Recent papers in Self-Employment
In order to accept this Student Recruiter agreement with the College of Mental Health Counselling, you must believe in and agree with the value of learning about counselling through the online course described at, and... more
The paper discusses policy issues related to entrepreneurship education in higher education and how entrepreneurship education may be related to the science-industry link. The first part of the paper is dedicated to the rationale for... more
Ante la imposibilidad del mercado laboral de absorber la mano de obra disponible, y la dificultad para hacer frente al pago de los subsidios, los discursos ensalzando el autoempleo se han multiplicado en diferentes campos: las políticas... more
Actual: 28/03/2015 2 [González Menéndez and Cueto] STYLE Working Papers are peer-reviewed outputs from the project. The series is edited by the project coordinator Professor Jacqueline O'Reilly. These working papers... more
Free Movement of People offers new opportunities for European Union citizens migrating into the single market. Th is does however, bring controversy and public debates. Th is paper’s focus is placed on the “Polish plumber” case – a symbol... more
A concise history of the socio-economic effects of the chicle industry on gender-role and self-employment in Western Belize.
Necessity entrepreneurship has been much debated in research and policy. This paper examines the impact of necessity as a start-up motive on subsequent entrepreneurial satisfaction. Empirically, the paper is based on a sample of 777... more
The ageing of the population in advanced economies has increasingly attracted scholarly and policy interest. It has been argued that older entrepreneurship can be used to prolong the working lives of older people and to provide them with... more
En France, la transformation des transports publics particuliers de personnes (T3P) s’accompagne de l’apparition des plateformes numériques, autour desquelles se développent de nouveaux services de mobilité. L’expansion de ces nouveaux... more
Cet article contribue à l’analyse d’une voie de promotion sociale peu étudiée : il explore les ascensions sociales par un métier commercial. Il s’appuie, pour ce faire, sur des analyses statistiques et une enquête ethnographique sur les... more
Abstract- In India most of the people are depending upon small scale businesses as their source of livelihood. Most of the individuals depend on unorganized sectors for loans and other credit facilities which have high rate of interest... more
The exponential growth of freelance working arrangements and the reshaping of the labour market through digital transformation bring new challenges in terms of the ways employment is accessed and exercised, and workers protected. As... more
Against the backdrop of deindustrialization and the rise of the service economy, small artisan businesses have been promoted as a liberatory alternative to large-scale enterprise and mass production in the wake of the 2007 global... more
Il documento riunisce gli estratti di alcuni contributi pubblicati nel "Codice Civile commentato con dottrina e giurisprudenza", diretto da Massimo Franzoni, Rita Rolli e Giuseppe De Marzo per i tipi di Giappichelli e uscito in prima... more
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على مدى تأثير العوامل البيئية والشخصية على نجاح ممارسات العمل الحر في قطاع غزة، وتكون مجتمع الدراسة من خريجي مؤسسات التعليم العالي في قطاع غزة العاملين لحسابهم الخاص عبر شبكة الانترنت. استخدم الباحث المنهج... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
Résumé Des déterminants du choix du futur diplômé de l'Université de Lomé (UL) sont identifiés, testes empiriquement et compares à partir de données d'enquêtes d'intention et d'opinion effectuées en 1988 et en 2003. La mauvaise... more
Entrepreneurship is a typical global phenomenon attracting millions of economists, Politicians and social workers. In developed countries, entrepreneurship has gained attention in the last century. But in developing countries, it has been... more
By comparing the current reform process under President Raúl Castro to Cuba’s opening to market capitalism during the 1990s Special Period crisis, Everyday Adjustments in Havana: Economic Reforms, Mobility, and Emerging Inequalities... more
This study mainly tried to address the question why individuals choose self-employment. Beside this, it deals with investigating the factors that result in income variation among the self-employed individuals. In assessing the... more
Self-employment is becoming more common among individuals around the world. Self-employment refers to individuals who earn a living from a profession or business like a businessman instead of earning salary from other organizations. In... more
Anti-poverty strategy comprises of a wide range of poverty alleviation and employment generation programmes, many of which have been in operation for several years and have been strengthened to generate more employment, create productive... more
We review the top 21 ways you can get paid to watch videos online without investment.
Unemployment has become a global challenge to governments the world over; economic collapse has become a global reality. In Botswana young people are being innovative in order to create self-employment for themselves and others. The... more
When first exploring the idea of zwischennutzung the initial attraction was the idea of temporality, and the minimal investment required to transform a vacant space into a place where people spend their time. When describing the concept... more
OUTLINE La gig-economy in Italia: le piattaforme della food-delivery • Gli attori • Gli schemi contrattuali • Le concrete modalità di esecuzione del rapporto «la piattaforma impartisce ordini, impone una divisa, monitora la prestazione,... more
This study looks at the Nigeria personal income tax administration and the challenges and prospects of assessing the self-employed. The following objectives were outlined in lieu of the research topic: analyze the reasons people avoid... more
Freelancers work for companies, but also apart from them - at home, on site, or in shared workspaces. This chapter examines how clients and freelancers manage and organise the employment relationship at a distance. Utilising interview... more
Self-employed individuals generally face high work demands such as long working hours and high levels of responsibility. They have a higher risk of suffering from stress-related health problems than the general population, yet they report... more
(Mülakat: Elif Akgül) 2020'den beri yükselen ve 2022'nin başında gündeme damga vuran işçi direnişlerini, yeni örgütlenme biçimlerini ve kadınların bu örgütlenmelerdeki pozisyonunu İstanbul İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Meclisi gönüllüsü,... more
The aim of this paper is to review the various policy approaches that can be used to tackle entrepreneurship in the shadow economy. To do this, it firstly reviews four possible policy options, namely taking no action, eradicating shadow... more
This chapter investigates creative labour – specifically but not exclusively the work that takes place in creative industries like graphic design, advertising and branding – in its connection with two appearances of crisis in the... more
The subjective well-being of self-employed people has not received adequate attention. Our analysis focuses on how individuals' universal needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness affect the happiness of self-employed persons,... more
This chapter uses empirical findings to oppose the resonant discourses of liberation presented in postoperaist accounts of 'immaterial labour' and their modern proponents, which envision a world of work in which a creative multitude... more
This volume collects papers given at the 42nd conference of the GIREA, held in September 2019 at the University of Wrocław. It is modestly intended to continue the research in which two recent works have already engaged: Hermenéutica de... more
A series of blogs produced for the LSE's Business Review about the growth of precarious work and the impact on working people.
In twentieth-century Austria, the share of self-employed in the workforce was declining. Yet, this was not a necessary and linear development. Nor did it concern all trades in the same way. Moreover, in the first decades of the century,... more
Este capítulo de libro expone y analiza la posibilidad de utilizar el contrato de mandato
como un instrumento de autoempleo. Asimismo, resuelve los problemas que de esta aplicación pudieran
como un instrumento de autoempleo. Asimismo, resuelve los problemas que de esta aplicación pudieran
Online platforms have disrupted parts of the capitalist economy, with allegedly severe consequences in the world of work. It is difficult to assess the potential magnitude of this effect, however, because little is known about the... more