War and Literature
Recent papers in War and Literature
The Mediterranean as a Zone (in Pynchon's meaning of the term) in a classic of postmodernist fiction, Joseph Heller's Catch-22.
Course Description: As many as 300,000 children and young people under the age of 18 are currently fighting in conflicts around the world. Hundreds of thousands more have been recruited into armed forces. Although most child soldiers are... more
The corpus of narratives produced in Germany since 1943 about the battle of Stalingrad appears as a multifaceted "grand narrative" in which historiographical and mythical morphology coexist. The Nazi myth of Stalingrad contributed to... more
The graphic novel Maus by Art Spiegelman is the story of the writer’s own parents who survived several Nazi concentration camps, including Auschwitz. In the novel, Jews are depicted as mice and Germans as cats. Spiegelman’s father has... more
Nanpō Shishū is a collection of poetry written by Jinbō Kotarō (1905-1990) when he was serving as a member of the Propaganda Division during the Japanese military occupation of Singapore (Shonan) from 1942 to1945. The poems, which... more
Habemus papam! Ecco il libro forse definitivo sulla Grande Guerra italiana. Lo firma uno studioso appena quarantenne. Segno di un cambio di passo generazionale che finalmente ci permette di affrontare il primo conflitto mondiale sine ira... more
Visual and cultural analysis of Meiji shōnen kaiko 明治少年懐古 (Reminiscences of a Meiji youth, 1944), an illustrated book that nostalgically recalls Japan's late nineteenth and early twentieth century period of modernization. The book is in... more
Both Ernest Hemingway and Giovanni Comisso were involved in the First World War, but while Comisso was a career officer who witnessed the rout of Caporetto and the ensuing chaotic retreat of the Regio Esercito, Hemingway reconstructed the... more
[Spanish language article] .................. Esta es la primera publicación sobre ‘El Aliento y el Barro’ (‘The Spirit and the Clay’), by Shevawn Lynam, en Euskadi o en el estado. Da a conocer la novela como un documento único sobre la... more
Een galery, vol oorloghstafereelen" Vondels Lucifer (1654): oorlogsstuk in debatten over vrede * Helmer Helmers Een van de opwindendste en meest zintuigelijke zeventiende-eeuwse beschrijvingen van een veldslag te vinden is in een... more
El soldado raso Bourne, voluntario del ejército británico destinado al Somme, no es como los demás: su poca presencia física y su manera respetuosa de hablar indican que se trata de un hombre educado y de buena posición. En el ejército,... more
World War I was an extremely destructive war that began in 1914 and lasted until 1918. Britain, which had a defensive agreement with Belgium, entered the war when Germany attacked Belgium. The war affected lives of many people,... more
Since 2005, Iranian writer and veteran of the Iran-Iraq War, Ahmad Dehqan, has emerged as one of the most well-known writers of fiction based on that war. War fiction in Iran (as well as other forms of cultural production about the war)... more
The German invasion of the Netherlands on the 10th of May 1940 was not only a tragedy for the Dutch people; it was also a tragedy for Dutch literature. In a few weeks time, the intellectual leaders of an entire generation would disappear.... more
A Revolution in Rhyme: Poetic Co-option under the Islamic Republic tells the story of the lives and works of Iranian poets whose personal and literary career were shaped by the Iranian revolution in 1979. By drawing on similar examples,... more
The portrayal of Muslim women in the growing literature on the Iran-Iraq War (22 September 1980–20 August 1988), as an ideological reservoir, has been and still remains a highly debatable issue as well as a large academic gap. The... more
War has become a fixture of American culture. It has been a constant background fact of U.S. geopolitics, it forms the theme of countless books, films and games, and despite many deaths and mostly failed military campaigns, it seems to... more
John Steinbeck was prolific during the Depression and War years: 1930-1945. Not only did he write twenty-seven books, but he put his journalist training into action. As an embedded reporter he performed primary research for his novels,... more
Narratives of War considers the way war and battle are remembered and narrated across space and time in Europe in the twentieth century. eds. Nanci Adler, Remco Ensel, Michael Wintle The book reflects on how narratives are generated and... more
SUZUKI Akira (鈴木彰), Rikkyō University
Patrick SCHWEMMER, Sophia University
Saida KHALMIRZAEVA, Hōsei University
Commentator: HYŌDŌ Hiromi (兵藤裕己), Gakushūin University
Organizer: SUGIYAMA Kazuya (杉山和也), Aoyama Gakuin University
Patrick SCHWEMMER, Sophia University
Saida KHALMIRZAEVA, Hōsei University
Commentator: HYŌDŌ Hiromi (兵藤裕己), Gakushūin University
Organizer: SUGIYAMA Kazuya (杉山和也), Aoyama Gakuin University
This article contends that Wordsworth’s treatment of the Discharged Soldier is influenced by a scandal that followed the publication of William Cobbett’s pamphlet The Soldier’s Friend (1792). Cobbett publicized the mistreatment of... more
Chapter Four shifts to adventure and the aesthetic pleasures of killing for one’s country. The cultural text at the heart of the chapter is Robin Moore’s book, The Green Berets (1965), and the song, film, and subgenre of paramilitary pulp... more
Yoko Ogawa’s The Memory Police covers a broad spectrum from totalitarian regime, cultural and individual memories, notion of cognition to the themes such as familial loss, identity and power shifts. Originally published in Japanese in... more
The destructive power and terrifying devastation wrought on civilian populations by the advent of aerial bombing during the Second World War transformed the postwar urban landscape in the 20th Century. In particular, the fallen cities of... more
Râsul supersonic al lui Thomas Pynchon. Sesizăm că s-au produs adevărate mutaţii ale ontologicului, incomodându-ne gândirea, mutaţii care au trecut şi în ficţiunea celor mai curajoşi scriitori. Marea Carte care e lumea (romanului... more
Erikoisjulkaisuja 2 / Enskilda studier 2 / Special Studies 2 Pakkovaltiosta ekodystopiaan -Kotimainen nykydystopia
This contribution focuses on Curzio Malaparte and his works Kaputt and La pelle during Italy's transition from Fascism to democracy. I argue that in his books he rejected the narratives of collective sacrifice and national redemption that... more
Miriam Katin’s two graphic memoirs We Are on Our Own [(2006). Montreal: Drawn & Quarterly] and Letting It Go [(2013). Montreal: Drawn & Quarterly] both reflect on how the trauma of the Holocaust can be transformed through and in art. In... more
In November 2018, the centenary of the end of "the war to end all wars" was commemorated all around the world. World War I affected millions of people and had a profound impact on literature and culture. The paper discusses Dalton... more