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      Transit oriented developmentTransportation PlanningBRT and MRT
Traffic congestion is one of the major problems of Dhaka. With a view to get rid of this problem, miscellaneous measures like constructing new roads, regulations on the roads etc. has been implemented which actually exhort motorized... more
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      BRT and MRTBicyclesBicycle and Pedestrian Transportation
Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is the largest and most industrialized city with 15 million people. Due to rapid unplanned development, versatile land use, rapid population growth, poor public transport system and increase of... more
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      Public TransportBRT and MRTBus Rapid Transit
Indoor Building Coverage (IBC) is one of solution that can be applied to solve blank spot problem inside the building. Blank spot problem is caused by when the radio wave is propagated through multipath environment and experiences various... more
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      3G and 4G technologiesBRT and MRTNs3 Network Simulation
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      Transport PlanningBRT and MRTDevelopment along BRT Corridor
Informal-Moto-Taxis are a common feature of many ‘emerging’ Asian cities. The following proposes that perhaps potential exists to formalise and integrate these services to act as a feeder to BRT systems. Several BRT systems have... more
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      Environmental SustainabilitySustainable Urban PlanningBRT and MRTUrban Informal Transport
While the profile of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has been raised owing to many success cases, substantial barriers to its planning and implementation persist. This article compared two contrasting efforts to implement BRT systems in cities... more
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      Public TransportBrisbaneBRT and MRTPublic transportation
Bangkok has failed in the implementation of its BRT system. The single line in operation since 2010 stretches only 15 km and transports merely 15,000 passengers daily. This article examines the reasons why Bangkok has (so far) been unable... more
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      Public TransportDeveloping CountriesThailandBRT and MRT
The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Corridor in Delhi was anointed as a controversial urban transportation development project even before it began functioning. There has been immense discussion and criticism of the project in mass media, which... more
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      Indian studiesUrban PlanningUrban StudiesEnvironmentalism
Department of Energy of Philippines statistics reveal that from 2000 to 2010, the road transport fuel consumption and corresponding CO2 emissions have grown modestly with an annual growth rate of 0.5%. This modest growth is in contrast to... more
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      EnergyBRT and MRTFuel Economy StandardsTransport Emissions
Il trasporto su gomma è, nel panorama dei trasporti collettivi in sede propria (TCSP), quello con minore capacità ma maggiore economia di implementazione, non necessitando di infrastrutture proprie. Il paper illustra i risultati di una... more
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      Transportation EngineeringTransportation StudiesPublic TransportBRT and MRT
Uganda decided to develop a BRT for its capital city Kampala, to be financed by the World Bank. ROM, Arup and AH developed a lean and flexible concept that fits to local conditions and made the design for the BRT pilot corridor. The... more
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      Public TransportBRT and MRTBRT
Permasalahan perkotaan dewasa ini semakin hangat dibicarakan karena keterkaitannya dengan hampir segala aspek kehidupan manusia. Perkembangan kegiatan suatu kota sering menjadi tumpuan harapan masyarakat sehingga mereka berduyun-duyun... more
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      ConsultingBRT and MRTMass Transport
The prevailing model of development of urban areas is increasingly oriented to a territorial isotropy, notwithstanding the evidences of a considerable literature. This is due to the absence of mathematical models able to translate this... more
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      Transportation EngineeringPublic TransportEnvironmental SustainabilityBRT and MRT
Motorisation is increasing globally, especially in major cities of Asia and the Gulf region. To illustrate, over the last decades, Doha, the capital city of Qatar, has experienced a fast urban growth along with a wide increase in the need... more
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      Public TransportTransport PlanningBRT and MRTQatar Doha
Over the past two decades, four Australian capital cities (Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney) have implemented Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) within their Urban Public Transport (UPT) networks. This has resulted in extensive BRT networks... more
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      Public TransportBRT and MRT
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      Artificial IntelligenceQueueing theoryNumerical AnalysisComputational Mathematics
Después de analizar la Caracterización del Sistema BRT Transmilenio S.A [1] en donde se definen factores que influyen en la variación, los parámetros como el hacinamiento, la relación Tiempo de espera Vs Tiempo total de viaje y la... more
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      Modeling and SimulationOperations research and OptimizationBRT and MRTBRT