Public Transport
Recent papers in Public Transport
In developing countries, like India, the increasing horizontal spread of the cities and the decentralized nature of development have led to the increased travelling demand. In order to suffice the people’s need for travelling, various... more
This paper builds a theory of deregulation and roll-out of on-road competition in the public transport sector. Focusing on the dimensions of competition, ownership and authorisation, we identify five distinct regulatory regimes: public... more
This article reflects upon the impact that technology and innovation has had on urban development. From NASA's Landstat program, to Google maps and GPS, technlogy has had a significant impact on urban planning and land use law. The... more
This study examines whether exposure to supermarkets and fast food outlets varies with neighborhood-level socioeconomic status in Edmonton, Canada. Only market area and fast food proximity predicted supermarket exposure. For fast food... more
A sustainable transport system should provide mobility and accessibility to every urban neighbourhood in a safe, sound and environmentfriendly way of transport. There is increase in the use of personal transport in the urban area. The... more
Este trabajo trata sobre la caracterizacion, o perfil de conducta que muestran los conductores de los vehiculos automotores moto-taxi, que circulan en la via publica, describiendo la forma en que se conducen dentro del municipio de... more
This paper describes some results from a project investigating the effects of car use on children's health and potential car dependency. The paper commences by describing the whole project in terms of its objectives and work packages. The... more
Abstract: In Malaysia, the rapid increase in the use of own transport prompted by inadequate public transport has resulted in increased traffic congestion, accidents, inadequate parking space and air pollution among other evils. This... more
A game theoretic conceptual framework model is presented to highlight strategies undertaken by individual public transport operators, public or private, vis-à-vis operational integration strategies. The Nash equilibrium is used to... more
El término “movilidad urbana” hace referencia al conjunto de desplazamientos que realizan los ciudadanos dentro de un entorno urbano para satisfacer sus necesidades diarias. Si se combina con la idea de sostenibilidad, entendida como... more
The paper attempts to identify factors that influence modal split for journeys to work in cities with populations of between 100 thousand and 500 thousand in Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK. The sample consisted of 34... more
This paper investigates the capability of Sweep Algorithm in solving the vehicle routing problem for public transport The Sweep Algorithm is firstly introduced as a method to search shortest route in the vehicle routing problem. In order... more
A disaggregate spatial analysis, using enumeration district data for London was conducted with the aim of examining how congestion may affect traffic safety. It has been hypothesized that while congested traffic conditions may increase... more
A paper on the first accessible hourly London bus service titled "Careline" shared as a prelude to a forth coming paper by the author on the implications of it's service.
Traveler attitudes and preferences as well as demographic variables are important components in the travel behavior process. Using travel attitudes a factor and cluster analysis were conducted to segment the sample. Six distinct groups... more
With rising population and increasing migration to the cities, it is expected that the urban population will increase and many more metropolitan cities will arise. Urban transport will also increase due to the high growth in population,... more
Systematic tabu search (TS)-based heuristic methods are put forward in this article and applied for the design of public transportation networks with variable demand. A multi-objective nonlinear mixed integer model is formulated. Solution... more
The aim of this research is to contribute to the development of public transport services for a heavily cardependent society. The paper investigates, through a set of actual empirical data, an optimal structure to improve the bus system... more
Housing has always been about privilege and scarce resources, since it has exchange as well as use value. One of those scarcities is the locational advantage of access to home, work and other amenities. Sydney's transport and housing has... more
This is a comparative study of the levels of government subvention in urban public transport in European cities. It was carried out by the Department of Economics in University College Dublin for the Department of Public Enterprise. The... more
Abstract: The car is the second (40%) most common mode of transportation in Malaysia. The rapid increase in the use of personal transportation has its roots in the weak Malaysian public transport system. As a result, traffic congestion,... more
The pressing need for uniform data reporting and accounting procedures has been noted by officials at many levels of government. In order to serve more than one agency, a transportation provider must frequently comply with distinct... more
Urban passenger transportation in the U.S. has been heavily dependent on car modes, mainly due to prevailing trends in urban development. However, transportation mode choice studies are currently limited to micro-level and regional-level... more
Tematem pracy jest analiza możliwości przedłużenia trasy tramwajowej na osiedle mieszkaniowe Różany Potok w Poznaniu. Celem pracy było opracowanie koncepcji oraz opracowanie wstępnego projektu przebiegu przedłużenia trasy tramwajowej wraz... more
With rapid economic development, higher income levels, urbanization and other socioeconomic drivers, people's lifestyles in China have changed remarkably over the last 50 years. This paper uses the IPAT model (where I = Impact... more
Governments in many countries are experimenting with alternative methods for reducing car use, including congestion charges, increased fuel taxation, and improved public transport. This paper raises another possibility. Not only could... more
The paper is devoted to the timetabling problem and interval synchronization in urban public communication, which is considered as an important issue in urban transport networks with long overlapping route segments. The main objective of... more
The 77 GHz band has been reserved for intelligent cruise control in luxury cars and some public transport services in America and the United Kingdom. The Rotman lens offers a cheap and compact means to extend the single beam systems... more
The main problem for the blind and visually impaired is getting to a destination accurately by foot or public transport. With the advancement of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, the blind and visually impaired can use many... more
The rapid aging of the American population has raised a number of concerns relating to senior mobility. The New Freedom (NF) program, which was designed to go ―above and beyond‖ the transportation requirements of the Americans with... more
The transport sector contributes significantly to the emission of global greenhouse gases (GHGs) resulting in a rise in global temperature and climate change. A troubling aspect of emissions from the transport sector is that they are... more
Evolution of public road transportation system requires analysis and planning tools to improve the service quality. A wide range of road transportation simulation tools exist with a variety of applications in planning, training and... more
Experience of light rail, metro and other urban rail transit schemes shows they can play a significant role in improving the attractiveness and quality of urban public transport. In terms of the high cost of rail transit systems, land... more