором состоялось это выступление, был известен не целиком и обрывался как раз на том... more
From its first publication in 1923, Viktor Shklovsky's book Zoo, or Letters Not about Love has been discussed as a text that takes up a borderline position between literature and literary theory. The fact that the book was written and... more
Повлиявшее на многих деятелей русского авангарда, В. Маяковского и Б. Хлебникова, П. Филонова и А. Платонова, учение Федорова уже в 1930-е годы перестало упоминаться и было вытеснено вместе с утопизмом ранней революционной культуры. Тем... more
An exploration of Shklovsky's ostranenie in relation to "Son of Saul" and other Holocaust films, in particular considering artworks' moral and formal obligations in the representation of the Shoah.
The article analyzes the device of ostranenie (estrangement, defamiliarization) in art that was so important for Russian Formalism. Since the very beginning and up till now, ostranenie has caused numerous debates among literary theorists.... more
Se va a partir de la obra de Shklovski y de las idas y venidas del concepto de ostranenie, para luego establecer una comparativa entre éste y el término brechtiano de Verfremdung. Por último, se verá su aplicación en el teatro épico, un... more
This chapter focuses on the two main objections leveled against realist mimesis by champions of modernism and the avant-garde (Russian formalism, the Anglo-American New Criticism). Modernism, It is argued, criticizes realism not so much... more
Dissertation on the photography work of artist Fernando Lemos between 1949 an 1952. Dissertation presented for the conclusion of an MA in Art History (Contemporary) at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de... more
Диссертация посвящена литературной критике Юрия Николаевича Тынянова (1894 – 1943), Виктора Борисовича Шкловского (1893 – 1984) и Бориса Михайловича Эйхенбаума (1886 – 1959) – трех знаменитых представителей формальной школы русского... more
Fonoilogía: Lenguaje que va en contra del sentido y el yo inequívoco en La bucanera de Pernambuco o Hilda la polígrafa Jacob Steinberg para Tamara "Quien versifica, no verifica.
Impresión Estilo Estugraf Impresores Impreso en España/Printed in Spain Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de cualquier parte de este libro, incluida la cubierta, por cualquier medio, aun citando la procedencia, sin la... more
The author of the term estrangement [ostranenie], Viktor Shklovsky argued that it is the essence of genuine art. A true work of art estranges the world, but it is also strange in relation to all other works previously produced.... more
This is a graduate school research paper examining Aldo Rossi's Gallaratese Housing in Milan through the lens of Viktor Shklovsky's idea of estrangement as written in his manifesto "Art as Technique". I argue that Aldo Rossi was using the... more
ln what follows, I want to offer a different reading of the Formal method. I show that Formalists' contribution cannot be reduced to the attempt to reinstall the perceiving individual at the center of the literary analysis. Rather, the... more
É com imensa satisfação que apresentamos ao nosso leitor a edição Nº 16 da RUS – Revista de Literatura e Cultura Russa. Neste número, além do material regular, oferecemos o Dossiê “Formalismo Russo”, organizado por Valteir Vaz. Dedicado a... more
An introduction to the study of English Literature, including discussions of: how to define "literature", why study literature?, how to approach the great books, and English literary periods.
Introduction to the cluster 'Platonov's Turkmenia,' Slavic Review.
ИЗВЕСТИЯ РАН. СЕРИЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ И ЯЗЫКА, 2018, том 77, № 4, с. 44–65
Russian Futurism surprised readers and writers alike during the years of social ferment leading up the 1917 Revolution. In particular, the participants in the movement themselves had no idea what events would have in store for them. Three... more
Ostrannenie (‘making it strange’) has become one of the central concepts of modern artistic practice, ranging over movements including Dada, postmodernism, epic theatre, and science fiction, as well as our response to arts. Coined by the... more
В книге анализируется связь теории и практики ОПОЯЗа, в первую очередь В. Шкловского, Ю. Тынянова и Б. Эйхенбаума, с наиболее радикальными— авангардными — эстетическими течениями первой четверти XX века. Это взаимодействие предопределило... more
The article „Viktor Shklovsky in OPOIAZ and the Moscow Linguistic Circle (1919–1921)“ reconstructs the most important period in Viktor Shklovsky’s literary biography: the creation of the Society for the Study of Poetic Language (OPOIAZ)... more
A new translation of Viktor Shklovsky's famous "Iskusstvo kak priem" (aka "Art as Device" and "Art as Technique") with a translator's comment
Ruggero Vasari was a vital figure in the history of Futurism and played a key role in the movement’s relations with Central and Eastern Europe. The specific interplay between his artistic identity as an Italian Futurist on one hand and... more
Humor and things related (such as the category of the merry [veselost’]), played an unusually prominent role in what is often considered the first school of contemporary literary theory, Russian Formalism, or, to be specific, its... more
Второй том Собрания сочинений Виктора Шкловского состоит из автобиографических и мемуарных текстов, написанных с 1919-го по 1982 год. Его цель – попытаться представить многообразие и внутреннее единство биографических стратегий, благодаря... more
This paper proposes an analysis of Tom Stoppard’s play "Travesties" in light of the concept of estrangement, developed by the Russian literary scholar Viktor Shklovsky. The first section of the essay will describe the three dominant... more
В статье реконструированы обстоятельства первого выступления Шкловского в Московском лингвистическом кружке и восстановлена история отношений Шкловского с московскими формалистами (1919–1921). Доклад, текст которого не дошел до наших... more
In this article I intend to reflect upon the ways in which Andrei Tarkovsky has decided to represent "facts". I believe that for Tarkovsky this project involves questions about time and history in a way it does in few other contemporary... more
Abstract This paper attempts a comparative study of the late nineteenth century CE Russian scholar Viktor Shklovsky’s theory of ostranenie or enstrangement, and the late tenth century CE Sanskrit scholar Rājānaka Kuntaka’s theory of... more
Sessanta: ostranenie, Verfremdung, alienazione Salvatore Spampinato ♦ eSamizdat (XII), pp. - ♦
Il saggio, posto come introduzione al volume "Brevitas", affronta la distinzione tra forma lunga e forma breve cercando di integrare le scoperte neurofisiologiche con la riflessione della critica letteraria e con le nozioni di storia... more
Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 2012
The Knight’s Move y Zoo, or letters not about love, de Víktor Shklovski, son libros signados por una proximidad temporal y una distancia espacial que trama entre ellos puentes y pasadizos. The Knight’s… es una recopilación de artículos... more
Lectura formalista de poemas de Tamara Kamenszain. A lo largo del trabajo, se retoman y desarrollan conceptos trascendentes para la teoría literaria tales como: "literaturidad"; rasgos de lo literario (según Eichenbaum); ficción; géneros... more
El argentino Xul Solar (Oscar Agustín Alejandro Schulz Solari), fue un escritor y pintor ligado a la vanguardia del Río de la Plata. Sobre el texto que nos ocupa de Solar, titulado Poema, sólo ha sido tratado tangencialmente a la luz de... more
Ora, como argumentarei no meu ensaio, o documentário do cineasta catalão perfila-se como uma apocatástase negativa: assim, e como veremos, a vida e o óbito sem inumação de Arthur Cravan, não funcionam apenas como ‘tema’ de Cravan vs... more
The article discusses the concepts of ostranenie (Shklovsky), V-effect (Brecht), and spect-actor (Boal), before critically reviewing their earlier application to analyses of games and play. Abstract The present article provides a critical... more
The advent of Malinowski's ethnographic theory is inscribed in a wider modernist environment, which set the ground for the emergence of new epistemological projects. Viktor Shklovsky's attempt to inaugurate a scientific study of... more