Urban Informal Transport
Most cited papers in Urban Informal Transport
This study examines the role of an urban informal transport sub-sector; the motorcycle taxis (popularly called 'okada'), towards the provision of self-employment and income-generating opportunities for many of the urban unemployed in... more
This paper discusses how information and communication technologies (ICT) may influence travel behavior of an informal transport system, and whether and in which ways merging digital technologies represents disruption for a specific... more
In cities in the emerging world, public transport networks are governed by a large number of agents, each with their own agendas, priorities, incentives and resources, interacting nonlinearly through complex feedback loops. The transport... more
The objective of this paper is to introduce the need of a new understanding and conceptualization for Urban Planning in the global south, with a special focus in the Latin American and Colombian context. It will study emergent... more
RESUMO: A história dos motoqueiros santomenses não é muito longa, mas o rápido crescimento do número de pessoas envolvidas neste sector informal de transportes levan-ta várias questões acerca do fenómeno e das consequências sociais e... more