Recent papers in Urbanity
As Manuel de Solà-Morales noted, urbanity relies on the variety and quality of relations between things, materials and human beings. Considered as such, how are we to achieve an underground urbanity? This paper seeks to address this... more
Festive events are increasing in cities because the city authorities exploit them to increase the tourist attractiveness of cities and in order to capture the competitive flow of a urban economy more and more symbolic and based on the... more
Das Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit entspricht einem Bedarf der aktuellen Wissenschaft, die sich mit der Problematik noch selten beschäftigt hat. Zudem ist der Versuch, dem Begriff 'Kleinstadt' eine allgemeine Bedeutung zu geben,... more
This short graphic novel is about desire paths, about how people only rarely follow the designs imposed on them. You know, when a landscape architect or urban planner develops a park or something, within a few days you see that people... more
In Johannesburg, as in many cities of the Global South characterised by deep inequali-ties, shopping malls have become important in urban public life. Seeing malls as 'enclaves', most academics have little positive to say about malls;... more
The film exhibition sector in India belongs to the disorganized industry. And it also goes without saying that the exhibition of films in India is the most under-studied area in the Indian cinema. The form of exhibition in India fueled by... more
This study stages an analysis of religious politics in Dar es Salaam and Tanzania from below. At its heart is an original account of Muslim political mobilisation in Tanzania that foregrounds the everyday lives of urban actors in... more
Those wondering why the design of contemporary Indian cities is such an arduous and joyless affair will find Ranjit Sabikhi's book of immense interest. Many may even find themselves jolted to action within their spheres of influence... more
“Gathering a mob of rustics, [Memnon] has convulsed the city, sending his clerics to the houses of the most God-beloved bishops and uttering countless dire threats” (ACO I.1.5, 121). This passage reveals an underlying common understanding... more
Roman Dura Europos' (165 CE-256 CE) urban topography, especially the conglomeration of sacred spaces, is most inviting for a study of cross-cultural and interreligious interaction in the city's neighbourhoods. This article focuses on the... more
A lexical overview of architecture in the Nordic countries 500-1000 CE
In this paper I explore the use of (urban) space in the conflict between the two competing parties at the Council of Ephesus 431. For the analysis I use a new model developed by Stefan Rebenich and myself. The paper does not only address... more
La città media è oggi un tratto tipico della condizione urbana europea e rappresenta un’immagine, quasi stereotipata, di un determinato luogo del vecchio continente in cui il centro urbano di dimensioni contenute, spesso raccontato e... more
How do people live together in cities shaped by inequality? This comparative ethnography of two African cities, Maputo and Johannesburg, presents a new narrative about social life in cities often described as sharply divided. Based on the... more
Dzieje literatury i kultury starochorwackiej okresu renesansu i baroku są de facto dziejami literatury i kultury miejskiej, ponieważ zostały one ukształtowane w centrach miejskich, nielicznych wówczas na ziemiach zamieszkanych przez... more
Published in an edited (by Abha Narain Lambah) volume on Shekhawati Cities (Marg Publications; Mumbai. 2013). The essay makes an argument of urbanity as 'visuality' and the specific case of colonial towns. A change in the approach to... more
What makes an urban settlement a city (I deliberately avoid the suggestion of a hierarchy of towns and cities here) is done and felt very di!erently by di!erent agents and is often inaccessible to external as well as internal observers of... more
Passados quarenta anos desde a Independência de Moçambique (25 de junho de 1975), as dificuldades na tutela e reabilitação do patrimônio edificado são evidentes. Os ajustamentos estruturais resultantes de mudanças doutrinárias... more
Shanghai's Pudong financial district is known for its spectacular skyline, which Michelle Huang has referred to as 'a copy of a global city' – a reading that this article pushes further. What does this 'copy of a global city' tell us... more
The boundary has always played a crucial role in urbanity-in ancient times when a wall isolated and protected it from outsiders, the city was a clearly defined territory; today those boundaries are much less distinct. The walls have been... more
Europa to cywilizacja miast. Miejskość zatem można traktować jako znacznik procesu europeizacji. Polska, przez całe stulecia cierpiała na wyraźny deficyt miejskości. Kiedy na przełomie XX i XXI wieku ponownie zaczęła się integrować ze... more
This thesis describes the vegetal landscape at the Pointe à Callière (BjFj-101) in Montreal from about 1590 to 1879, drawing on pollinic data associated with archaeological and historical data to construct time graphs representing the... more
Piamaria Hallberg & Rebecka Lennartsson Ingår i Andra Stockholm. Liv, plats och identitet i Stockholm. Stockholmia förlag 2011 " Att låta sig föras av strömmen och ändå komma ihåg att jag är en liten, liten del i allt det här myllret... more
This paper addresses the urbanization, urbanism, and urbanity in contemporary Maputo, with an emphasis on built heritage issues. The research aimed to provide background for understanding the urban development of the so-called “cidade de... more
Tourism today reflects the limits of urban planning: sedentary and nomadic lifestyles. There is an overlap between different city users and geographical environments -sedentary and nomadic -which define a dynamic space that works with the... more
La metrópolis tardomoderna no es mero skyline. Es proliferación de narrativas del yo: historias idiosincráticas y agonísticas sobre la agencia del sujeto para crearse un espacio propio que resulte coherente con su biografía, trayectoria y... more
This article analyzes the effects of urban growth on the suburban experience of Amadora’s residents – Lisbon’s most important suburb in the 1960s and 1970s. It begins by placing Amadora within Lisbon’s suburbanization process, giving then... more
Taking advantage of a research trying to understand the relationship between road infrastructure and urban form in the specific context of the contemporary city-region during the second half of the twentieth century, this article... more
Nel 1956 l’Harvard’s Graduate School of Design promuove la prima conferenza di Urban Design, per poi inaugurare nel 1960 il primo corso di studi di Urban Design. Negli stessi anni in Italia inizia ad operare un gruppo di ‘architetti... more
Building on more than ten years of ethnographic research in postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina, this article documents discourses and practices of civility as mutuality with limits. This mode of civility operates to regulate the field of... more
This study investigates human perception and use of Small Green Spaces (SGS) in a dense Western city (Florence, Italy). While there is some work on social dynamics in large urban parks, empirical studies of SGS are fewer. The research... more
This is just a collection of thoughts related to a great brazilian songwriter and one of his classic tunes.
This work contributes to debates in Geographies of Sexualities, a sub-field of Geography that intends to understand the relation between geographical space and human sexuality. We start by affirming that contact is the most basic element... more
Urban Design Proposal and new ordinances for a changing area in Caracas, developed for Alcaldía de Baruta between 2002 and 2006. Developed with Vilma Obadía
บทความนี้นำเสนอการวิเคราะห์ภูมิศาสตร์การตั้งห้างร้านจำหน่ายสินค้านำเข้าจากยุโรปภายในกรุงเทพมหานครช่วงเปลี่ยนผ่านศตวรรษ ผู้วิจัยเสนอว่าทำเลที่ตั้ง... more
Taking the contentious acquisition of Rochor Centre as a beginning, this thesis investigates the multiple interpretations and materialities of urban (re)development in Singapore. Using semi-structured interviews and discourse analysis, I... more
In : Zwischen Traum und Trauma. Stadtplanung der Nachkriegsmoderne. Edited by Jörn Düwel and Michael Mönninger, Berlin: dom publishers, 2011, pp. 121–133.
This article claims space for secondary cities in urban studies. It criticizes that scientists tend to study urban life in metropolises and, hence, do not represent urban life in its full diversity. In reality, the majority of the worlds’... more
Resumen: El Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, obra del arquitecto Frank O. Gehry, constituye una de las obras de arquitectura más emblemática del cambio reciente de siglo. A 20 años de su inauguración, este artículo explora su relevancia para la... more