Urban Informal Transport
Recent papers in Urban Informal Transport
In addition to publicly-subsidized bus and rail services, transit in Israel is provided by privately-run minibuses called moniot sherut. This informal transit mode is prevalent throughout the country to a far greater extent than in other... more
In cities in the emerging world, public transport networks are governed by a large number of agents, each with their own agendas, priorities, incentives and resources, interacting nonlinearly through complex feedback loops. The transport... more
Informal-Moto-Taxis are a common feature of many ‘emerging’ Asian cities. The following proposes that perhaps potential exists to formalise and integrate these services to act as a feeder to BRT systems. Several BRT systems have... more
Utilising selected ethnographic approaches, this study aims to examine the nature of informal bus-oriented modes of transport within Lagos and the extent to which they co-exist with, or resist, formal modes provided by the state. It also... more
A February 2010 judgment of the Delhi High Court called into question several assumptions underlying policy thinking on the cycle rickshaw sector. Examining these assumptions in the light of new research and advocacy efforts, this article... more
Through selected ethnographic approaches, this study aims to examine the nature of informal bus-oriented modes of transport within Lagos and the extent to which they co-exist with, or resist, formal modes provided by the state. It also... more
This paper discusses how information and communication technologies (ICT) may influence travel behavior of an informal transport system, and whether and in which ways merging digital technologies represents disruption for a specific... more
This paper offers an alternative conceptualization of informality within the transport sector. While it shows that informal transport is a far from trivial component of urban economies, it also highlights the sometimes problematic use of... more
This study examines the role of an urban informal transport sub-sector; the motorcycle taxis (popularly called 'okada'), towards the provision of self-employment and income-generating opportunities for many of the urban unemployed in... more
This paper presents an innovative way of conducting on-board vehicle surveys for minibus taxis using a mobile app to collect route traces, stop locations and importantly individual trip boarding and alighting pairs. On-board surveys were... more
Paratransit forms the basis of public transport systems in many of worlds emerging cities. However, there is limited information available on the extent of operations, the route network and passenger demand. Manual passenger counting... more
The objective of this paper is to introduce the need of a new understanding and conceptualization for Urban Planning in the global south, with a special focus in the Latin American and Colombian context. It will study emergent... more
Article Info Abstract Keywords: Binomial Logistic Regression Density Household Motorcycle Transportation In order to forecast and make provisions for future demand of motorcycle in Akure, there is a need to understand factors driving... more
Lima, as the capital of Peru, has become its first megacity with more than 10 million people in an area that extends over 80 km in a North-South direction. As a city of this size, it faces complex mobility issues with a strong reliance on... more
RESUMO: A história dos motoqueiros santomenses não é muito longa, mas o rápido crescimento do número de pessoas envolvidas neste sector informal de transportes levan-ta várias questões acerca do fenómeno e das consequências sociais e... more
Preliminary research and baseline study report on the matatu workforce in Nairobi, the potential impact of the introduction of Bus Rapid Transit to the city, and policy on inclusion of matatu workers union representatives in the planning... more
Demand-responsive technology has long had theoretical potential in urban mobility (Jokinen, 2011), but the failure of microtransit companies in the US and UK should be noted as cautionary to the trial or implementation of... more
This study examines the role of an urban informal transport sub-sector; the motorcycle taxis (popularly called 'okada'), towards the provision of self-employment and income-generating opportunities for many of the urban unemployed in... more